The Sleepy Hotel Collection: 3 Hours of Cozy Bedtime Stories

The Sleepy Hotel Collection: 3 Hours of Cozy Bedtime Stories

Stephen Dalton Sleep Stories

7 месяцев назад

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@laurenfrederick2642 - 05.03.2025 07:26

Still love these ❤❤❤

@ridaejaz6802 - 05.03.2025 07:21

Sleepy hotel is best, try to use same voice calmnes in other stories as well u go really slownin it and it helps

@ValAndrews-fd7ti - 04.03.2025 14:34

Love this Stephen thank you! I love the sea and rain and cozy fire! Love your stories. Cheers

@mysticalstory-s5w - 03.03.2025 22:21


@evzonasfamily3133 - 21.02.2025 22:42

Ooohh my...2 weeks...fall asleep before you even get to the story😂...Yhank you

@sarahl3989 - 19.02.2025 09:50

I wish I could listen to the whole story but then I wouldn’t be asleep 😅😂

@LisaMcGill-n1k - 18.02.2025 11:12

Hello my friend...thank you for the sleep...

@zeniarodriguez-febo4113 - 14.02.2025 10:08

I’ve fell asleep to many of your stories and I know we are all here because insomnia has taken a toll on us because of personal reasons like for me in just 24hrs my husband went to rehab so this is my first night alone and I feel so alone and worried I want to sleep but I am afraid to wake up for that 1 minute and freak out because that’s when reality hits me and I don’t want to panic. I just want to sleep because everything is good and not because I’m struggling. It’s 2:07am rn and I’m not at all sleepy but I’m going to try now.
Thank you sir
A 2 month fan.

@HappyDaysHappyNights - 12.02.2025 08:25

Thanks. Magical! ❤Following a foot operation I was having trouble sleeping. I came across this by chance and it has certainly given me comfort during the long, long nights. Will forever be grateful.

@janetshanks7566 - 09.02.2025 13:31

Thank you so much. Just found your channel. Lovely voice, lovely accent, so relaxing.

@luciemarinov129 - 24.01.2025 13:05

So very happy to listen to this long story again because I wake up several times at night! So healing, love the rain , your soothing voice and the imagery! Love from California thankGod it’s not burning where I am in the 🌵 High Desert! Usually I listen to the beautiful 5hour session with the unicorn story which is my absolute favorite because those stories are so magical!!❤❤❤

@amandaself9437 - 17.01.2025 08:59

how about sleepy hotel in london or paris

@HeatherLundin - 15.12.2024 17:15

I'm excited to take my husband with me tonight😊

@sillysuga6464 - 11.12.2024 14:43

We love u Mr slumber everynight I fall asleep to your voice couldn’t imagine not

@sophoenixrising2336 - 03.12.2024 11:54

Thank you my friend. The sleepy hotel stories are truly a special gift to those of us who seek comfort and desperately need sleep.

@jennas1719 - 29.11.2024 06:57

First of all I can't get enough of your videos! I love the routine of it...the talkdown beginnings, the perfect duration of material per video--not to mention the hyper-descriptive ear candy content! Imagination jet-fuel! I love the soft rain like in this one and the campervan series...since you are always telling us to give you ideas of where we want to go and the like, you should describe like, for instance, laying down for sleep in a fabric tent and looking at the campfire as it crackles through the darkness or describe the street lights coming through the blinds as the character who lives in a high rise apartment tries to know describe what's around and the falling asleep process.. that's guaranteed pass out material there!

I'm a total superfan!

So glad Timmy is doing lots better!

@hhgh702 - 19.11.2024 12:33

I also want to read something for your channel

@sophoenixrising2336 - 16.11.2024 14:15

Desperately need more sleepy hotel stories please!! They're the only thing that make me feel safe when my sleep disorder is raging ❤

@tg3704 - 09.11.2024 04:34

I don’t know if anyone has asked for this sleep story but I would love to hear one about Hawaii - Sleepy Hotel Hawaii!

@HollyHlokk - 03.11.2024 00:07

I have to tell you, I absolutely love these stories. This is my go-to sleep story on days when there is not a new one or I wake-up in the middle of the night. Thank you!

@amanjsalehi - 20.10.2024 23:53


@rosemariegrant444 - 19.10.2024 20:17

I also enjoy the sleepy hotel series. I would like on all of your stories that in with a prolonged rain to be a more softer rain sound. The heavy rain sound wakes me up and then I have to start all over. The same goes with the ocean sounds. At the end of the stories often times there is just either rain or ocean sounds and I personally would like them to be softer. My favorite are the Celtic stories and the hotels stories. I do wish at the lead characters in the stories had a lead female Sometimes. The wool shop lady is the only one, and frankly it doesn’t do it for me. My husband of 69 years passed away in December of last year. Up until finding your stories, I would go days without sleep. But your stories have helped me through and now I can’t seem to sleep without them. I tried one night when my iPad Wi-Fi wouldn’t work and I was awake until about 4 AM reading.. I have recommended your stories to three other ladies and they all say they have the same results so please keep up the good work for us.

@lisao4552 - 19.10.2024 16:35

I listen mainly through the TV so cannot like at the time of listening. The funny thing is I have only ever heard parts of your stories when I wake up. I am usually asleep before the relaxation count down hits 4.

@ms-ow7hv - 17.10.2024 00:24


@nicolettepeterson3577 - 08.10.2024 06:48

Could you do more sleep stories on the beach

@nicolettepeterson3577 - 07.10.2024 08:16

My favorite sleep stories are the sleepy hotels, rainy ones, beach ones and the town of sleep ones

@suzannecossette1879 - 06.10.2024 13:06

You're a Horn-dog!
Thanks for you being you!

@LoloTsh-m7w - 06.10.2024 03:13

I feel sorry for you because you don't have Stephen Dalton in your life to listen to
Thank you for your effort, I am addicted to your work💮💮

@lincruise5275 - 03.10.2024 22:57

Thank you Stephen🤗 I listen daily 🙏 even if I have listen before ! I often sleep before finish your wonderful story . You really have a voice that's magic❤🙏 LOVE always, dear man of my of my peace and rest.Thank you so much 💖

@pamelamyers9613 - 22.09.2024 05:08

This is my first time listening to one of your stories. Your Irish accent is such a bonus for me! Lovely voice and rate of speech. Comforting.
Thank you, Stephen. ❤

@rowanstephenson3192 - 21.09.2024 22:36

Me and my little dog sooo love your voice … my doggy is now snowing thank you S D xxx

@michelleoneal8157 - 20.09.2024 03:16

I was having a very difficult time falling asleep. I didn’t want to take any meds to help and, thankfully, I didn’t need to. I found you. Thank you so much.

@b4mmer4ng90 - 19.09.2024 14:03

Trying out the sleepy hotels tonight 😊 goodnight everyone

@erin967 - 19.09.2024 05:44

Just a suggestion but if you could play a celestial type music/ sounds instead of piano that’d be great… the piano sounds keep me awake :(

@deniselittles4160 - 17.09.2024 08:09

Thank you for your stories love them nice voice ❤

@gailnewcomb8256 - 10.09.2024 16:34

Really nice and it helps me sleep. ❤ Thanks!

@luciemarinov129 - 09.09.2024 15:35

I love 💕 it when u have sleep stories of several hours because I wake up often during the night and when your voice is still on it helps me to go back to sleep rather than having to start another story . I’ll listen to this again this morning! Thanks again so very much! ❤from California!

@intothemystic3374 - 08.09.2024 17:54

Apppreciate the mystical touch of entering a portal and Norse legend---more of those please. I do self guided shamanic journeys with a hoop drum so my body and psyche resonates deeply with the otherworldly guided meditations here. The sound effects, winds and snow crunching underfoot then the smell of the snowy air transports me to these locations. For me, its more than a sleep story. These locations are real places beyond time and space which not only help to relax and fall asleep but are healing. Thank you Mr Dalton for sharing your gifts.

@zoesharrock5701 - 04.09.2024 01:06

Please bring out more sleep hotel ones please

@louannwilde6381 - 23.08.2024 08:05

Thank you for your stories that put my life in order..timmy is a beautiful two make a great team....pleasant dreams to you...

@serenity3234 - 15.08.2024 07:31

This is my ultimate favorite ❤.

@chelsieburgess717 - 12.08.2024 06:21

This video is my go to every night! I fall asleep so fast I don't think I make it far past the relaxation bit lol Thank u Stephen for all of your videos ❤❤

@haleyksvl - 11.08.2024 23:38

I love the sleepy hotels. #1 is my favorite. Please do more!

@KikiVapes - 07.08.2024 19:08

Suggestion: Hotel of Sleep, The Arctic

@pixiehownot1287 - 02.08.2024 20:02

❤❤ funny i could hear rhe live u feel from all of us in ur voice tonight.... Im sooo glad u feel it ... I hope ur dad is recovering and rhat life is being kind to u all xoxo

@randomunicorn1578 - 01.08.2024 08:58

I just found you about 4 days ago. I have had the best sleep in a very long time thanks to you and your amazingly calming voice! I shared this video with several of my friends. Everyone loves it! I just have one question. How do you read these and not fall asleep yourself? 😊Goodnight and sweet dreams 😴💤

@ziba818 - 25.07.2024 03:23

i fell asleep when i was listening to something else but i just woke up and this was bring played. I was having a nightmare. I felt an old figure talking to me with this voice. I could see her or his long old and skinny all bone finger moving slowly up around my head and getting close to me slowly. there was also a little girl figure sleeping next to me she was also half sleep and moving so. she was much closer to me and I also felt the bite on my finger. something was also moving behind me. the old figure was constantly talking and I was screeming loud for help in my sleep.
I saw myself in my bedroom at my parents and I was shouting mom and dad for help. I knew they are sleeping and I was shouting loud hoping they hear me out.
In the nightmare I could not move easyly but I was trying to open my cell phone screen luck to throw some light in their faces so they go away.
ooooooof such a nasty nightmare.
I woke up just now and I could hear that old thing talking with this voice and I am scared the shit out of me.
I fell my throught hurts of shouting I feel the pain. and I feel very weird and am afraid to go back to sleep.
as soon as I woke up I could just turn off the volume and the brightness was very low I could not stop the video and I just wrote everything down here so to take the image of my mind.
I feel terrible headache and my body is drowned in sweat.
I feel heavy exhaustion and so wiered.
still not feel comfortable going back to sleep.
such a wierd nightmare I feel weird in my stomach.
this voice scared me bad. I don't mean to be rude but I just had this experience and I am close to burst in tears.
I could feel like I was being called to death but I was scared and didn't want to go with them.
ugh the image of those long fingers and the kids eye still in the back of my eye and that voice.
I wish I was not alone at home. it is about 4 am and I am super scared.
such a nightmare. I feel my heart may burst any minute.ااا

@tiasmum893 - 24.07.2024 23:19

I am addicted to these stories, I now realise that this is the only thing that I can listen to that I can guarantee I fall to sleep to every time, it's very calming.
