Christo, Raven, Lou, and Violy watch Sausage Party in the classroom

Christo, Raven, Lou, and Violy watch Sausage Party in the classroom

KeroroClaptrap PikachuAnimations

55 лет назад

51,685 Просмотров

Christo, Raven, Lou, and Violy had no business watching Sausage Party in their classroom! Plus, that movie is rated R, the school bans R rated movies, as well as NC-17 rated movies!

Credit to everyone!

James as Christo/Toad
Paul as Raven/Tyler-San
Joey as Lou/Fennekin Flame Boy/Sonic the Hedgehog
Amy as Violy
Young Guy as Claptrap/Cappy
Brian as Jet the Hawk/Bowser Jr.
Eric as Detective Pikachu/Falco Lombardi
Kimberly as Slippy Toad
Geriant as Lucky Bat
Lee as Mario
Dave as Shadow the Hedgehog

#sausagepartygoanimate #louandravengetsgrounded #lougetsgrounded #violygetsgrounded #christogetsgrounded #ravengetsgrounded #kirbygorillazfanatic2000 #sonicpacmanfan2000 #keroroclaptrappikachuanimations #keroroclaptrap #uglydollsgoanimate


#christo_raven_lou_and_violy #christo_gets_grounded #christo_gets_grounded_thejojuan4444 #violy_gets_grounded #lou_gets_grounded #raven_gets_grounded #keroroclaptrap_pikachuanimations #sonic_pac-man_2000 #kirby_gorillaz_fanatic_2000 #kirbygorillaz #watch_sausage_party_in_classroom #sausage_party_goanimate #goanimate_watches_sausage_party #tyler_san #fennekin_flame_boy #lou_and_raven_get_grounded #lou_and_raven_gets_grounded
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