Low Tier God Wants To Be The Saltiest Deadbeat Father Alive

Low Tier God Wants To Be The Saltiest Deadbeat Father Alive


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@Mf-wolf - 07.08.2024 21:58

Here we have subject 42

The Dalerog is the only human to be immune to strokes and high cholesterol his main body sustenance and driving force Sodium chloride (NaCl) aka salt some say this mutation has transcended humanity and dubbed him homo-dalerogitus also known as lolrog

@Mf-wolf - 07.08.2024 22:05

Nice captured footage from the national nicholai dale rog observation task force 🫡 doing a service to nat geo wild scientific community

@A3manAMG - 07.08.2024 22:28

Layered gameplay from a layered bum and deadbeat.

@austinp973 - 07.08.2024 22:41

"Remedial" doesn't mean what you think it does, scholar.

@dartfeld9810 - 07.08.2024 22:47

Redeeming your points and beating Dale once at any game = getting banned for two weeks

@STEEZYmcSTEEZEalot - 08.08.2024 00:07

I love when LTG goes up 2 rounds to 0 in a Nicholai video bc I know he’s about to get swept 💀

@judevernichter2.0 - 08.08.2024 00:14

That Baraka player did a colonoscopy on Dale's ass without permission,no wonder he was so mad.

@wrestlingtae - 08.08.2024 00:24

I’m glad that Viper destroyed him, clearly they played at 2%😂

@marquissheats9639 - 08.08.2024 00:27

Yes li mei.... haven't seen her in a while.

@marquissheats9639 - 08.08.2024 00:33

Yes that li mei player made me proud.

@MintyGoodniss - 08.08.2024 00:35

You would think knowing exactly what your opponent will do would help you win a fighting game but for him it’s somehow a disadvantage

@Eastsid3 - 08.08.2024 00:36

Top ragequitter since 2014

@KonohaDaisenpuu - 08.08.2024 01:02

What Dale is good at: 1 Frame rage quitting in every fighting game he touches.

What Dale failed in: 1 Frame rage quitting his child support obligation

@kaputasri - 08.08.2024 01:42

Why can't tekken implement a penalty for rage quitting? I can't believe how they can't derank someone for quittin.Get to it, Harada, at this point its embarrassing.

@fgagaerhjhjyfyjfyyjkf - 08.08.2024 02:20

No immo commentary today is a good day

@Br0ckLanders - 08.08.2024 02:27

It's funny that LTG ripped on someone previously for having "daddy duties and child support", as he said. Flowchart Dale with his projection, of course.

@tonykusanagi87 - 08.08.2024 03:09

"Are you really scared to be under pressure?" That is hilarious coming from the guy who rage quit every time people apply pressure on him.

@Mortallica03 - 08.08.2024 03:51

"I make more money than you, your parents and your bloodline combined"

- A Middle age deadbeat clown living on section 8 with a 122k debt

@liamtruth9596 - 08.08.2024 04:17

This dude is the BIGGEST man child ive ever seen...

@lowtierpodpiper - 08.08.2024 04:49

I'm a failure as a son and a failure as a father
But at least I'm not in debt 'cause I had bastard daughter
My finances are stable and I'm happily child free
But too bad for Dale, he's gotta pay legal fees
Sometimes I wonder what he's gonna do
'Cause it might not be long before he commits the sue

@peacesyn - 08.08.2024 05:14

Unc status, slowly but protudely getting there

@Mortallica03 - 08.08.2024 05:20

Dale quits and calls MK1 the worst MK game because they gave "corny moves" like a slide to SubZero and a teleport to Scorpion, even though they had those moves since the original MK

@gent-47 - 08.08.2024 06:34

Dale hella sexy ,Nicholi fine too.

@Amity_Amygdala - 08.08.2024 07:04

I love that he has no respect for Kani that he names "remedial Yoshi combos" after her.

@dennisjohnson1937 - 08.08.2024 07:09

I didn’t know he was a Need for Speed fan 😂😂😂.

@Okina-Kev - 08.08.2024 07:29

Not triple creases is hilarious, he be hurting feelings😂

@miatamoment - 08.08.2024 08:08

It's so funny seeing Dale ragequit against Sub Zero's moves, the slide and overhead are so easy to punish but he keeps getting hit by them 😅

@drillhorn736 - 08.08.2024 10:01

He should get back to MK11 or X if he can't handle kameos

@KaGe_Kai - 08.08.2024 10:09

YERRRR!!! (I needed this)

@thebusiness8212 - 08.08.2024 15:24

Man it’s crazy I played some Tekken 8 with friends and got washed as Asuka and I ended up having a great time and learning some counters to their technique. Dale gets washed and just makes up countless excuses.

@TheRevengeSociety - 08.08.2024 20:45

That Baraka pierced his cognitive

@Subarashii_Nem - 09.08.2024 14:22

"Who can't do these combos brah"

You. You can't do them. You proved it when you played Bryan after claiming he was easy mode and got absolute manhandled.

@Kmeishart101 - 09.08.2024 17:07

His start match into rage quit combo can’t be beat. 😂

@Saferoom45 - 10.08.2024 00:32

He keeps saying that the kids and everybody else's lives sucks, when HES THE ONE who is making a huge fuss of every single matches, ragequtting, and being hypocritical about spamming. Including when he just started the match he quits in a nanosencond. Does he have a dissociative identity disorder or somehing like that? Like golly man.

@roberteden3713 - 11.08.2024 20:10

We gonna just wake up with this or that? STFU, it's called playing the game, crybaby. Adapt and get better.

@zwark- - 14.08.2024 21:59

The saltier the merrier!
Too bad this video got age restricted (why lol?), but luckily Tampermonkey exists!

@overthrow3167 - 15.08.2024 20:29

Idk y he keep saying he will pick rose and destroy people. His rose gets destroyed like 75% of the time. He can't even use the character

@freedomandintellectualthou7615 - 17.08.2024 02:14

How come everytime he gets his ass bussed in fighting games, he presumes that the person playing him is black, then proceeds to insult them?

@torrancemoore6152 - 21.08.2024 14:51

Bro doesn't even want to finish a round now 😂

@robboss6685 - 28.08.2024 22:14

bro the title got me fked up💀💀

@Trophy-Hunter30 - 08.09.2024 23:08

The fact that all nicholai videos are almost the same speaks volumes about how ltg is stuck on a cycle of defeat. Start tekker, get trashed, start mk1, get trashed, start sf4, get trashed. Sometimes he changes the game but rhe cycle always repeats. He is the responisble of his own failures and nicholai is a hero showing us only the good parts kf his streams (defeats and rage quits).
