Deadside Official 1.0 Release Update Overview

Deadside Official 1.0 Release Update Overview


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@chrisking3537 - 07.12.2024 14:45

Last time I played was around release, honestly coming back to it now and actually enjoying it is great. Lots of new content, everything seems polished, lots of vehicle spawns, interesting mechanics, AI are really fun to fight and not some wallhack garbage. Guys definetly try it out.

@kmj4nsen - 07.12.2024 15:03

I like the game but the decaying is of a base is ridiculous i built a stick base and went collecting other stuff and when I came back half my base was gone

@lostrecoil8320 - 07.12.2024 16:44

Rust and dayz in on game, sounds interesting

@makarov9x186 - 07.12.2024 17:08

How's controller support?

@Dabbztv - 07.12.2024 19:37

Whoever worked on the vehicle handling was plastered!

@sethrusso45 - 07.12.2024 20:00

Loving the update so far, these turrets certainly the death of me so far. Bad boys lock on through walls I’m noticing

@CMC440 - 07.12.2024 22:28

is this AI voice?

@cabbieoo7 - 08.12.2024 16:32

Raiding is too op
Big base reduce to dust while off line 8hrs with 2 days of resources. That is crazy only door frame left.

@кяуртіс - 08.12.2024 18:19

Took 4 years to make rust. Wow.

@trueblaw8062 - 09.12.2024 00:25

It disappointed me to see how similar some.of the mechanics are to Rust.

Adding a few more animations with building and stuff may make it stand out more for me!

@Unknown-zs8ex - 09.12.2024 02:48

This is the best game in genre!

@Unknown-zs8ex - 09.12.2024 02:49

Please work on server stability now and reducing lags please!

@ThePatrickBynum - 09.12.2024 03:48

It seems like they have just turned their game into Rust.

@chefboiod2572 - 09.12.2024 09:28

Started playing again today. Damn it feels so good <3 GREAT WORK

@GangsterBean247 - 09.12.2024 11:34

I kept my eye on this game for a little while when it first released and then completely forgot about it till a friend of mine bought the game for me and we started playing together, it's been really fun so far and the new update is looking really good as well, the vehicles are fun and takes a lot of time out from having to run around everywhere, the new building system is really good as well needs some work but it's still nice to have freedom while building a base to ur liking, and the weapons and trading is really interesting as well, cant wait for more from this game.

@alexflorence2156 - 09.12.2024 12:22

Dayz/rust someone finally did it lol knew it wouldn't be long

@rhinomechanics8423 - 09.12.2024 15:41

after over 1,000 hours on what i thought was a great game, I'm OUT ! I'm ALWAYS spawning at G-6.. AWAYS !! Random respawn? BULLSHIT. ( Update sucks for this reason ~ ) 👎👎

@finnz7786 - 09.12.2024 17:15

Can u build n the city?

@erikaszaranka4275 - 09.12.2024 18:27

It will take ages to sort all the bugs and gameplay issues. Player controls aren't the best, vehicle sounds, gunshots or footsteps can be heard from 10 miles away. Graphics no the best, can be greatly improved, cant see much in clear in the distance, it pixelates.. The shooting experience is poor, with NPCs shooting you from miles away, sometimes you cannot even see who's shooting at you as its too far away. Door locks need constant password entry. Imagine someone chasing you with all your loot, and you have to enter a code to get into your base. Squads disappear after you leave the game and re-enter. That’s really annoying — every time, you need to send new invites. Hunger & thirst is on another level.. you getting thirsty and empty stomach too fast.
You also can’t put markers on the map. It’s missing so much stuff at the moment. Compared to Rust, it took many years to sort out the gameplay and bugs, so it will likely take another 5 years for Deadside to catch up with similar style games. I would prefer Deadside any day — Rust has a very toxic community. Deadside is very basic at the moment; there’s not much to do except build a basic base and look for loot. Looting is also annoying, as there’s never enough storage space. I hope it gets many updates in the future and becomes more enjoyable to play.

@treyzrs8886 - 09.12.2024 18:29

Just hopped back in and I've noticed it runs a heck of a lot better with less stuttering, higher FPS etc

@MoTivexMuSiC - 09.12.2024 20:02

The motorcycles turn like a bus, everything else is epic

@Teleport73 - 09.12.2024 22:34

I hope the AI has also been improved, to be more unpredictable in both behaviour and spawn location.

@eazyf1134 - 09.12.2024 23:31

Can u make the buildings and rooms more grim the ambience is missing but love the game <3

@Carthe0002 - 09.12.2024 23:43

Just got da game, I like it

@pmarkpmark - 10.12.2024 01:01

I've been waiting for a game like this without zombies! Thank you!!

@noewayyy - 10.12.2024 01:06

is there still stupid ass offline raiding?

@The_future1991 - 10.12.2024 01:17

cannot find the weapons on PVE is it only for PVP?

@NukSooKow-yp9py - 10.12.2024 03:23

Can Ai use vehicles in PvE mode?

@roo2221 - 10.12.2024 07:55

Just wanna say glad we got and update but disappointed with the wipe aspect really not what casual players are looking for with a job and a life. Really looking down on anyone who has something else to do then play youre game, I see the no wipe servers but it’s all third and first person. Awful and bad move on y’all’s part, your game isn’t rust and shouldn’t be treated as such, ya really sucked out all the joy with this one. I won’t be playing this update because all my friends wanna play on wipe servers so yikes. Maybe drop the wipes and keep it how it should be but that my option, like said perviously some of us live life and not just play youre game think about that.

@menti5013 - 10.12.2024 08:08

Update is crazy

@darencopelytalks - 10.12.2024 08:39

Getting close. But still looking for a reason to leave rust. Keep up the good work! Ill wait until base building has a bit more to it.

@Oktavian4ik-w9v - 10.12.2024 09:47

Честно сказать игра увлекательная, но очень сырая. Очень много недоработок и не поняток. Начнем с ботов. Они против друг друга не воюют и мало того, они с волками за одно, как одна команда. Нет озвучки ботов (Пример игры: XENUS "Точка Кипения"). Графика тут крутая её даже не трогаем, всё равно ни кто лучше не сделает! Кастомизация персонажа практически 0. Все мужского пола. Крафт предметов прост, но тоже имеет всои недоработки. Строительство просто убогое. Зачем мне строить какой-то сарай, если на карте есть готовые дома?! Как-то не совсем понятно! Оружие просто убогое, стрельба как в ПАБГ точь в точь! И даже хуже. Оружие знатно понерфили перед патчем, это сильно отразилось на стрельбе против ботов. Иногда бота убить с Мосинки просто не реально 1 выстрелом в голову. Понадобится 2 точных попадания. Автоматическое оружие просто убогое + ещё старое абсолютно всё. Техника есть. Мотики и Уазики сделаны на отвали! Анимация просто убогая и с грунтом местами не работает. Колёса могут не касаться земли и крутятся как в мультике. Миссии разные, но большинство шлак и все наземные. Игра буквально на 2-3 дня и потом она надоедает. Если ты поймёшь как всё работает за 5 дней, то ты в её играть больше не будешь. Тебе просто станет скучно. Турели в строительстве в ПВЕ серваках не работают совсем. Они ни на кого не реагируют (бот, волк) я имею ввиду свои турели при строительстве. Оптимизация есть, но тут ещё надо поработать, так как у моих друзей много пролагов на карте, но пк норм. Уровень престижа магазина сразу отталкивает туда идти. Собирать какой-то металлолом для торговца, чтоб поднять уровень, ну это точно дибелизм века! Вы чё там курите? Разработчики?! Уровень должен подниматься за счёт выполненных миссий на карте, а не за счёт металлолома! Сам игрок (персонаж), как я понял, это беглый рецидивист, которого никто ненавидит. Все его пытаются убить и как можно быстрее. Вот мы и выживает в таких условиях.

@skmb4x453 - 10.12.2024 15:18

would be a 5 star game if they balanced the prices of items and didnt making surviving so annoying. its not even hard its literally just annoying which is 0 fun

@dawidw8655 - 10.12.2024 20:28

When PS5 release?

@rhinomechanics8423 - 10.12.2024 20:50

same respawn point always on every server Uninstall 💩

@x7hamma183 - 10.12.2024 22:37


@Олег-э3н - 10.12.2024 23:12

Здравствуйте, куда обратится с проблемой ??? На сервере 111 заблокировали постройкой мост в квадрате I 7 .

@jays7761 - 11.12.2024 08:05

For some reason I thought this game had zombies. If not, its just another RUST.

@alcolon04 - 11.12.2024 23:44

Can I play dead side on my steam deck cause it says it’s unsupported, but I want to know if anyone out there has played it on the steam deck

@crazynumber444 - 13.12.2024 08:32

Bad Pixel are sych trash russian copycat studio! This game become RUST made in china! Become such a trash after new update! Dont waste your money for this people!

@brayg1149 - 14.12.2024 05:13

Thats not a planer silly

@Shawizzlegaming - 14.12.2024 08:20

I am an OG in dead side …. Playing about 900 hours in the first 1-2 years of the release.
I believe to make the best changes to the game deadside needs to:
1. Both sprint + hold breath should be able to be key binded to left shift(or whatever key you want) this makes deadside just feel so out of date that you cannot do this when it is possible in 99%+ of games.

2. Make a group limit of 3-5. I understand they want people to play with as many friends as possible. However, numbers just get ridiculous from time to time on official servers.

3. I believe foot step volume should honestly be reduced. Or potentially make crouch walk silent. You can hear footsteps from a mile away.

4. You should be able to do more damage more quickly to other players sleeping bags. Yes, they only take 1 or 2 minutes to destroy with a knife - however it’s very tedious and you should be able to do roughly 10 damage per swipe instead of 1 damage.

5. Ai are way too baby / easy / stupid now. They used to work much better - now they are just mindless zombies who charge you in hordes and have horrible aim.

6. I believe ARs with long range scopes get nerfed / the M99 should be nerfed. Full spraying with an AR 4x should not be the meta. And M99 body shots should not 1 tap when wearing max gear.
Overall - I think Deadside has moved in a positive direction over the years. However, it has become some weird knock off version of Rust + DayZ hybrid nowadays.

@clacogaming5740 - 14.12.2024 16:44

Guys i need help.. I tried it on discord but got no answer.. We build a base yesterday on a no reset server. Today it was gone. The base wasnt upgraded to planks and the storage was full with sticks. We had one large plank chase. Did the storage needed planks because of the case or what could be the problem?

I think we quit the game. It was perfect. The only thing we waited for was cars and light in the base and now this gamebraker so sad..

@bismark8856 - 14.12.2024 18:10

I like this game it's got some good potential keep adding new mechanics new gear guns different enemies

@bismark8856 - 14.12.2024 18:11

More loot types expend map

@bismark8856 - 14.12.2024 18:15

More gun attachments

@MxjxrWxxr - 14.12.2024 21:41

wtf is this mic bro

@brendenshore7073 - 15.12.2024 09:19

Loaf could you please ask the dev team if they will be adding mod support in the future I think it would take this game to the next level

@tylermadsen920 - 16.12.2024 11:15

Did they remove the money? I can't find any spawning and it's basically impossible to get anything now ...

@ascend9327 - 16.12.2024 11:21

this game looks way nicer than rust :) cant wait to play it
