1983 BMW R100RS Install Transmission

1983 BMW R100RS Install Transmission

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@assessor1276 - 23.07.2020 20:16

Great video Brook! I liked the tip about fishing a dropped bolt out of the swing arm (those insights are valuable for rookies).
Question: why couldn’t you leave the transmission in gear (I’d say 4th or 5th) and then just rotate the output shaft assist in lining up the input spline with the clutch hub?

@matthiaslahr829 - 23.07.2020 22:20

hi brook
i like your tutorials, very clear and well done and detailed with love
just a quick note: should you install the pushrod before putting the trannie into the frame ? from my experience it is too long to be fiddled in later since the swingarm and frame cross members will be in the way ? greetz from germany

@albeenamelast6620 - 24.07.2020 01:44

Can the gear shift lever be drilled out for a needle bearing? Another nice Video!! Thank you.

@malcolmnash5850 - 24.07.2020 22:44

Your Tutorials are Brilliant Brook and very enjoyable to watch even though I hope not to do any of these jobs.

@kenchan5624 - 20.10.2020 01:24

Your video is well made enjoy it very much l love it ,it is helping me alot thank you ,l got a 72 -R75/5 4 speed with kicker l love it, would be to have 5 speed on it .possible to conver it to 5 speed?

@bikedogtor1663 - 12.11.2020 15:57

@frankmummolo7727 - 19.12.2020 20:35

I did this job about 2 years ago and matched most of your steps by trial and error. But didn’t know the driveshaft/transmission boot was “handed” and the troubleshooting for the source of the ensuing leak drove me nuts. I literally exhausted every other possible source until the boot was the only thing left! I made it way too complicated and felt like an idiot. I learned “ when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras”! Great video, Brook! Thanks !

@كاتبثمل-ق1غ - 07.01.2021 13:34

اعطوني واحد

@albertcosta5755 - 09.02.2021 23:12

Congrats for all this videos!!!!! Amazing how useful they are! I have one question, do I need to the out all the transmition to change the rubber that connects the back of the trasmition and the swingarm??? Thanks a lot for your answer!

@albertcosta5755 - 10.02.2021 10:43

Thank you Brook!

@jbhallowell - 12.02.2021 12:13

You must have an engineering background

@nilsherloff-petersen249 - 26.02.2021 21:06

Beautiful clean bike! Very clear explanations which will help me with planning my work on my ‘91 R100Gs PD.

@ishgal74 - 16.03.2021 06:55

Love the video. I have a question about the process you use to make your aluminum so fresh. My engine builder says using any kind of blasting media clogs the oil ports. Any suggestions

@gentlerowdy - 17.04.2021 21:58

brooks its a very detailed video many thanks for taking the trouble to post this- i would like to know on the heads of the r100 did you paint the top surface or had it power coated- ?

@markdanford1910 - 26.05.2021 18:42

thanks so much for your videos very helpful !

@miken688 - 30.07.2021 00:49

Thanks for the content. Extremely useful 👍 One step closer to getting the RT back on the road!

@carlcarsboult255 - 20.02.2022 00:53

Very detailed and clear video with good information thanks it’s been a real help for me with my own .I would like to ad that the tip with the magnet is great but I came up with a way so you don’t drop any I twisted a bread bag wire tie around bolt and easily put in then pushed gator so it puts light pressure on bolt holding it steady while you do bolt up also this blocks passage to the obis of the swing arm 😉hope this helps someone else or even yourself if doing another or a person with fat fingers and clumzyitus like me 😂

@jimhovland7672 - 26.09.2022 21:58

Brook, You mention shifting the trans into second to spin the gears and then back into neutral while getting the gear oil moved throughout the trans. I shifted my gear oil filled trans into first but can't get it back into neutral (by hand). Do you think this should be cause for concern? BTW...I did not open the trans case...only drained the gear oil and then refilled at time of install. Thanks.


@jimhovland7672 - 05.10.2022 02:03

So Brook...what happens if the swingarm to trans boot is installed backwards? I just finished the boot and connecting the drive shaft to the trans output and noticed it is backwards. I don't mind buying new stretch bolts but don't look forward to the "gymnastics" of reinstalling the bolts and boot.

@jimhovland7672 - 05.10.2022 18:47

Hello Brook - I hit a road block this morning... After installing the alternator, diode bridge and new clutch assembly, my motor would still spin. However, when I installed the trans, bolted up the drive shaft and started reinstalling the cylinder/heads, I couldn't spin the motor to get exactly on TDC on flat spot of cam lobes.

I dropped the trans into 1st and tried turning the drive shaft. I also tried spinning and the piston rods. No joy. I plan on pulling the trans to see if the motor spins without the trans. Can you think of any "gotchas" I might have fallen into to cause the motor not to spin?


@mnv-slim2807 - 25.12.2022 11:41

What is that red engine dipstick?

@SuperNova-Steve - 29.01.2023 13:03

Thanks again for continuing to build an incredible resource for future airhead owners.

@wayartio - 11.02.2023 00:11

Could you tell me what paint is used on the Engine and Transmission? Thank you!

@brandonlutz338 - 06.05.2023 01:57

My '77 r100/7 has started a downshift problem. When I pull in the clutch and down shift, it will won't go all the way to the lower gear, it clunked and made you think it did, but let out the clutch and give gas and it turns out to be in between gears. Pull in clutch and do it again and then it goes to lower gear. Thoughts? Do the splines just need lubed or is it something internal.

@williamberndt2997 - 16.06.2023 21:04

you really raise the bar for cleaning the castings, dang!

@Steve.D - 24.06.2023 17:43

Hi Brook...thank you for another great video. Q. is there a felt used on the clutch rod? Seems you didn't add it in this video? If it is required, what would the consequences be if it's not used? Cheers

@arewethereyet.130 - 23.07.2023 23:24

Hi Brook,
Excellent how to videos really helping me get around and understand my airhead.
Quick question for you or any of your viewers.
My 1995 r100 GSPD has a leak at the gearshift seal. Can I remove the bolt and shaft entirely to replace the new seal without having any of the gears slip out of place there by preventing me from installing the bolt and shaft properly?

@jimm4260 - 19.05.2024 00:19

love the beer can solution... (as a shim) 👍

@MyOniR1 - 27.05.2024 00:29

I love this guy 🙏🏼👍🏻👌🏻

@kaunghtet-id5le - 26.10.2024 07:47

