oops i meant to be the first to thumbs up but my lazy ass sideways laying ass accidentally clicked the thumbs down. anyways. maybe second cause i took three days to type this
Ответитьits crazy to see that even in higher elo people tilt and run in down that fast. thought thats only a low elo thing
Ответитьvideos like this help me appreciate when bad team flames jungle. if bad team can blame a pro jungler then, no matter how good i play, it wont be enough for clowns like this
ОтветитьI am an emerald jungler, yeah you can be 8/0 and they will flame you it is horrible Mr blue
ОтветитьBRIAR!!! I've never tried full crit briar. Will have to give it a go now! Great video! Amazing work! I'm bronze 3, so bottom of the pack, but climbed from Iron 4. So I'll be up there soon 😂😂 Your videos have helped me climb, went from top lane to jgl and climbed up in a few days, thanks!
Ответить"the only thing gapped" lmao we knew what was coming xD
Ответитьgo back to party chat only lol those kids were brutal
ОтветитьKled jg next?
ОтветитьThat irelia was a fucking mob on gawd
Ответитьmy god this irelia..
ОтветитьUr hitting w2 too fast
ОтветитьIn min 20 you asked why ur w got cancelled there but not earlier , it's cause earlier there were minions in range so it redirected on the minions then the kled, but the other time there was nothing for ur w to redirect to
Ответитьgets blown up
hahah i guess the kled made it work
For those who are curious, he asked why the Kled dismount cancelled one time, but not the other. The reason was because Briar's Q re-targets your self-taunt, and Kled dismounting briefly makes him untargetable. Since there were minions, the taunt was able to last longer than the untargetable window, and the Q re-target kicked back in.
The more you know!
Funny how obsessed people is with waves these days, and 99% of them don't even know what they are complaining about
Ответитьrunes pls
ОтветитьYou beat Kled at 28min if you W Q W, gives your W max Dmg/Heal
ОтветитьKept dying at “invade him!”
Ответить"Why do you keep using my own words against me?"
ОтветитьBriar is one of the most terribly designed champs ever. It should be removed. There is nothing good about this champ.
ОтветитьWow this match is a great example of how terrible league has become. Everyone is just trying to 1 shot the other person, and it works. There are no outplays just a clusterfk of bullsh
Ответитьhis wave was actually slow pushing, they had the same minions except his ones were more ahead in damage then theirs