17 Obscure Secrets in Gen 2 Pokémon!

17 Obscure Secrets in Gen 2 Pokémon!

SmithPlays Pokémon

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@smithplayspokemon - 20.10.2022 01:49

subscribe or Sprigatito will stand up

@XxOHKOxX - 02.03.2025 00:45

If i remember correctly, there was a glitch that could get you all 3 starters on Pokémon Gold and Silver from the beginning of the game. I think it had something to do with saving before you got the starter, then you would deposit the starter into the PC and then do another save, but turn the game off before the save was completed. Then turn the game back on and it would start you at the spot you saved just before you picked your starter and all you would have to do is choose a different starter and do the same thing with that starter. When you restart for the second time, you would just pick the 3rd starter, and then the other 2 would be in the PC waiting to be withdrawn.

@ridleydaemonia1134 - 28.02.2025 03:47

Could you imagine if Nintendo released a pokemon game where there weren't version exclusives? Like, a gen1-3/4 remake that makes every pokemon in the dex (limited to the 3/4 gen at max) is obtainable.

@Mun_e - 28.02.2025 03:08

The " oh no my daughter is missing " dialogue was present in the french version of the game

@joshuab4586 - 24.02.2025 19:34

I loved doing the player palette swap in Crystal as a kid, it would wipe your PC when you did the glitch, and occasionally the player would revert back to the normal colors; so I would use it to do a challenge run before I knew about Nuzlockes, if my player ever swapped back to normal I’d have to do the glitch wherever I was at, losing all my PC Pokémon, it was a fun way to play risky or be forced to bring in a weak Pokémon to a Gym because I don’t want to lose it.

@Joe_334 - 24.02.2025 08:37

In the anime, isn't it weird how Ash delivers the GS Ball, and Richie, "Actually", meets Celebi to go back in time to prevent a boy from dying in an accident? The episode featuring Richie was a pokemon Chronicle episode.

@IxKILLxZ0MBIES - 19.02.2025 14:45

gen 1 had 3 different sprite sets for red blue and yellow

@johncastro7372 - 05.02.2025 22:34

Berserk gene is in all 3 gen 2 games...

@rolfmadison1385 - 31.01.2025 04:16

Clefairies dance around the moonstone on Monday, not Tuesday.

@EssaiRamos - 26.01.2025 20:19

You talk really fast it’s hard to follow along 😂

@brodyot94 - 21.01.2025 17:21

I will never forget upgrading from Gold to crystal on my brothers hockey tournament.

@Zecumo - 19.01.2025 13:20

The old man in front of the Burned tower doesn't spawn in until you awaken the beast trio.

He says things like he was a young man when the tower burned down. Everyone else says it happened long ago, right? Ghost.

@oreocookie1331 - 13.01.2025 02:09

You have to love it when people making top secrets go into inaccessible places and don't even talk to the NPCs there but rather give you a summary of what was said

@octapusxft - 08.01.2025 14:16

My main complaint for the franchise is the event limited pokemon.

@janeriko21 - 08.01.2025 04:27

Bro has actually a favorite word 😅 Actually he uses it way too many times 😂😂

@LumpPlump - 03.01.2025 18:48

Fire red and leaf green also had different sprites

@bishopmedia4580 - 03.01.2025 10:37

I played crystal on an emulator and it scared the hell outta me when I talked to the tree and turned into a lapras

@glitchyglitchy3925 - 02.01.2025 06:10

Am I hearing Persona 5 music in the background?

@kristophergorbunow8903 - 01.01.2025 08:47

I used to do the pokemon duplication trick with them holding items so you could get lots of master balls and rare candies

@arminjace - 31.12.2024 22:57

"To my knowledge these are the only games with different sprites"

Casually forgetting Red and Green, I see.

@finnishnin - 29.12.2024 08:45

I got Shiny Smoochum…

@danieltheisland - 26.12.2024 21:52

Regarding the missing item, can you not get Ho-oh in Silver? I only had Silver, but I'm sure I had Ho-oh.
I could have sworn you could catch both legendary birds in both games.

@MFFilms815 - 26.12.2024 01:33

Actually, actually, actually, actually.

@MyShinobiWay617 - 23.12.2024 04:29

You mean to tell me Celebi is already on the cartridge and they just forgot to enabled the gs ball before release?

@TCG9777 - 21.12.2024 09:07

Wouldn't this be 17 "more" secrets?

@CZsWorld - 21.12.2024 07:07

The Mt Moon thing took me so long to stumble upon that it actually was frightening because I'd been playing so long and never heard that audio. It was almost dreamlike.

@WhosAlx - 21.12.2024 06:27

In Pokemon gold and silver, you can catch the alternate box art legendary at the end of each game

@richarddickson2104 - 20.12.2024 02:51

The sudowoodo twins killed me 😂

@Dracaleb-b6y - 18.12.2024 00:32

I remember doing a cheat to have a character use Jasmine's sprite, and then did a cheat to use the same sprite as the character I set to have Jasmine sprite. When I went to the Ice Path, one of the boulders got replaced with a Jasmine statue. Do boulders count as characters, even though they are just inanimate objects?

@XReaPer760 - 16.12.2024 10:03

Glad I didn’t use any of these mods and owned this game through grinding. Beast times

@NKRetro - 14.12.2024 05:41

Been playing the Japanese version of silver as my first play through on gen 2 and I have to say, seeing it in English was relieving for some odd reason😂

@DragonsWatchlist - 13.12.2024 14:29

Couldnt you have just said that sacred ash is basically a 5x max revive? ^^

@animationinflation - 13.12.2024 04:31

The color swap sounds like it's intentional almost for the main character which is kind of cool

@TheLibermania - 11.12.2024 14:37

I always loved this little callback to the Anime with the Clefairy dancing around the Moon Stone at Mt Moon.

Such a cute little scene.

@Xibyth - 11.12.2024 01:58

Im surprised you didn't mention the box art between the games are just inverse gold and silver swirls.

@pokemontrainer5678 - 08.12.2024 15:42

That deleted burned tower quote has nothing to do with the third pokemon movie.... thays not the plot. A little girl doesn't go missing with entei. Her dad goes missing with unown and she uses entei to be her new dad while changing the town around her.

@TKdaFox1 - 07.12.2024 06:13

Lugia in pokemon silver has areoblast but does not in gold.

@shamankid91692 - 06.12.2024 05:53

I loved poke cloning. Especially poke cloning legendary pokemon and items

@MadeInTahiti987 - 06.12.2024 05:17

+5 Max elixirs

@acidicsubstance - 04.12.2024 13:33

I remember getting a shiny pichu from the daycare centre my very first time playing gsc and I didn't realise what it was coz it was the first shiny I ever saw. I thought the sparkles were because it came out of an egg lol. Didn't help that shiny pichu is so similar to normal pichu

@Sandorabl - 03.12.2024 01:10

2.5 minutes in and I've heard about 9001 "akshually "

Actually actually actually.

@casualgamer3029 - 26.11.2024 16:23

After I watch the movie regarding Celebi I played the Gold version just to explore and to find a way to catch her though I am still young that time and didn't know it should be NA version

@WawrzynPL - 19.11.2024 01:11

There is a glitch that allows you to exchange and copy selected Pokémon and an item it’s holding while trading via cable. We were doing this back in a day on our gameboys back in a day to get them all. Yup, I’m old xD
