Savathun’s Theme (With Dialogue and DPS) | Dethroned

Savathun’s Theme (With Dialogue and DPS) | Dethroned


1 год назад

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@thetopmarksman3414 - 17.06.2023 22:52


@GTR1997 - 17.06.2023 23:20

Do you think you could make an alternative one in the future with no sfx? Just dialogue and soundtrack.

@danielgad4316 - 18.06.2023 11:25

Lightbearer acolyte ult makes me feel some kinda way

@TheSimpless - 19.06.2023 20:01

This made me drive without a seat belt on in a convertible.

@RedNovaTyrant - 22.06.2023 16:07

The entirety of Final Stand was incredible

@adamboy0559 - 26.06.2023 12:01

The fact the ost is 15 minutes long just goes to show this could have been more than a campaign boss. Savathun could have very well been a raid boss with how long the legend version goes on add a mechanic in there and an enrage and you got a raid boss

@pendragon5744 - 27.06.2023 01:47

Oh man, once Xivu gets a theme, the amount of dialogue that you have to use is massive

@christian_soria - 29.06.2023 22:43

i wished you had the veteran dialogue where he discribes all the things savathun was framed for on the no concessions part. but thanks for this amazing edit!

@TheSimpless - 30.06.2023 15:03


Savathun: You Couldn't Live with Your Own Failure, Where Did that Bring You? Back to Me.

@stormtroop3016 - 06.07.2023 08:57

I’m not sure if Riven had enough menacing dialogue to do one of these for, which sucks because she’s my favorite raid boss. There’s also the question of what voice to use 😂 Maras is my favorite though out of all the ones Riven speaks through.

@AdmiralFluffypants - 07.07.2023 10:05

Blade barrage acolytes on normal: barrage does a third of my health and I 2 tap him
Barrage acolytes on legend: a single blade from a barrage one shots me with bastion over shield and 4 galley shots does a third of his health.

@peterdubinsky5389 - 19.07.2023 22:14

The giant bell before the fight with the crazy amount of stairs and suspense before this fight is absolutely outstanding and I’m so happy Bungie did it to seriously live up to the hype, best campaign I’ve played in a destiny game for sure man

@zanderomalley9261 - 29.07.2023 05:25

Savathun would have been undefeatable had she kept her worm pact. She was infinitely stronger as a hive god than as a lightbearer.

@sentinelslayer8328 - 31.07.2023 07:40

“You did the right thing” “I don’t feel like it”

@kratzendekatzentaze - 10.08.2023 09:37

i love it

@unclealucard4987 - 12.08.2023 10:43

Her having hints of Oryx’s theme is just such a cool motif. I hope Xivu does the same, but is extremely heavy metal.

@vinnylatoria4478 - 14.11.2023 05:57

the bell at the start is majestic

@twilightparanormalresearch186 - 18.11.2023 21:47

I was looking forward to facing savathun after the titan mission savathuns song, I realized we were most likely going to face her and her fight didn’t disappoint

@twilightparanormalresearch186 - 20.11.2023 02:58

Her fight in my opinion was one of the greatest none raid fights

@twilightparanormalresearch186 - 21.11.2023 02:12

I have a theory, what if the reason the traveler didn’t do anything to stop her is because he was testing to see who was stronger, the guardian or savathuns hive

@samurai137x - 18.12.2023 18:05

I always get chills hearing her say "So now you want to play games?! Then let's play." Bro her voice actor COOKED

@brennancurrier806 - 29.01.2024 11:33

witch queen was a banger expansion.

@hunted7883 - 30.05.2024 10:47

I deadass spent hours trynna beat her lmao

@pedrorizo-n9s - 04.06.2024 10:54

Quiero fumar ala berga que parte no entiendes we o que tengo que aser we incarteme o que we pinche vato culo we

@Unveil_Beck - 11.08.2024 18:39

I simply love her

@Randaline_ - 17.06.2023 21:55

Guess whos next? (Hint: named in this video) 🫢
