Advanced Songwriter Chords in Beatmaking

Advanced Songwriter Chords in Beatmaking

Reason Studios

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@djshmul1 - 29.07.2024 18:23

My first target always was harmony and still till day classical and jazz pop , maybe a new piano roll generation need more of this .Playing piano both classical and jazz ,dont have time to learn new So called updete Reason 13,better sitdown and learn more improvising and voice leading like phrigian dominant or some sharp 11 with flat 13 or lydian sharp eleven

@synthboffin - 29.07.2024 18:37

Thanks Ryan for another fab video!...I'm a huge fan of Olivia Broadfield so this was a special treat - thank you!

@niiranen - 29.07.2024 18:45

This is exactly what I need. Thank you!🙏🏻

@borismutina685 - 29.07.2024 18:46

ok, going to get chords finally. btw, is it only me who's missing Ryan's banjo?

@somuchfortalent - 29.07.2024 19:04

scales and chords is such a fun player.

@gregserenade6653 - 29.07.2024 19:31

THIS (among so many other things) is what makes Reason the best music making software. with the right sounds (which Reason has plenty of) and programming the players you can command the Reason rack like a band and make yourself a world class producer. Literally

@gregkozdemba5865 - 29.07.2024 19:31

Chord inversions with cv routing information. Nice job as usual Ryan

@guatapal - 29.07.2024 19:52


@HOLLASOUNDS - 29.07.2024 20:02

I learned what Chords sounded good about 14 years ago, in Reason by spending hours drawing in Midi notes, You dont need to know any theory all You need is to have the ability to hear when things are in key. Music theory is cool but I would never sit down and make chord progressions buy looking at chord sets on paper.

@juicerox - 29.07.2024 20:06

I'll be a Reason fan for life. The 13 update to me has been incredible and having spent over a month with it now, its the best Reason has felt in years.

@eluherlu - 29.07.2024 20:46

Wow I remember Olivia's video about the old Reason. Really inspired me

@mattskalicky - 29.07.2024 22:04

Fmaj9 for reference

@TwdlD - 29.07.2024 22:11

I have been making my own sequences this month. I find it interesting what I am into at the moment. And that might change a year from now. I love the fact I can make my own presets.

@marsthesecondgenesis1291 - 29.07.2024 22:12

I am pretty new to reason as I could never afford to buy it but now with the reason plus I have got it. People seem to hate subscriptions but it allows poor people to get high end software to use. I love using reason as a plug in in studio one. My songwriting skills are very limited but using the tools in Reason allows me to cheat.

@Bokehstbuzzkill - 29.07.2024 22:52

Love this format for videos. Getting technique through conversation and example, then applying it into a workable solution. Great job on this!

@JeroenJongeleen - 29.07.2024 23:09

The beat with the 1st bass line reminded me of Mike Oldflied. I wonder what Mike would make of this :)

@razhmazh - 30.07.2024 03:14

Ryan the goat!

@SjarMenace - 30.07.2024 06:08

reason is not it. The workflow is trash and to clunky

@StephenTiffoney - 30.07.2024 06:28

The scales & chord player is cheating. Get good at your music theory. Learn how to do it, this will never work perfectly.

@StephenTiffoney - 30.07.2024 06:36

Lovely that you guys done that with Reason 12, and did not allow a Reason 11 Suite update to allow those. You guys got all your money for these advertisments from people who paid for versions of Reason below 12. Stop being assholes. Those that paid for Reason 11 Suite have very valid claims that you sold them an old product.

@deeplink_audio - 30.07.2024 08:49

Great video, really showcases how a bit of simple yet well thought decision making can make an impact to your music

@Artek604 - 30.07.2024 11:55

Ask her why she hasn't upgraded to R13, please :)
Great video, BTW! Olivia's awesome!!! <3

@MrMarcLaflamme - 30.07.2024 15:47

Why did you decide to use the Channel EQ rack device and not just the mixer channel eq?

@ceciliamackie - 30.07.2024 16:28

Unbelievable! Shall we be friends?

@AndyRobinson1010 - 30.07.2024 18:43

A beautiful explanation by Olivia to her thinking on chord structure, loved it.

@trackmasters65 - 30.07.2024 23:17

Wow I wondered what happened to her as she was part of the old reason community.

@jazzsong8566 - 30.07.2024 23:53

Thank you, Ryan! Your tutorials are always the GOAT and make me run into Reason and experiment. Thanks to Olivia too ❤🎉

@alaukikdj - 31.07.2024 13:16

Why 500 dollars for a daw? For such workflow. So expensive for indian buyers.. are you guys only thinking of your country only? .. think of every country in the world.. and the prize model..can you fit the needs of that particular country music . I wanted to buy reason but its to expensive for me.. and don't ever start a subscription model.

@CityMorpher - 31.07.2024 17:58

Awesome tricks! Thanks alot :)

@arothmanmusic - 01.08.2024 20:19

My struggle is always taking what Ryan ended up with here — a sonically interesting 8-bar loop — and turning it into a functional song. I know the whole "break it down and build it up" method, which works for club tracks, but all too often I end up coming up with a neat loop that I can't seem to turn into anything more.

@JulioWilson-q4e - 01.08.2024 20:38

Im Sorry I refuse to believe that Reson just hasent made any of the Akai MPC'S avalible on the platform. I'm a Regliously Loyal Member of the Reason Community. I love the DAW. I figured that I would buy a MPC because I ams a natural Beatmaker at heart. So needless to say I bought an Akai MPC one +. at the time Reason 12 was the newest version avalible. I knew that Reason 13 would soon be avalible. But to no availe Still No MPC Support. Reason PLEASE and any of my Breatheron that shares my frustration. Reason Propellerhead Please give us support for the MPC's .... Thank You.

@Erika-uu8tj - 02.08.2024 05:43

no offense to Olivia or anything but why are you calling the broadfieldian chords? she didn't invent them. I've been playing these chords for 35 years. Among millions of other musicians who have been playing them for as long as they have as well.

@Noldy__ - 02.08.2024 08:37

How would I CV root the Bass generator when I use Reason as a rack in Ableton? I'd love to have a chord channel in Ableton control the bass generator that is on another channel. Basicaly, have 2 different rack extension communicate with each other via CV.

@TrevorOuellette - 03.08.2024 00:10

Thanks for doing these videos. Really helpful!

@michaelstephen5775 - 07.08.2024 18:01


@Sol_Keez - 16.08.2024 16:13

They stopped responding to my ticket because I am eligible for a free upgrade. How shitty of a company 😂 haven’t heard from them since June 24th

@AshleyPrinceWashington - 16.08.2024 22:48

Love it ❤❤❤🔥💯

@chriswick21 - 21.11.2024 20:30

ah i was following along perfectly until the drums were pulled out of thin air. haha. guess its not really about copying it, but rather learning the process and seeing what's possible. these chords sound great!

@Uniblab8 - 20.12.2024 19:06

She thinks like I do with regard to chords. I am a piano player and guitarist and my use of triads has always included some sort of enhancement note(s) within the whole key. Piano is so cool to do this kind of stuff with. On guitar some of the notes I try to add stretch my fingers pretty far. Excellent video.

- 31.01.2025 17:56

This is easily one of my favorite videos. I love Olivia's approach to chord phrasing. Thanks for putting this together!
