Where Did Satan's First Evil Desire Come From. (Bible Truths Explained)

Where Did Satan's First Evil Desire Come From. (Bible Truths Explained)

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@arcturus286 - 21.07.2024 04:25

Novel that really digs into this topic

The Divine Epic: The Untold Origin and History of the Angels

By Jason Metz

@mikestein1024 - 24.07.2024 04:40

It wasn’t pride this time , it was jealousy the devil was always jealous of us being loved by god , hence his mission to corrupt the thing that god loved more then himself as vengeful act of jealousy

@DaxmaPrime - 02.08.2024 01:33

so what gave him that thought? if he was Holy then that thought shouldnt have occured

@troubledspirit3328 - 08.08.2024 10:35

God only gave right and wrong to man.

@swan20051395 - 19.08.2024 10:55

What I believe happened is that Lucifer slept with Lilith enraging god and made him into a fallen Angel. Lucifer got mad and returned as a snake and tempted Eve

@swan20051395 - 19.08.2024 10:56

What I believe happened is that Lucifer slept with Lilith enraging god and made him into a fallen Angel. Lucifer got mad and returned as a snake and tempted Eve

@jesusfavor1543 - 24.08.2024 22:41

Learning about this enlightens me of how I could be betrayed by someone that walked hand in hand with me for 8 years!!!! Pride, Jealousy & Envy are as cruel as the grave. Be very careful, wise, prayerful & vigilant. There are many like Satan out in the world. They embody his spirit

@Giavani-t4k - 30.08.2024 20:49

The disconnect resides in assuming God was taken aback by anything. Satan was forming into what God desired.
Nothing of surprise here, unless God is actually imperfect. We ascribe too much love and mercy to this almighty entity. Take a look around at the world; God wanted this, he planned for it. The past 2000 years have been proof of God's agenda of harvesting human souls.
This was the original agenda, to replenish the planet with human souls. As far as God's overwhelming love for humankind, there are slightly overlooked realities.

@SMaamri78 - 02.09.2024 04:29

So, at one point, there was sin in heaven?

@PazuzuPaimon - 17.09.2024 02:18

Leviticus 18:9...

@PazuzuPaimon - 17.09.2024 02:18

Leviticus 18:9...

@PazuzuPaimon - 17.09.2024 02:19

Leviticus 18:9...

@PazuzuPaimon - 17.09.2024 02:20

Leviticus 18:9...

@PazuzuPaimon - 17.09.2024 02:20

Leviticus 18:9...

@PazuzuPaimon - 17.09.2024 02:21

Leviticus 18:9...

@harissoftic6841 - 17.09.2024 19:23


@Kakashiruata - 18.09.2024 17:17

I cannot understand why he could betrayed GOD who loved him so much
GOD gave him everything he need and beyond
I think he hurt GOD heart when he betrayed him

@Hggdrhjfddg - 24.09.2024 02:25

The morningstar sheds light into every area of darkness into light. It brings him joy to help you elevate spiritually. He is very patient and understanding 🙏 I hope you take that leap to get to know him and your flame grows stronger every day 💘

@marcofrancov.4069 - 24.09.2024 10:29

ust humans Angels had the free will although their free will to overthrow God is impossible so they sent down to abyss andnever to return bcoz they are not made of flesh of Gods flesh n bones but just spirits.

@Flowshow88 - 30.09.2024 23:07

Its so obvious its referring to a planet

@Seraphim-h3q - 09.10.2024 17:37

Satan and zozo are pedophiles

@RichardCowen-ip1um - 15.10.2024 23:55

It is 1/ 3rd, nickolas, a real fallen angel is not evil.

@user-wp6lh7rp2v - 21.10.2024 02:41

Hmmm...sin means to miss the mark. . . Keep trying never give up. Try, try you will get better...and you will have some kind of Worthy answer when his Son asks you...What did you do with the life my father gave you. Point yourself and hoal to love others for if you truely did, how vould you hurt,beciet or pillage them.?
Thank You..!

@imlegendcc2854 - 25.10.2024 17:47

Yes.... Pride, arrogance and proud can lead to downfall. Be wise and stay humble. Don't be led by fools. Don't underestimate the power of stupidity. ❤

@HenryChoc-c9e - 02.11.2024 02:41

You can't explain bible verses from western point of view angle come from stretching out the point to turn them in a different direction that's what square come in to play as Terrance Howard explained the universe with curves as in bends and circles & archs the orbit around the point that is narrow is the gate gate wAy when you have time to study languages you see curves in Hebrew Arabic words and the way they are structured has a different vibration that results in the pronunciation of them in the mind and voice English scholars seem to miss or fail to mention this to people believe the me the power alchemy in the mind and voice is magical properties

@moveitstime - 02.11.2024 19:42

Simple anwer : Ignoring the truth will lead to doubts in the end towards lies.

@kadzowanje5565 - 09.11.2024 01:43

I love this guy

@Whiteshaddow326 - 14.11.2024 18:04

So what caused Satan to be jealous you haven’t answered the question

@Whiteshaddow326 - 14.11.2024 18:05

Was it Lucifer’s pride and if so, why would you have pride when pride belongs to God?

@Whiteshaddow326 - 14.11.2024 18:11

Unrighteousness and evil were found in him. How did that happen? Why did that happen? Where did the unrighteousness and evil come from?

@Whiteshaddow326 - 14.11.2024 18:11

What put the spirit of weakness in Satan?

@Whiteshaddow326 - 14.11.2024 18:12

If he was flawless, then why did he sin?

@Whiteshaddow326 - 14.11.2024 18:14

I’m beginning to understand he was so beautiful that he became prideful

@Whiteshaddow326 - 14.11.2024 18:14

Pride goes before the fall

@mrbradmr - 02.12.2024 04:53

It's sad and ironic that you ruin a good video with spiritual pride by claiming Jesus to be the only savior of humanity. Close but no cigar.

@CuRruPTSyStEmSLaVe1978 - 06.12.2024 10:42

I believe Evil would not be an existence without God. Like everything else evil is from God. Freedom of choice from the divine made it possible for Evil to come into existence from his creation of beings. Angels and Man. Evil would not be possible without his own initiation or decision to create. Evil is not of God through his character but was there waiting to be exploited...for his purpose.

@josephianbaptista2748 - 07.12.2024 20:35

Lucifer is not satan or evil.....

@Yeshuatv222 - 13.12.2024 10:38

Stay blessed and keep walking in the power of God! ✨

@jonathanj.3695 - 16.12.2024 22:56

"The more that society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those that speak it." -George Orwell

Society hates Lucifer, because God made him into an enemy, even though he was the one who called God out for his wrong doing.

@PuppyPaws-MMM - 17.12.2024 05:51

If Satan was perfect when he was created then there is no way he could have sinned...

@AndrewMnyangbe - 31.12.2024 11:53

Thank you am blessed

@Kasper-f8r - 31.01.2025 15:47

🤔,free will our lord GOD to all his creations, 😇

@ronaldbarnes1746 - 11.02.2025 10:27

I think God should of just gave him a planet and have him live there in miserly forever.

@stevenalaniz7168 - 26.02.2025 17:21

All this could have been prevented keep that in mind fools

@TheBibleStoriesVault - 01.03.2025 16:18

It’s truly heartbreaking to think about — to once stand in the very presence of the Almighty God, surrounded by His perfect love, only to lose it all because of pride. 😔 It makes me wonder, how often does pride quietly pull us away from God’s will even today?

@john-u8r7r - 02.03.2025 20:33

This is a great lesson for us not to be like him but to learn from him

@judael5605 - 09.03.2025 06:49

It is impossible for Lucifer to have unclean or sinful thoughts and ideas, since GOD himself created him, and called him the most perfect creation. God's creation is incapable of sin even after granted free will because God can only create perfectly good creature in both mind, spirit and body. Free will doesn't produce sin, especially in a perfect creature created by perfect God. Your answer is extremely lacking in logic. It is still unknown how a perfect creature could sin, because it's impossible. The Bible only mentioned Lucifer rebelled because pride but never mention how pride(sin) was possible in a perfect creature created by perfect God. The only reasonable conclusion is that GOD himself planted the idea of rebellion and sin(pride) into Lucifer's mind, very much as planned by his grand scheme of infinite unknown(to the human mind). Lacking video, says a lot of things without actually saying anything...

@도토리-e2d8w - 20.03.2025 06:12

Created being 'perfection' is not equal to the 'perfection' of GOD
