Ответить"Note that this attribute is available from SDK 24 onward"
No, transitionName has been there ever since 21
Motion animations: stonks
Edge to edge native navigation bar on Pixel devices: not stonks
It’s very sad that you guys at Android team care a lot about these things and leave a full non adaptive navigation bar by default on Android framework. No third party developer implement edge to edge navigation. Please force it by framework or via another way.
View to View transition was great one
Ответитьsir thank you very much...but plz help me on my final project on sound amplifier hearing aid....give me the source code for sound amplifier hearing aid application using android studio
Ответитьany one who help me on sound amplifier hearing aid application using android studio ....
ОтветитьSir give me the idea on amplifier hearing aid application i want ur help ...
Ответитьi only have 2 weeks for presentation for sound amplifier hearing aid application using android studio plz source code
ОтветитьCan we use material design components transition by speicifying it onto the navigation graph xml directly? I mean for non shared elements transition of course.
Ответитьsir thank you ....can you help me on sound amplifier hearing aid application using android studio
Ответитьsir please help me i will present after 2 weeks my project on sound amplifier hearing aid application using android plz help me the source code for application
ОтветитьSir please give me the source code for sound amplifier hearing aid application
ОтветитьHow can I learn Kotlin quickly as a Java developer?
ОтветитьI am a little bit confused as to how to implement container transformation between fragments. I.e a fab button on a fragment to another fragment. As referencing a view from the first fragment on the second fragment may introduce a memory leak.
ОтветитьCan you please close the project navigator when you are writing code? so we can see all the code, not scrolling back and forth? Is very jarring and confusing to see what you are doing, and code written
ОтветитьThis project gives me an error :
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method intArrayOf([I)[I in class Lkotlin/jvm/internal/Intrinsics$Kotlin; or its super classes (declaration of 'kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics$Kotlin' appears in /data/app/com.materialstudies.reply-HlsbdN5MVJN0zF8o2dto_Q==/base.apk)
Thank you so much 😀