Matchmaster vs Autotrickler V4

Matchmaster vs Autotrickler V4

Mons Altus Group

2 года назад

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@jamesm1334 - 06.08.2022 16:09

A great comparison and well executed test.

@fasteddie2413 - 26.08.2022 18:27

Nice comparison. What are your settings on the Matchmaster?

@frankcessna7345 - 03.09.2022 05:15

What is the price point deference between the 2 devices.

@thepanman99 - 08.10.2022 21:59

How much do you think that .02 variation in loads will show up on paper? Is it relative or negligible?

@luckyshotammunitiongunsllc2369 - 15.10.2022 20:07

What is on your plaque on the A&D fx 120i .. iv never seen that befor and it looks like an easy way to keep powder off of it. Can you please share a link of where you got it

@luckyshotammunitiongunsllc2369 - 15.10.2022 20:09

Is that something from etsy

@lukeclement1981 - 05.11.2022 11:23

AD120i is ten times the scale the match master is. Match master should be $600 bc at $899 it’s over priced imo compared to what $1100 V4 will run you.


Cool video

@nathancartwright1748 - 06.11.2022 22:06

This is a great comparison. Exactly what I was looking for. He compares the scales at the end. Two thumbs up. 👍🏻 👍🏻

@sureshottactical5403 - 14.11.2022 16:29

Good video. Thanks. What settings do you use for the MatchMaster for extruded powders like Varget and Reloder 16?

@Sharberboy - 01.12.2022 00:11

Good video.

@levigne25 - 05.12.2022 09:37

How about you try this test . We all know the A&D fx120i can weigh one kernel of powder at a time , try to see if the match master can weight one kernel . If it can’t keep adding one kernel at a time to the match master and let us know how many kernels it took before it displays a weight . Thanks .

@LetsPlayanakonda - 21.12.2022 01:20

Hey guys, is it possible to put sugar in this machine?

@jamesmooney5348 - 23.12.2022 02:47

Very good.

@jamesmooney5348 - 23.12.2022 02:47

You'd still go with either?

@jetthreat5000 - 23.12.2022 17:54

If you’re going to buy a match master, you might as well save a little more money for a AutoTrickler or Supertrickler. Both of those use the same scale which uses magnetic force restoration vs a strain gauge that the RCBS uses.

@Aldocello1 - 22.02.2023 11:52

Almost bought the matchmaster a while back but that flashing green background light is just obnoxious so i waited and now have thje V4 and im glad , the V4 / AND combo is far superior

@ReefMimic - 18.03.2023 06:31

Difference in price? I can buy a lot of ammo for the price of those 2

@SC-us1hs - 01.04.2023 22:45

1 year warranty on the matchmaster!

@shannonsmith4986 - 10.04.2023 01:55

did you use the same weights to calibrate each of the scales?

@shawnkautz8508 - 22.04.2023 18:54

Good video, however, weighing the powder on one scale and then weighing the charge on another is subjective.

@GregGibson-r1g - 02.05.2023 04:30

What software are you using to tweak the matchmaster?

@davidrjonesjr - 09.09.2023 05:42

I bought a Matchmaster to replace my venerable Chargemaster 1500. I was a piece of junk! It was a PITA to use, Change powders etc. It only worked for a couple months before it quit working. Fortunately Scheels let me return it. I ordered a AutoTrickler V4 and it’s simply in another league altogether. Don’t buy a Matchmaster! The less expensive RCBS models are very good if you want the very best try an AutoTrickler or other that uses the FX scales

@JarrodICT - 25.11.2023 22:40

Running $799 today everywhere, of course its right after Thanksgiving. That makes the RCBS half the price of the other set up.

@Johnny-jr2lq - 10.12.2023 06:49

I have both as well and I find myself using the RCBS for pistol loads for my revolvers. And the Auto Trickler for my rifle loads just for a heads up. Never put H110 in your Auto Trickler you will be cleaning it for at least a half hour. I also wish someone would really take the time to learn it. Then sit down and make a detailed video explaining it. You really can’t find much information about it.

@Lucysdad66 - 16.12.2023 04:29

I've got the lee and it runs pertty consistent speed wise it's probably a little faster then the rcbs and it only has one tube.

@joshaudet - 04.01.2024 06:10

Even if the Matchmaster is “off” compared to anything else, as long as you only do your load development with that scale, that’s all that matters.

@letsgobrandon7158 - 27.03.2024 06:23

Just got my match master in. Did testing, comparison, setup. I am getting good accurate reading. was wondering on the settings you customized. You are getting a good bit more speed than i am. Im running H1000. Thanks.

@italianrelic - 16.05.2024 02:42

Man I could care less about anything rcbs

@Johnsormani - 01.06.2024 11:52

All the rcbs, hornady and frankford arsenal autotricklers are non serviceable and you can throw them away if there is something wrong with them. They are all very very cheaply made, which the cheapest of scales and cheapest minimal electronics. They work when they work , and that might be enough for many people but the autotrickler is more of a long term investment . I’m going to build my own trickler soon, since my hornady is having more and more issues ( sometimes doesn’t turn on, can’t be calibrated anymore etc)
