Dream Paragon VS Grand Empress Shek'zeer 10 Heroic

Dream Paragon VS Grand Empress Shek'zeer 10 Heroic


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@Lyotftw - 25.01.2013 15:30

He uses (I think) shadow unit frame, tellmewhen; bartender; and grid for his UI .

@Jpear5000 - 28.01.2013 00:02

10 man requires more individual skill then 25 man, so how is 10 man casual?

@Beholder505 - 30.01.2013 06:12

Only fools say things like this. Let's take a look at this fight. 25 man, you have less room to be at range of others, AND the biggest thing. 25 mans require MORE DPS PER PLAYER than 10's do. Not to mention you have a higher average ilvl in tens. There's a reason people break down into tens when they're stuck on a boss sometimes. Because it's easier.

@Jpear5000 - 30.01.2013 11:17

25 mans require more dps per player because you have more cooldowns such as banner stormlash etc and it's balanced around having every single buff (not always possible in 10 man depending on who can't show etc). Also lol @ you thinking 10 mans have higher average ilvl... 25 mans get more loot per player then 10 and are geared far faster. Often 25 mans break down to 10 man because they are held back by 5-6 noobs.

@TumbleRumble - 30.01.2013 22:08

Yo dawg I heard you like Paragons

@Beholder505 - 31.01.2013 06:27

More dps per player equals more output needed per player. 10's just aren't on par with 25's in difficulty. Not to mention having to stay at range of other people as many encounters need. You must be new to raiding if you think 10's have an average lower ilvl. Less people=less of a chance of people still running around in previous tier or blues. More loot per player means little.

@Beholder505 - 31.01.2013 06:28

There's a reason why 10's aren't taken as seriously.

@Jpear5000 - 31.01.2013 17:11

Nice rebuttal.

@hekt0r1 - 02.02.2013 06:02

The music in this one's Fantastic!!

@TheFaildia - 12.02.2013 16:51

haha even people in paragon get fucking gold .. :(

@Nino301293 - 13.02.2013 17:14

nek si mu reko :D

@mav1634 - 18.02.2013 00:48

You have no clue what you're talking about.

@Beholder505 - 18.02.2013 03:12

You may not want to accept it, but it's the truth.

@thasojfuraka2037 - 18.02.2013 03:31

10ner is way more harde i play 25er hab 16/16 hc this is way easier than 10ner hc.

@mav1634 - 18.02.2013 12:45

No I'm sorry I've raided raided both 25-10 heroic content. Still raiding atm, progressing on heroic Empress. In 10man on progression if u lose a healer or dps early on it's pretty much a wipe, 25 man this not the case. It's split quite evenly as was proven in Cata depending on the fight. Eg. Heroic Lei Shi 25 is MUCH easier than 10man, same for Windlord and a few others. Where 25 man gets harder is organizing raiders, and encounters with a more confined space that requires alot of movement.

@ElderTrollsOnline - 19.02.2013 10:42

I have raided 10 and 25 H in the top heroic progression guilds and can easily say 25man is the harder version. How ever, 10 man raids are still hard, but in my opinion should not be given world first over 25 mans seeing that if the same raiders from a 25man H guild were doing a 10 man they would do it much faster, that is all.

@Jpear5000 - 19.02.2013 13:32

Sorry for what? You seem to share the same understanding I do.

@Jpear5000 - 19.02.2013 16:46

If that's true then how come paragon is the only guild who gets overall world 20 or something kills. Usually it's paragon followed by 15-20 25 man guilds.

@ElderTrollsOnline - 20.02.2013 01:22

Paragon actually wrote an artical about how much easier 10 m is that 25 m and I would like to point out up until mop they were a 25 m guild.

@mav1634 - 24.02.2013 22:32

They did away with that for a reason. It forced 25man progression guilds to raid 10man, and it made recruiting harder for because the 25man loot was significantly better than 10man.

@mav1634 - 24.02.2013 22:43

Is this the same world top raiding guild that run several raid teams to gear up different alts, and are then able to switch around thier comp to make encounters more doable? This is the reason why 10man is harder on some encounters, it's a split since the start of Cata, & was common knowledge that 10man was harder in T11. Not every guild has the luxury to be able to run another alt team to do what these guilds do. 25man teams had the advantage of always having enough interupts, buffs, cc etc.

@MrDevonS - 04.03.2013 00:54

@RebirthWoWGuild yo dawg I heard you like paragons so I put a paragon in your paragon.

@LJezze - 04.03.2013 09:43

What is his action bar add on called??

@gerrarddax8487 - 04.03.2013 23:33

Dream Paragon is amazing. They do not rave about world firsts like other guilds we know (Blood Legion, etc.). I really love you Paragon!! Keep up the great work! And get them world firsts in 5.2!!! GL!!

@Karadok91 - 17.03.2013 04:25

I wanna make a better explanation for you. Blizzard nerfed 10 man mode of ToT cause Bosslife relation was not as planned 1/3 of 25 man version. So imagine you have a boss with 30m life in 10 mode it will have 90m in 25-mode right ? so in 10 mode you have 5 dd's to nuke 90m life that must be 15 in 25-man version right ? that means you have 8 healers. But you only need 6-7 that means 1-2 DPS FOR FREE! that players could hang around doing nothing to get 25 as hard as 10-mode

@MrSuicideSandwich - 18.03.2013 01:54

That moment, when you have to heal, and got no mana left.

@barsondor - 20.03.2013 12:28

i agree with you in the points that the fights are still the same length and have the same things, however, with 25 man, you also have to look out for things such as gearing up, and placements around the room. there are fights where if you stand a certain distance away from other people you could kill and wipe the raid. when in 10 man there is a lot more area to move around in and work with. so 25 man is still fairly tough

@Karadok91 - 22.03.2013 21:15

Thats correct. I said this too. But its not okay to say that 25 ist harder than 10 man and 25-man-versions are the "real" progress. Its both completely different and every version has its harder part (do you say it this way in english ?). So its hard difference between them. I think blizzard should get greater plattforms and harder 25 bosses so it would be more balance between the two modes.

@4S4L3 - 25.03.2013 05:36

visions of demise, 10 players vs vision of demise, 25 players. Enough said. Move along.

@MrRhabarbar - 04.04.2013 20:02

so true!

@Waoua666 - 07.04.2013 00:55

nice song

@Nadindel - 08.04.2013 09:11

25 and 10man are not comparable whatsoever, both are completely different breeds.

@Gijs101 - 10.04.2013 04:02

he didnt say its more challenging

@TannedGinger - 10.04.2013 18:57

Can someone tell me the name of the first song please?

@michaelvanzyl2583 - 13.04.2013 15:25

Lost in Las Vegas - Two Steps From Hell

@zodsi - 15.04.2013 14:13

Fucking epic music

@chrisjenkins8876 - 01.05.2013 22:18

Have you heard Shek'zeer's voice? Its worse than Sindragosa and Sinestra! They spared everyones ears on this one (=

@doomless198 - 18.06.2013 02:21

dat gold from bonus

@drasteek - 23.06.2013 04:08

i come here for the music nowadays :D Great choice!

@SecretLevelAftermath - 10.01.2014 22:02

that is completely wrong. Blood legion got WF 25 Empress, Method got WF 25 Will and Sha, Paragon got all 3 WF 10 man.

@hekt0r1 - 05.09.2015 19:42

Fantastic music

@luked777 - 08.01.2016 23:56

Was Lappe Resto spec or could Boomkin spec heal that well in MoP?

@Bury11 - 01.03.2016 20:42

u guys will be missed, im sad :'(

@henningsouz2833 - 29.09.2018 23:50

Dear Paragon, please return to the raiding scene. The game needs you. Badly.

@ewakowalska1538 - 25.10.2018 16:27


@amagdenovski - 11.01.2019 14:45

The person responsible for editing these videos deserves a freaking reward. I am re-watching many of your videos multiple times a month just for the insane editing and the incredible music. Pure perfection.

@maximecollet3217 - 21.01.2019 01:31


@F4nat1cs - 04.12.2019 20:27

still watch this now and then... love it.
