Whoever did the graphics for this is amazing. U did such a good job that I wanted 2 "thank you"
ОтветитьPLEASE DON'T flood your posts with Ads!!! If we're really going to, sleep....short Ads.
ОтветитьNice thumbnail!
ОтветитьOh sweet, I like these!
ОтветитьBecause you put a hot babe in that thumbnail this is going to be your most popular video ever
ОтветитьIf you’re going to say CE, or BCE, come up with your own dating system. It’s trying to have your cake and eat it too; when people say that they think they sound clever, but it actually has the opposite effect it shows they’re not thinking about what they’re saying. It’s not about whether or not you believe in Christ, etc; it’s that our entire dstibg system is based on his supposed birth, real or not. If someone were to ask you what separates BCE & CE, if you’re being honest you’d still have to answer it’s based on Christs supposed birth, so just say AD and BC and stop trying to sound cool. I’m sorry I’m a Libra and stupid things like CE and BCE get on my nerves as they’re stupid things to say
ОтветитьI absolutely love it! I love this narrator! Great documentary!
ОтветитьAhhh nap time! Thank you 🙏
ОтветитьIn the beginning of solar system formation. Why didn't Jupiter become a star? Saturn is very large also. Could it be that Jupiter and Saturn were one then became separated? It is strange how too large bodies were so close together. Another thing; Mars, could mars be a moon of our earth at one time in the early formation of the solar system? Mars lay just outside the "GOLDILOCK ZONE". Could it have drifted out further by the force of jupiter?
ОтветитьWe have cold space and the decay of atmospheric gasses of stars as heat waves outside of entanglement of internal magnetic fields grounding currents through its nucleus or core as potential renewable heat energy when absorbed into internal magnetic fields throughout space as a weak external magnetic field filled with dark heat energy outside of entanglement of mass as maximum distance traveling and minimum amount of force to and from cold repulsion momentum. Clockwise and counterclockwise pressure from magnetism. If space is clockwise, then hydrogen is counterclockwise. Hydrogen is maximum force and minimum distance traveling cycling circulation centrifugal force faster than normal momentum of space itself as occupational space neutralized repulsion within mass as outward force of pressure. Magnetism explains everything about physics without gravity and bending space and electricity. Electricity is rapid heat exchanging through mass grounding currents towards earth's internal magnetic field grounding currents through its nucleus or core. Mass falls through atmospheres in equalization to magnetism repulsion within and without mass. Greater magnetic fields are farther reaching out repulsion than smaller magnetic fields. Equalization of magnetism. Density can't exceed repulsion within it. Gravity doesn't exist. Magnetism does. Heat is the universal force of pressure and is everywhere. Combination engines, grounding currents of heat energy to anti freeze and radiators ground heat energy to atmospheres and atmospheres grounding heat currents through all masses in its path. Rockets use heat for propulsion. Hot air balloons rise up from heat propulsion. Heat isn't a wasted byproduct. It is the universal force of pressure known as magnetism repulsion within and without entanglement of mass. Electric cords are warm because heat energy passes through all masses. Light bulbs are hot from heat passing through them. Heat unabsorbed bouncing around atmospheres lighting up the mass, it strikes unabsorbed heat singularities into atmospheric gases and lights up. Mirror effects. Mirage. Heat refraction of reflection bouncing around atmospheres. Mirror effects of heat can be seen as Mirror effects on highways showing bridges upside down on roadways. Magnification of heat energy is concentrate of pressure known as fire. Campfires are slowly disolving internal magnetic fields of mass disolves its internal magnetic fields as external heat energy outside of entanglement of mass as potential renewable heat energy when absorbed into internal magnetic fields grounding currents through its nucleus or core. Physists call external magnetic fields black holes. These external magnetic fields spinning all external heat energy within its field like a record on a record player centrifugal force of magnetism. These monopoles of nuclei are pure repulsion of cold space devoid of heat energy within its core or nucleus. The event horizon perimeters within mass and outside of external magnetic fields cores are neutralized repulsion as outward force of pressure known as magnetism repulsion. External magnetic fields spinning all external heat energy outside of the nucleus centrifugal force held in magnetism and internal magnetic fields grounding currents through its nucleus or core where external heat energy within its core is strongest centrifugal force held in magnetism. Magnetism is centrifugal forces of faster than normal momentum of space redirected trajectories backward onto itself as internal magnetic fields grounding currents through its nucleus or core maintenance of normal velocity of space making hydrogen the cosmic speed limit of maximum force and least distance traveling cycling circulation centrifugal force faster than normal momentum of space itself in repulsion from cold space itself within mass and without mass equalization of magnetism repulsion. Mass falls in equalization to magnetism repulsion and bonding force of weight is impaction force of collisions when displacement can't be overcome by impaction force of currents flowing through and around mass. Mass neutralizes repulsion within it and accretion disks immediately surrounding the monopole of pure cold repulsion of external magnetic fields spinning all external heat energy within its field are neutralized repulsion as occupational space. Heat occupational space accumulation is anti matter of cold repulsion to heat propulsion from cold repulsion. Heat and cold don't mix. That's magnetism repulsion. Heat is the variable. Space itself is constant. Heat can disolve or accumulation as elements expand outward as occupational space neutralized repulsion within mass as outward force of pressure known as weightless outside of a greater magnetic field flow. Impaction is the force of currents flowing through and around the mass. Mass falls in equalization to magnetism repulsion within and without entanglement of mass in equalization to magnetism repulsion. Lightning is rapid heat loss as fire lighting up the sky instantaneously disolving internal magnetic fields flash lighting atmospheric gasses unabsorbed heat instantaneously displacement. Campfires are slowly disolving external magnetic fields disolve internal magnetic fields disolving into external heat energy outside of entanglement of mass as potential renewable heat energy when absorbed. You stand next to fire and feel the force of fire. Static electricity is rapid heat jumping to a grounding currents port of absorption as fire lighting up the path of least resistance bouncing off atmospheric gasses lighting up the mass it strikes unabsorbed heat singularities. Distance traveling is always equal to the force of pressure. Magnetism explains everything about physics without gravity and bending space and electricity. Shivering is rapid heat loss. So go stand next to the external magnetic field of fire and absorb heat into your biological internal magnetic fields grounding currents through all masses in its path until resistance can't be overcome by displacement as impaction force. Like getting impacted by Static fire. The shock is fast heat absorption. A small burn. External heat energy outside of entanglement of mass is fire. Hot days proves hypothesis. We have appliances that remove heat and adds heat energy. We burn calories. Heat is the lifeblood of everything as magnetism. Common sense is centrifugal forces cycling circulation everywhere around us. Batteries store heat propulsion that's why they get hot. Electricity is rapid heat exchanging through mass. Speed it up like lightning strikes disolving atmospheric gasses into external heat energy outside of entanglement of mass as fire lighting up the sky instantaneously disolving internal magnetic fields as fire lines. Instantaneously disolving internal magnetic fields as external heat energy known as fire lighting up atmospheres like filaments.
ОтветитьLong time no see! 😊
ОтветитьLove this channel
ОтветитьYeah a new video