Soldiers turn into monsters after implanting a microchip in their brain

Soldiers turn into monsters after implanting a microchip in their brain


55 лет назад

169 Просмотров

"Stripe" Koinange and "Hunter" Raiman are roach hunters. Roaches are pallid, growling, humanoid monsters with piercing teeth. Each soldier has a MASS neural implant that provides data in the form of augmented reality. The squad led by Stripe and Hunter explores a farmhouse while squad commander Medina interrogates the owner, a devoted Christian. Stripe comes upon a nest of roaches, one of them brandishes an LED device at him; unconcerned, Stripe kills one roach and stabs another. The owner is apprehended by Medina, and the farmhouse is set on fire by the squad. Following his killings, Stripe is rewarded with an erotic dream, but his MASS malfunctions throughout it. Stripe has his MASS examined and meets a psychologist, Arquette, after more malfunctions the next day, but neither appointment indicates any issues.

Medina, Stripe, and Hunter arrive at an abandoned housing complex the next day. The other two soldiers enter the building as the roach-sniper shoots at them after a roach-sniper kills Medina. Stripe comes across a woman and tries to persuade her to run, but Hunter kills her. Hunter prepares to shoot another woman and her child, which Stripe discovers. Stripe steps in and wrestles Hunter to the ground, knocking her out while shooting him in the stomach. Stripe rises from his seat and flees with his mother and son. They arrive at a cave in the woods, where Catarina explains that the MASS implant causes troops' senses to be altered, causing individuals of her ethnic group to seem as inhuman "roaches." They are the victims of a genocide that the military has justified as genetic cleansing. While laypeople see the group as they are, propaganda causes them to be treated as inferior. Hunter arrives and murders Catarina and her son Alec before knocking Stripe out.

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