How J Dilla’s Timefeel ACTUALLY Works

How J Dilla’s Timefeel ACTUALLY Works

Digging The Greats

2 года назад

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@geoffstockton - 06.02.2024 02:40

It seems like it’s getting easier and easier for musicians to adopt this feel. Certain bands pull it off with no problem live, like Hiatus Kaiyote or Jacob Collier’s band. And these Gen Z kids like my son who’ve grown up on those feels, it’s like breathing air. It was harder for me to learn because I had decades of conventional thinking working against me but even I can now maintain a Dilla feel on a solo guitar piece.

@bosshm2heavymetal - 14.02.2024 01:54

this is one of the most disjointed, hardest to follow "please get to the point already" videos ive ever watched

@isaiahmyers1181 - 18.02.2024 05:21


@DJMOFUNKTV - 19.02.2024 18:52

Nic3 1n3. R.I.P. Dilla.

@metawoofer - 23.02.2024 21:40

J dilla used Pro Tools and manually shifted all the notes.

@marcusdekker - 27.02.2024 15:59

You deserve an oscar.

@SaschaOnBass - 28.02.2024 10:23

I really enjoyed this! Very well done! Thank you! Subed!

@alexa-kimstone3656 - 29.02.2024 11:32

it´s mostly different kind of quantize . For instance you can quantize some parts in 16 triplets against straight 16tth

@jeanarcouette2897 - 01.03.2024 20:31

I love your videos but your bass tone sounds like farts

@jadeclairmont - 10.03.2024 16:29

So I'm a drummer, and as I've started to expand past my genre, this style beat has been something that has infatuated me more than almost anything, especially coming from a genre such as metal that is so reliant on the drums being right on the beat. When I heard other drummers around town playing these kinds of beats I began asking around with a limited vocabulary to try and learn more about this style and was met with either a similar level of ignorance/thirst for knowledge, or in very few cases, weirdly enough, gatekeeping. Today I finally made the Dilla connection, and this video is such great supplemental material for my educational journey. Thank you so much for all the work put into this!

@chefb3432 - 11.03.2024 11:27

do a nujibes video

@slumstudios132 - 13.03.2024 00:46

Can you elaborate on the SOB album, title, or artists? I am trying to find it here on YT. Thanks, Brother.

@bryantramos8297 - 13.03.2024 04:06

I like how dude explained the turntables.

@OnkarPawar00 - 18.03.2024 21:47

The video was AMAZING. The arrangement of all the parts, the build up before brinhing J dilla into focus, everything was so good. Initially I was thinking like, "Why are you going all over thr place? What do these things have to do with J dilla?" But the way how everything just connected at the end is dope. Subscribed!!

@damc8415 - 18.03.2024 23:21

Your bass sample sounds like a funky version of Mario Brothers’ danger alert.😊

@jrdPalacios - 18.03.2024 23:40

This channel is such a gem <3

@slashwilliams888 - 23.03.2024 04:50

i love this guy so much

@TriggerWarningStudios - 26.03.2024 09:14

i cant hear a difference..

@gepmrk - 27.03.2024 08:25

"This is something that would be incredibly difficult for a human drummer to do..." enter Anderson Paak.

@gerardgarcia4029 - 09.04.2024 08:41

Amazing video!

@craigmocello8552 - 09.04.2024 18:45

48 year old hip hop head here man, where you been...solid work bro

@oliverphoenix1563 - 27.04.2024 16:37

Anyone here play Minecraft?

@lukeinrock8018 - 08.05.2024 04:37

Great video thanks!

@JuanFCerda - 28.05.2024 19:53

I want to have with this guy everyday throughout the rest of my life. No, not J Dilla. The guy explaining the whole thing. ❤ Amazing content too! Thanks!

@JuanFCerda - 28.05.2024 21:29

Ok so 64th Swing on the hat and move the snare to the left a little. Got it. ❤

@schizodillo1952 - 30.05.2024 20:38

OH MY GOODNESS get to the point. This is incredibly frustrating to watch, everything is before we get to that let's get to this, but before we get to that let's get to this. Sheesh.

@schizodillo1952 - 30.05.2024 20:41

Lol you said "for thousands and thousands of years" and i'm turning this off bro. It's like you're desperately trying to make the video as long as possible.

@istvantoth7431 - 08.06.2024 11:06

Did not understand a f'ing word of this... This stuff is for musicians, not fans.

@broceratops1337 - 18.06.2024 19:27

Dude you're like a real ass EDUCATOR. Excellent video man

@Schemez-16vhiphopbeatz - 24.06.2024 17:52

You can actually chop your drum loop to give the same feel if u cant go of the grid on your sampler or use micro steps

@radcunt7103 - 04.07.2024 02:42

Thank you for breaking down the quantising for this. So many people think about this in the context of a computer but it’s so bound into the MPCs workflow that it’s easy to overthink it or think it’s all unquantized.

@Gruuvin1 - 21.07.2024 05:46

It doesn't groove. Bob Marly grooves. James Brown grooves. This doesn't. SO WHO CARES!?

@kamilatmo - 16.08.2024 12:27

I never use quantization. Dilla taught me that and I'm sooo thankful for that. 🔥🔥🔥🔥

@misterguy9051 - 22.08.2024 03:57

Equal temperament is the vertical equivalent of straight quantized horizontal rythmic movement. That's why it sucks. ... Let's go Dilla scales.

@DjStudderz-p2x - 26.08.2024 08:56

Watching this high is a trip 😂 great breakdown 👏🏼

@hazeharrisoniii8254 - 01.09.2024 21:17

I feel like I just had a college level class on musicality.. I freakin loved every second of it. New follower... Keep it coming.

@maxbowie3254 - 19.09.2024 19:50

Nice video, Mate! And you & you're buddy are motherf$%^ers on the bass & drums 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘

@djeagleman - 11.10.2024 06:35

Yall are goofy... that man didn't want this.... pete rock, Marly Mal, premo all did the same. As the funk bands before them did. Yaĺl be doing too much

@TheHumbleMike - 12.10.2024 13:12

This is such a good video. It’s the only video where they don’t just say “he turned the quantisation off”

@MatteoTagliabue-q2r - 29.10.2024 21:26

I've been trying to expand my hip hop culture as much as i can and these videos have been the most useful thing this far!! Any idea on where should i start for more production-centered albums?

@cactus-mcjacktus - 30.10.2024 05:50

straight feel makes your head move forward and backwards, swing makes it move side to side, and dilla feel makes your head spin (literally and maybe metaphorically too lmao).

@marsthatdamnrebel - 25.11.2024 02:12

My brain went so deep into following the grid/no-grid and natural rhythms....I forgot what day it is😂.

@jce34me - 03.02.2025 21:02

Brilliant deconstruction! I'm not sure you can understand hip hop (from a theoretical standpoint) without this. Dilla's playing with the standard and what jazz players called "lilt." Stuff is straight brilliant!

@makangeleezy - 08.02.2025 02:48

happy birthday dilla!

@walip - 24.02.2025 13:09

Pretty bad execution of the visual explanation, the graphs didnt really click with me as much as the grid. David bruce composer explains jdilla feel better for anyone wondering. Great story telling tho!

@gregmcveigh9966 - 14.03.2025 21:23

I'm just now getting into the book and am finding that it is fantastic. I'm a proud son of Detroit so it touches all the bases for me AND I'm learning about hiphop and rap music. BTW, I am old.
