I like this stuff
ОтветитьDo you remember when you were little. When you lived to go shopping, or even following your loved ones taking the rubbish out. It was the greatest feeling in the world. Just to be with those we love. I have lost a whole world of people I love. And I don't know in the flesh, how to show them the light and love inside me. When my life has been but a dim shadow of what I truly am. And yet the children keep pointing to me, and seeing me. And I keep trying. And I don't want them to see how I truly feel. Because I feel their pain. And I can't stop it. Only they can.
Ответитьi feel safe here. grouped with like minded individuals who understand that things take time to heal. individuals who believe in the power of meditation and praying to god. sometimes, you just have to stop pushing so damn hard. you aren’t doing anything wrong. forgive yourself and forgive thy neighbor. trust your intuition, FOLLOW your intuition and know that the rest will work out just fine. i wish you all peace. i won’t be on this earth forever. but if this message helps even one person, then i will be grateful.
ОтветитьLove this one especially during the negativity in our world. TY so much. I feel the negativity leave. It's wonderful!
ОтветитьI had dreams for the first time in a loooong time. At least ones I know I had/remembered. Thank you for that. And I must also thank all these commenters! I have tears in my eyes after reading some. Thank you for giving me some hope if only for a few minutes.
ОтветитьJust know that this works, how do i know? Because last night i could not sleep for a hour straight and then i saw random pairs of eyes staring at me, opening there mouths, and just being scary from the walls of my household, even when i closed my eyes! But what ever heavenly music god has blessed me with was a miracle. And whatever demon or negative soul was haunting or harassing me, was purified and taken away from me.
ОтветитьI Wuv U ❤️🌹
ОтветитьTo anyone who needs to hear this. Keep going, don't give up hope. I know life can get challenging or stressful at times.
Everything will work out perfectly. No matter the difficulties you are facing currently. You will overcome it! You are stronger and braver than you think. I know this from experience.
I love and believe in you, your friend! A fellow human being!
In case no one has told you today.....
You are more loved than you understand.
You are more beautiful than you know.
You are stronger than you think.
You are perfect in your imperfection.
You were created on purpose for a purpose.
You are so much more than just "enough"
Love and light all 🌻
You are loved sending good vibes ❤
ОтветитьI’m in love with this one it’s by far my favorite one ❤
ОтветитьI won't lie listening to this made my stomach growl and bubble kinda which Is odd cuz it didn't do it B4 I started listening to this
ОтветитьMuch gratitude
ОтветитьJust want to say these comments and beautiful messages are awesome thank you to everyone it's so nice to know that there are a lot of good people in this world ❤ angel blessings to all 💗
ОтветитьNite night💤💤
ОтветитьDear lord protect me while I sleep amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
ОтветитьI wish I could see your beautiful smile ❤️
ОтветитьSending love and peace to whomever is reading this I know you’ve been let done but something else better is coming for you just believe in yourself ✨🌻
ОтветитьWhoever is reading this, you are doing great. You have already come so far and i know you will continue to do so moving forward. You are wonderful, please keep that in mind <3
ОтветитьI may not have a long inspiring messagr but i do have one you made it this far why quit now dont smoke, vape, delete yourself, or hurt others, save yourself by saving others even saying have a good day can help
ОтветитьI'm currently having death anxiety rn pls help me
Ответить❤❤❤❤bionca ellies love me amen 🙏 🙌 ✨️ ❤️
ОтветитьI will survive I will survive I’m NOT WEAK
ОтветитьI want to forgive all those I hurt including myself and ask to be healed and regenerated again.
ОтветитьUse inner smile technique, clear and meditate on each organ, rinse the spine top to bottom, visualize white light around you, pray to your guides or deities. Then sit in stillness and repeat everyday, to cleanse negative energy.
ОтветитьDoes anybody else hear voices in the audio?
ОтветитьI love u all
ОтветитьThank you beautiful soul 🥰same back at you in ten fold much love 💚🌸
Ответитьwow Thank you so much for this Inner Lotus 🙏🏻❤️
ОтветитьSometimes we wonder why life makes us go through the things we go through some may have it harder than other what I need you Yes YOU reading this to know is you got this keep your head up and push through may this music bring you peace and prosperity through your night God bless you ❤
Ответить888,086 views!!!!
ОтветитьIf you're reading this, then
Made ya look!
It's too late now... positivity, good health, and happiness are headed your way. Give yourself a pat on the back for everything you've been through. Rooting you on, from this point forward! 💓
much appreciation woke up before over…. so gonna stop listening and get busy with new energy 💜💫🕊️🙏🙌
ОтветитьHello! I love you All! ❤
Ответитьi hope everyone listens to this as they sleep and wakes up full of life and ready for the day, goodnight 💗
ОтветитьI pray for peace and calm in my house hold and rebuke plans of evil from energies vampires people with bad intentions greed selfishness lack of empathy and sympathy to be vanquished and banished from our lives. I affirm with the universe and pray to God Amen
ОтветитьA lot of comments here, so happy for that.. i just want to say im so greatful to be alive, despite all lifes difficulties, its people like who are in this community that make life worth are worthy and only look back to see how far youve come, we can waste so much time dreading our past and.. you still being here, alive, today, is reason enough to show you that everythings gonna be okay and lifes only going to get better from here, thank you for all your love and the value you bring to humanity, you are cherished, God bless❤
ОтветитьSending out gratitude to all of you beautiful souls who are uplifting humankind with your heartfelt words... Thank you so very much for shining your light so bright and bringing in peace and love to all ❤😊
ОтветитьGood night from 🌺Hawai’i 🌺
ОтветитьI don’t want this anger that I have to consume me. I pray that one day soon I can let go of this anger and let go of those who have wronged me. I pray that whoever needs help finds the help that they need. I pray for peace In my soul and in my mind. Praying for everyone to find the peace that they deserve.
ОтветитьSending love , peace, joy and calming to those who are reading this.
I love you love yourself first.