That’s what the Bible says
ОтветитьThere’s something called ISAJesus have to be very careful about putting commentaries and your own thoughts into the Bible , why would you ask such a question why don’t you ask yourself if you’re saved?
ОтветитьWhich is Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit wasn’t poured out, until after his crucifixion
ОтветитьYeah I'm like a mixture of Southern and Independent Baptist and maybe Non denominational as well. I'm now 44 years old I live up here in Alaska but from 0 to 10 years old I once lived in Kentucky orignal home state and unfortunately from age 5 to 10 I use to go to a Oneness pentecostal church and as a young boy I can still remember how much heartache and depression my mom would go through HYPER authoritarianism and constant false guit trip I would see her cry 😢 😭 💔 and it's not uncommon for the members to live in constant fear of not speaking in tounges in ORDER TO BE SAVED how this has and still does cause psychological problems and how it's false doctrine and flat out spiritual abuse 😢
ОтветитьIt's not starting with the Nicean creed of AD 325 that's being my reason for believing in the Eternal Godhead (AKA Trinity ) it's clearly ALL OVER THE BIBLE for instance Isaiah 48:16
ОтветитьOneness pentecostal love to quote Deuteronomy 6:4 ONE to them ONE is always just singular BUT.....Genesis 2:24 saids that a man and his wife( Plural) 2 people shall BECOME "ONE" flesh (singular)so in this verse we can see that this ONE is a UNITY OF TWO making ONE
ОтветитьOneness pentecostal don't believe that God the Son was always BUT... read John 1;15 and verse :30 FOR He (God the Son) EXSISTED BEFORE ME(John the baptist ) 😮
ОтветитьYeah Hebrews 1:8-9 are quotations from Psalm 45:6-7
ОтветитьIve always loved Dr Walter Martin I still have The Kingdom Of The Cults online this book was definitely one of the absolute very best books outside the Bible I've ever read Dr Martin's book was one of the real reasons why I also wanted to become a Bible Theologian and Cult expert besides the fact I myself had to deal with Cults growing up 😊
ОтветитьHere's something......I once heard it this way..... God is love God was around before humans and good /bad angels .Nothing or No one existed before God God was always eternally existing point is .... Love is only understood and is only true and real with someone else If God didn't always exist as 3 distant Persons then how in the world would God know what love is then ???
ОтветитьMatthew 28:19 IN THE NAME OF can also be translated BY THE AUTHORITY OF the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit i once heard before also STOP IN THE NAME OF LAW
ОтветитьYes salvation in Jesus Christ by faith alone apart from works is Biblical for us today as the Church Age ⛪️ 🙏 Romans 4:1-5 Romans 11:6 Galatians 2:16 3:1-3
ОтветитьBTW..... if those of Acts 10 received the Holy Spirit and got saved before they got baptized in water and if water baptism is NESSESSARY for salvation by washing away your sins according to Acts 22:16 then how could they of Acts 10 have the Hloly Spirit and be saved if theyer sins weren't washed away???
ОтветитьWow i watched it ALL 😮 great debate alrite acorse Dr Walter Martin and Calvin totally won 🏆 this debate 👏
ОтветитьThe anti Trinity blasphemous heritics sound like Mormons
ОтветитьThe pentacostals are a cult 100 % not debatable.
ОтветитьInteresting debate. Sad how it ended, accusing Oneness advocates of having the spirit of anti-christ. I hope they repented and asked for forgiveness.
ОтветитьWatched this whole debate on Ankerberg's channel, its one of the best debates between UPC proponents and Trinitarian proponents out there. It is evident late in the debate that the UPC side is losing. It was a little sad to see. I was raised in the movement and have some fond memories but this debate was one of the things that caused me to see the error of the Oneness position. Glad to see this being reposted
ОтветитьPeter had a history of fumbling the football. We are not Peter's disciples. We are Jesus's disciples. Jesus gave his instruction in Matthew chapter 28.
ОтветитьDr Walter Martin.....sigh......these men know what they are doing deceiving the masses. Im concerned about the new innocent new converts.The UPC leaders are not forcefull enough and have allowed themselves to be dragged away from biblical and common sense plain facts. GOD is one singular. FACTS....TRINITY not in the bible, baptism is for the remission of sins FACT, no one in the bible was baptised in the titles Father son Spirit. ...God is Three Persons What !!!!! Not in the bible. Historical Fact is the Trinity is the devils pagan doctrine used in Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Rome check this out for yourself. I havent even got warmed up yet. Innocent believers the Apostle Paul warns BEWARE Colossians 2 v 8, 9.
ОтветитьThis debate has shown me of the oneness of God. apostolic oneness is true biblical doctrine. Trinity is not biblical. It's a misconception or a confusion with a human mind process. GOD IS ONE THAT CAME IN FLESH. HE WAS FULLY MAN AND FULLY GOD AT THE SAME EXACT TIME AND IS STILL ONE GOD.
ОтветитьWho here is still pentecostal but no longer modalist or oneness?
ОтветитьIf Dr. Walter Martin was so deadset on Oneness Pentecostals being heretics damned to Hell then why did his book Kingdom of the Cults which had Apostolics listed as a cult in its first edition have them removed in later editions?
ОтветитьStill confused as ever. All four men here believe that Jesus is God. What is the argument here.? The trinity has never made any sense to me. How can Dr Walter Martin maintain there are three separate persons yet one God. Doesn't that make it three Gods?
Why can't we say yes Jesus Christ was indeed Jehovah God, but he was not "a sperate person" from God. This concept of the trinity is an argument where you end up talking in circles and world salads.
I’ve watched this probably 25 times. The evidence to the Trinity from Gods Word is so clear. Love listening to Walter Martin.
Ответитьyour greek mytholigy debunked :
Deuteronomy 32:8
English Standard Version taken from septuagint and dead sea schrolls
8 When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance,
when he divided mankind,
he fixed the borders[a] of the peoples
according to the number of the sons of God.[b]
There is no Trinity, Trinity is from hell. There's only one God and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. The word Trinity came from Roman Catholics from heathens from a religion from hell.
ОтветитьThe Trinity is a lie. There's only one God and his name is the Lord Jesus Christ. You can't find one Bible book chapter and verse where Jesus is claiming to be second person in a godhead. Remember God is a spirit and one must worship him in spirit and truth. There's no three spirits in one. There's no persons in heaven. There's only one spirit one throne and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.
ОтветитьThe oneness side separates the humanity and deity of Christ. They believe he was human on earth and divine in heaven. If that’s so then he wasn’t God with men and actually split himself into two. That’s crazy.
The Trinity is the truth and makes more sense than oneness.
Hear oh Israel the Lord your God is One!!! Not 3.
ОтветитьI choose peace that represents the spirit and can see the apostolics more peaceful and the trinity forceful..
Listening to this in 2025, and I’m saddened to see an uncomfortable amount of claims in the comments that the doctrine of the Trinity is demonic/satanic in origin. Fundamentally, that claim means that the doctrine of the Trinity manifests the spirit of the accuser of the church. However, the doctrine of the Trinity confesses our Lord Jesus Christ in the flesh and tries not to claim more or less than what is revealed through Christ in the flesh. I’ve always found that the Oneness position is continually trying to explain what is going on in tough passages whereas the doctrine of the Trinity is always trying to confirm what tough passages say—even when it leads to something we wouldn’t predict by man’s unaided reason: God in three persons.
ОтветитьModerator was biased
ОтветитьI have a QUESTION: If there is in fact, or there ever really was a trinity, how many persons, or how many fathers, could actually be called "The Father" in that trinity? The reason I ask is, the Bible clearly indicates that "the Father" of the baby Jesus was the Holy Ghost Luke 1:35, Matthew 1:18, 20. In the so called "trinity," the Father is the first person of that so called "trinity," not the third person. Trinitarians, please explain this, if you can.
ОтветитьMark 9:7
King James Version
7 And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.
Luke 12:10
King James Version
10 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.
Matthew 28:19
King James Version
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
I believe in the holy trinity ! amen !
ОтветитьWhat is the name of the Father, if you know?
"Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His Son’s name, If you know?" (Proverbs 30:4).
Was Jesus talking to himself (His other version) in Heaven when he was on the Cross? UPC Is foolishness
ОтветитьSecond time listening here and listening to the oneness guys definitely reminds me of every discussion I've ever had with anyone in a cult in that they hardly stay within a text. Whenever challenged they have to jump to a different text as a proof text. When pressed to stay in the text they dodge, squirm, and give vague responses. Just goes to show you they are a cult. Not to mention mockery, ad hominem, and victimhood.
ОтветитьI learned so much from this debate Sabin very sharp and humble
ОтветитьBlind leading the blind. Trinitarian are so far but close to the truth. Yes one God but three different person??? That is the dumbest thing someone can think or believe
ОтветитьMost trinitarians are Oneness Modalists in practice and in worship. The trinity is just an idea that theologians thought up.
ОтветитьInteresting how ALL CULTS deny the Trinity.
ОтветитьI think both Urshan and Sabin have passed away. They now understand that God is triune in His nature, and, sadly, this is a salvation issue. It's one thing to not know about the Trinity (the thief on the cross didn't know), but it's another matter to be shown the biblical teachings regarding the Trinity and to REJECT that doctrine and call it a "pagan" belief. I pray that other Trinity-denying cult members would not make the same mistake that Urshan and Sabin did.
Ответитьsooner or later jordan peterson will pick up on these topics lol