How to connect to Postgres using Python | Query SQL Database | Pandas | Postgres

How to connect to Postgres using Python | Query SQL Database | Pandas | Postgres

BI Insights Inc

8 месяцев назад

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@orafaelgf - 08.04.2024 22:10

Nice video, congrats.
I have an example in prod env. I iterate a sql file over 100 databases, collect the data, create a column with the name of each database, generate a datafram and then insert it back into postgres in a staging area. Depending on the complexity of the query and also the volume of data in the dataframe, it has taken a long time. I do this using Python. Could you create a video with real cases like these and showing advanced techniques to process as quickly as possible?

@jesusrayon5638 - 02.12.2024 23:11

