Golden Eagle vs Grey Wolves, golden eagle kills a bunch of grey wolves. no contest

Golden Eagle vs Grey Wolves, golden eagle kills a bunch of grey wolves. no contest


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@pfroncole1 - 04.01.2016 21:37

The list of animals proven to kill Golden Eagles in the wild is rather long and includes wolves, Scottish Wildcats ( the eagles do kill kittens but the contests between the birds and the adult cats can go either way), wolverines ( the only animal known to actively stalk Golden Eagles though the eagles do kill young wolverines), bobcats ( the contest goes either way with eagles generally attacking the youngand small cats), and even adult deer which trample Golden Eagles as they are attacking fawns..And let's not forget cougars and Lynx which, like adult wolves, take seconds to destroy the mighty Golden Eagle..And Grizzly Bears also, like Wolverines, invade the nests of Golden Eagles and kill and eat the young as well as the adults when they intervene.

@pfroncole1 - 05.01.2016 00:42

WHEN does an eagle get a its talons over a wolf's head? Pure fantasy, it could only do such a thing with a pup, a baby..

@pfroncole1 - 08.01.2016 05:38

Golden Eagles ARE NOT even apex predators ; they are stalked and killed by both Wolverines and Grizzly Bears..

@johnnyboyko7844 - 29.01.2016 02:49


@Galactusz007 - 29.01.2016 11:01

Show me either a brown or bald eagle killing an adult sized wolf in North America first, then we can talk..

@candaceallen7773 - 31.01.2016 06:55

this crap is why i hate eagles

@mark97213 - 09.02.2016 08:50

Ridiculous.  Even bird lovers get to fantasize I guess.

@ajansson3361 - 16.02.2016 15:14

there is nothing brave on this
just to lazy to go after the wolf themselfs
so sad for those animals en birds
why don't they go and make there country a beautiful place

@pfroncole1 - 17.02.2016 22:33

The use of raptors in the hunting of wolves is primarily practised in Central Asia. The Kyrgyz people have traditionally used golden eagles, known as berkut, to hunt wolves. In the past, wolf pelts provided material for clothes crucial for the survival of the nomadic people in the severe colds. The eagles are used to immobilize the wolves by placing one foot at the back of the neck and another at the flank closer to the heart and lungs. Hunters usually only use eagles against pups, as an adult wolf can cripple in combat even a highly experienced eagle. Losing even one toe or talon will significantly lower the eagle's ability to tackle prey. Only a minor injury to the sinew of a foot may leave the eagle incapable of further hunting. As a wolf is capable of resisting even the best-trained bird, the falconer always keeps near, ready at the first opportunity to help the eagle. This is done carefully, as the wolf, sensing human presence, fights desperately to tear loose from the bird's talons, and the eagle can be severely injured. Because of the violent nature of their work, eagles trained to hunt wolves have shorter life spans.[84]

@pfroncole1 - 26.02.2016 07:24

Even when these puppy wolves are being attacked and held by the birds, it's always multiple birds attacking..And the wolves are barely the size of coyotes, because almost always they are pups. Its very rare that the hunters will even risk 2 birds against a 60lb wolf -- which is very small by N american or Russian or N European standards..

@pfroncole1 - 26.02.2016 07:27

I want to see one video of any Golden Eagle attacking a 100 -140 lb Canadian Grey Wolf..Please, let's see it. In ll of N America such a thing has never been seen, but we do see Golden Eagles fleeing from Grey Wolves COMMONLY. Never have any remain of a Grey Wolf been found in an Eagle's nest..and 0 evidence of wolves as eagle food

@pfroncole1 - 15.03.2016 23:05

Even the title of thing is a lie : they are hunting with at least 2 birds on every single puppy!

@lemonfishchampion408 - 20.03.2016 23:58

A timber wolf would love an eagle to try that.

@pfroncole1 - 06.04.2016 05:00

Look, some day someone will film a couple Golden Eagles in the wild killing some old lone wolf that is sick and on the verge of death, short of that, eagles simply do not bother 100 - 150lb healthy adult wolves..Because unless the eagle get very very lucky, it's simply dead or mortally wounded

@whataplonkerrodney4174 - 22.04.2016 23:40

I got an eagle on the golf course the other day

@johnvalencia3412 - 29.04.2016 06:39


@ptl44 - 13.05.2016 18:02

Where's the video where the eagle kills the 500lbs male lion and guts it?

@edwinl6957 - 23.05.2016 05:47

Eagles are very powerful birds of prey...but a head to head with an alpha male grey wolf from the north, now that's a whole new story. Yes they have powerful talons and beak, but a typical male wolf can produce a 400 pound bite force (defensive bite that is)...imagine what can a 5 feet long, 150 - 170 pound of horror can do to a light weighted bird on the ground. Arrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Aaaaawwwwoooooooooooo!!!!!

@detr0itwhiteb0y313 - 30.05.2016 18:29

these are the weak wolves. kicked from the pack Cuz they was sick or something

@pfroncole1 - 06.07.2016 06:49

The single adult in these staged clips tells the real story

@noabaak - 30.07.2016 12:07

I want to see these eagles killed by wolves.

@daddyeyez740 - 27.08.2016 02:03

These are pygmy mongolian wolves. If you or anybody else thinks that 150-200 lb American Gray wolves have anything to worry about from a dam eagle I got a trans pacific railroad to sell you some stock in.

@GojiSonicFan - 30.09.2016 04:01

Geez, and I thought meowfurs were the worse at fanboy clickbait.
The only eagle ever capable of killing an adult male wolf face-to-face would be a Harpagornis Moorei.

@vole12 - 03.10.2016 21:38

Awesome how a 12lb bird can kill anything bigger than a bunny . Talon grip strength of a Golden Eagle is 10 to15 times stronger than any human . Amazing animals . They just have no fear .

@dcarlo6379 - 06.10.2016 19:02

if it would have a big american grey wolf the eagle ass would have been kicked and these are small wolves in the video

@damok9999 - 06.10.2016 22:10

It's funny everyone saying a bigger wolf would do the job... but then we get a bigger eagle. Because its quite obvious which is stronger pound for pound.

@galaxy7192 - 09.01.2017 01:44

Aber zwei gegen einen ist feige!

@agame1108 - 18.01.2017 13:17

anyone who thinks that one 9kg eagle can kill any wolf Species on his own should be executed. every Existing wolf Species is bigger and stronger than one eagle + weighs atleast 20kg. and even for small wolves they Need 2-3 eagles. how much eagles would it take for 80kg grey wolf? 20? let the biggest eagle fight against the biggest wolf there wouldnt be one Case where the eagle survives.

@the3boys936 - 02.03.2017 20:57

An eagle attacked me I was 17 it was too strong he has a force that no one can stand under him when he attacked I think I was going to die but my friend shot him and the eagle dies

@the3boys936 - 02.03.2017 20:58

I couldn't move when I was under him

@mrmisterman999 - 03.07.2017 01:12

grey wolves are in north america fuckstain these are tibetan

@tyrannosaurusrex6571 - 02.08.2017 01:41

dog and wolf lovers are terrorists because they are zoophila people

@no-u. - 11.08.2017 14:06


@crisitansardina9595 - 24.11.2017 18:55

Ok everyone commenting does understand that Mongolian wolves are like 80 pounds max and Mongolian golden eagles are increasingly large

@joshm3484 - 23.01.2018 03:37

The "Chaco" wolf is around 25kg. The Western Grey Wolf is around 60kg, and would not only kill an eagle easily, but would probably hunt Mongolian horses if introduced to the region.

@realitychecks2920 - 10.02.2018 18:29

That is a coyote and the animal is running from the men

@christlegreen9458 - 11.02.2018 04:42


@perinpanathansanosanth8612 - 15.02.2018 15:52

Go to Google and serch the gray wolf and it size
Then serch golden eagle then you realize what happen if gray wolf vs golden eagle fight

@drofxodigebricam1123 - 27.02.2018 13:16

one large pot of wolf soup is available for dinner tonight.

@rborah6442 - 26.09.2018 13:27

no dought egls r tough bt human prsent invlvmnt nd training makes this sucess in mor cases, othrwis its nt a esy job or likly impsibl, nd futhrmor puttng bth specis into risk fr jst enjymnt n slf purpos is cruel, action shld b taken agnst it nd thm

@idontplay9559 - 02.03.2019 12:52

When was the last time you lot stuck 2 in knives in your neck or back with a force of 2-3 kilo flying at you at least 30 mph

@Blazilla81 - 30.07.2019 08:22

fkn amazing either way. but a second bird is a must if you dont want to lose your investment.

@chrismassaro3435 - 14.08.2019 05:03

Not a grey wolf, the eagle would have no chance with a Canadian wolf

@rodrigotorres1036 - 24.10.2019 22:10

this Shepherds killing wolves for doing what is natural to them. Don't over grow sheep or goats and not expect a wolves to eat. I would shoot each eagle that attacks a wolf

@billybobjoe5220 - 02.06.2020 17:22

sorta clickbait sorta not i don't know whether to like or not, it is killing wolves but they aren't grey wolves and are pretty small some of them seem small enough to be coyote but still blows my mind

@truthfacts5438 - 21.08.2020 05:07

amazing how an eagle can kill a large grey wolf like a rabbit.

@Lindisfarne666 - 06.12.2022 12:48

Fuckin amazing
