Hello Jebus & Amber Great unboxing Be safe God bless!
ОтветитьSo the downstairs bathroom is where you DragonBall Pee?
ОтветитьDo you have a glow in the dark Goku
ОтветитьWhen you found the Dragon Ball Z minis in the storage unit was awesome. You were like a kid on Christmas morning knowing something good was under the tree. You two are so cute together. I love watching you. When you make goofs you leave it in & that is so fun to watch something that happen & you can laugh too.
ОтветитьHi guy's I'm no good at the names of them but i do like the one in the army gear .x
ОтветитьProb have it all already but there’s a bunch of dbz stuff on clearance online at GameStop currently.
ОтветитьI love your treasure hunting videos.
ОтветитьTrying to get stuff shipped from China SUCKS.
ОтветитьHi amber love that shirt on you
ОтветитьYou guys are gonna have a toy store not a house
ОтветитьI have not seen any Bardock yet! My son calls Freza my spirit animal for some reason
ОтветитьI'm trying to learn this stuff. I never realized Round 1 is Japanese based. Watching claw game's at R1 on UTUBE to help learn.
ОтветитьSorry you two I don’t know dragon ball Z.
ОтветитьI started watching your dumpster diving show and the storage units and finally this channel. I work nights and I became very interested in your channels.
ОтветитьCheck out Shia hauls collection on here as well. Just as impressive.many large statues.
ОтветитьLuv watching you two geek out on the new figures. ❤❤😂
ОтветитьI am . I just got done watching the resent video
ОтветитьI love dragon ball my son watched it when he was little
ОтветитьU can tell u two grew up together ur like just talking n finishing each other’s comments.. u two are the coolest best friends
ОтветитьI love dragon ball
ОтветитьI'm that one person that came here and didn't watch. But I will now. I don't really get into dragon Ball but I love your enthusiasm so I watch to see The Joy on your faces God bless you all
Ответить"Promo SM"
ОтветитьZamaKu would be good for goku black
Ответитьi just found your channel
Ответитьog wall scroll with bardock and goku
ОтветитьI'm that one person that found this channel before your main one
ОтветитьI love you GUYZ, I love dragon ball z, since I was 8 yrs old. Now I am 41 yrs old, fun hir from phillippines …
ОтветитьAlways thought Cooler looked more bad ass than his brother
ОтветитьI love goku
ОтветитьGoku in the military
Ответитьthat ssj3 broly is badass for sure. i really like the figs that have some kind of scene going on.
ОтветитьSuper buu is stronger than kid buu for the record!
ОтветитьSuper buu is actually stronger than kid buu. Kid buu was just stated to be more dangerous due to how feral and violent he was. Goku stated he had no chance against super buu even with SSJ3 and yet SSJ3 is shown to be roughly equal to kid buu, therefore Super buu is the strongest form of buu.
ОтветитьGoku and Vegeta had to fuse to beat Buuhan. A full power SSJ3 Goku could've beat Kid Buu. Its pretty obvious who's stronger. More menacing doesn't mean strength.
ОтветитьI don't know if you noticed Ross and Marshall's has dbz now
Ответитьdragon ball heroes is not fanmade
ОтветитьDB Heroes isnt fan made. Its a japanese only release to promote the video game
ОтветитьSuper Dragon Ball Heroes is actually a card game turned into promotional anime made by Bandai namco which is based on the time patroller concept
Ответитьapparently I'm that one dude. I didn't even know this wasn't your main channel x)
ОтветитьI havent watched your main channel but i love this one, partiually inspired me to start ny collection
ОтветитьThat tan statue of goku after goku black is farmer goku
ОтветитьLove your videos and have been watching for a long time. I just now finally pulled the trigger on a whole bunch of aliexpress figures just from watching all of your videos. So actually no, Super Dragon Ball Heroes is not fan-made, but it is a promotional series for the Dragon Ball Heroes video game and card games. Toei Animation produced the series, which ran from July 2018 to August 2024 and released 56 episodes.
ОтветитьWow cool new collection!
I like the super saiyans the most.
One piece