How To Build $5,000 Websites In Under 30 Minutes With GoHighLevel and Ai!

How To Build $5,000 Websites In Under 30 Minutes With GoHighLevel and Ai!

Jasper Aiken

6 месяцев назад

4,150 Просмотров

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@gohighlevelwizardd - 26.09.2024 17:00

Its not the website its the function and sales that get ya high ticket deals

@AdrianSteinicke-sy2si - 06.06.2024 14:43

does anyone know the px for background images ?

@theintuitivemarriagepodcast - 13.05.2024 19:20

This was very helpful info, I'm just getting started on this journey. Thank you!!

@SuburbanPhilosophy - 28.04.2024 17:55

interesting :)

@npactmarketing - 17.04.2024 06:30

I'm sorry but GHL websites look like Sh@t without customization, even with the tools we can offer, I don't see any business paying 5K, don't mean sound negative, but just don't seem posible.

@haroldmccrayrealestatebrok6352 - 17.04.2024 00:19

Is there a place to store and access company documents kind of like the old style intranet portals?

@DaisyOnyango-1 - 16.04.2024 22:37

Great video Jasper! Awesome info here! I feel like I always learn something new in each video you post haha

@aymenbachiri-yh2hd - 16.04.2024 11:41

Thank You , create more content like this

@mel-pp6pq - 16.04.2024 06:42

what's a good way to get in touch with you directly, if that's possible.

@alantate25 - 16.04.2024 05:51

😂😂😂😂 what a joke

@steviewonder4796 - 16.04.2024 03:16

GHL sites are so bad... poor designs, poor user experience and get reused by anyone. Perfect for funnel pages to send traffic to but not full websites. Businesses deserve professional sites with the benefits of ghl on top of it. I build full websites for half that amount with Ghl features.

@seank2793 - 16.04.2024 02:26

Hmmm 500 yes.

@Axsxe - 16.04.2024 02:13

I actually like it but I feel that for what you taught us they wouldn't pay 5000 grand, I would like you to make a longer video about how to create high budget websites like 5000 from start to finish if possible. Thank you for your content, I really like what you do and I want to try to do it to help my family with other income.

@dilantom1567 - 16.04.2024 01:42

Thanks a lot man, this really helps. I haven't signed my first client but hoping to very soon.
