Jonathan Majors | Sherri Shepherd | Full Episode

Jonathan Majors | Sherri Shepherd | Full Episode


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@margaritapadilla2503 - 22.03.2025 08:59

None of us are perfect therefore none of us can judge. I wish him the best he’s an amazing actor period .

@chanelm6146 - 22.03.2025 09:41

Their relationship is odd to me. With Sherrri's history I'm surprised, she cried. Still a fan of Sherri, though, so don't block me. lol

@lolaamazonia5218 - 22.03.2025 12:33

This guy deserves a second chance. Nobody is perfect!. Majors is an amazing actor. And this film really feels like Oscar worthy.

@PinkiEstherMonnanyane - 22.03.2025 14:43

Love you Jonathan Majors from Lesotho Africa, love u brothers

@JuanCrot - 22.03.2025 15:24

Is this what replaced Wendy? Bruh…

@GhettiHaze - 22.03.2025 15:41

He's definitely an inspiration.

@Mergie_Merge - 22.03.2025 15:46

This interview got me choked up.

@devinobrian8954 - 22.03.2025 16:48

You people are so gullible. PR works wonders on perception.

@JayDub2000 - 22.03.2025 16:49

I love that he said his joy came from God! Yasssss! The only TRUE source of Joy! Best interview thus far I’ve seen. We are proud of you Jonathan!

@trogers9978 - 22.03.2025 17:16

Trials and tribulations lead to Joy🙌🏾🙏🏾❤️

@Manny.J-zy6fm - 22.03.2025 17:47

White people like sexy red because she personifies the stereotypes of black people. It's sad because the conversation over dinner was about business and only business. Not entertainment.

@robincotter120 - 22.03.2025 20:57

Look at GOD 🙌🏽

@lionofthebluevale7170 - 22.03.2025 21:11

so many woman beaters in the comments

@XcellTheArtist-1of1 - 22.03.2025 22:25

Love a great comeback story👊🏾

@TheUniquemariah - 23.03.2025 00:37

Go watch the movie

@fquint6468 - 23.03.2025 01:18

Am I missing something....

@MuvaChula - 23.03.2025 01:30

Joy from the Storm...🙌🏽

@vickiewilliams1487 - 23.03.2025 01:44

Wow I'm ballingg!!!😭😭😭😭😭 this was a great show God is a God of another chance 🙏🏽

@TheAliciasunshine - 23.03.2025 02:16

Excellent Interview!❤

@GodsChild4Ever446 - 23.03.2025 02:59


@GodsChild4Ever446 - 23.03.2025 03:02

God is in control and he knows best.Lord protect all of our black entertainers from the demons of the industry. Keep them covered and allow them to use their craft to bring truth to life. Bless you sir❤

@debjay7129 - 23.03.2025 03:19

...he appears slimmer younger and and and... CONGRATS!!!

@Mjjchick - 23.03.2025 06:13

A Man who Cries and shows emotion is one of the strongest Men there is💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿

@HerLovesBooks - 23.03.2025 06:47

This was beautiful.

@vivianegoodman5933 - 23.03.2025 07:40

God bless you, brother! I love your humble spirit. God Bless you and Megan's Union!

@Peace2Mateo - 23.03.2025 07:54

Pick mes and abuse deniers all in the comments. Imagine if that was your sister, mother, cousin... If he really wanted to do the work he would stop going on PR tours to pander and get a real therapist and sit tf down. I don't care if this gets hate comments either stop aligning with losers

@cleftheart1969 - 23.03.2025 08:27

Well I hope he's sincere and getting help. He's a good actor. When celebrities mess up I just expect them own up with accountability. I never expect them to be no less of a human than I am..

@mb1969mb - 23.03.2025 09:38

I feel having JM as a guest so soon was not the best idea. Meagan Good is a beautiful woman who has involved herself with a man who needs therapy and needs to heal. I understand embracing abusers in time but it was so unsettling as a victim to see him on the show so soon after admitting to being an abuser. JM has a history and he needs therapy. Your show was very uncomfortable and disappointing. I had to say this. It seems I was the only one to address the elephant in the room but I had to. I apologize Sherri and Company. I still love the show.

@Yoitsweden - 23.03.2025 14:07

Shame on you for putting this abuser in the light of

@zuriraefairley2973 - 23.03.2025 17:31

Go sherri

@chancrawford - 23.03.2025 20:40

This comment section is falling for the okie doke 😢

Like y'all know he an actor he knows just how to pull on your heart strings and y'all sitting there fallin for it

@MedinaMedlock - 24.03.2025 01:08

He was innocent to me, I am just glad he realized he needed to be home 😉

@MedinaMedlock - 24.03.2025 01:18

This was the best episode in all talk shows! This was amazing!

@joylannetter2451 - 24.03.2025 02:05

Jonathan's life is to be a testament of God's grace, mercy, incredible work.
Wait and See 💯👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾‼️

@joylannetter2451 - 24.03.2025 02:42

Jonathan's honesty invulnerability has opened the door for millions of men especially.

@Bri-lg1zj - 24.03.2025 03:06

I absolutely love this, heartwarming!❤

@jasonhenderson863 - 24.03.2025 03:57

Robert Downey Jr did way worse than he did. Drugs showing up naked at a women house

@jasonhenderson863 - 24.03.2025 04:04

Just a note the blacks actors that go to ACTING SCHOOL are phenomenal.

@lindamartin6628 - 24.03.2025 05:04

I’m so glad that he received the help that he needed. I’m glad that he has a good woman beside him. Together, they can do great things!❤

@jesswhycamarz - 24.03.2025 05:10

There are plenty of black men to support who have never and will never hit women.

@angelreyes-pt5ez - 24.03.2025 06:29

I can’t believe Sherri had this guy on. After he admitted to physical harm to his partner. No Ma’am.

@CarlaColeman-sr1hs - 24.03.2025 15:46

SHERRI SHEPARD my beautiful baby GIRL! I thought that interview with you and LENNY KRAVITZ WAS TOTALLY WONDERFUL AND GREAT! YOU are doing a lot of good things for the ladies that are in their 50 "s and older I thought You and LENNY started dating TOO MANY PEOPLE ARE JUST HATERS NOT LOVERS WHEN YOU TOUCHED LENNY KRAVITZ THAT WAD NOT BEING INAPPROPRIATE. YOU LOOKED AND YOU STILL LOOK GOOD YOU JUST KEEPIN THINGS REAL.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@eatoncourtney - 24.03.2025 18:58


@tinatwine137 - 24.03.2025 19:27

Sherri, you did an AMAZING interview. I'm so proud of Jonathan Majors and his growth. Keep smiling Brotha- Keep smiling!!

@scottrogue946 - 24.03.2025 19:56

Mammies to the rescue. 🛟 😂

@sheiladupoux2347 - 24.03.2025 21:15

Why did I 😢cry the whole time excellent interview I see why Megan is in love with him and vice versa I wish them well.. I will support this movie ❤

@yhimeemapple6279 - 24.03.2025 21:34

Sherri, your analysis of Jason Issacs and the “double standard” statement was a poor argument perpetuated in the very sexism you stand against.

@lauren6509 - 24.03.2025 22:15

So she'll shed tears and mammy for a man that strangles his girlfriends but felt the need to chastise women that needed to cover up?

@chronicloafchannel - 25.03.2025 01:29

I had really been loving this show but these comments have really confirmed for me that after this episode i simply cant support this series anymore. Any woman who would position a man, who’s admitted to strangling his gf, to be uplifted redeemed and treated as though he simply made a mistske, is a woman I can’t support.
And its so sad because what our young men need is accountability and real growth from consequences. Not this.

@erfzilla - 25.03.2025 08:47

crying onto his mama
