Onkyo TX-NR509 no sound

Onkyo TX-NR509 no sound

Tushal Bhadang

10 лет назад

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@TushalBhadang - 05.10.2014 11:04

As on 5 October I've dropped off the unit to the dealer in Auckland, theyve said will take up to 3 weeks but will get back to me by next weekend at the latest. Fingers crossed, let's see what happens!

@xtremegamer78 - 13.10.2014 08:56

I have the 709 model.. with mine does the same thing on a cold boot up..aslong as its in standby mode its always warm so i dont have the problem..

@TheGarb2222 - 29.10.2014 06:23

I have the 509.  Same thing, no sound for 6 months.... I could not try the hair dryer trick because the amp is in a cabinet under a shelf.  So I turned the amp on, and closed the door of the cabinet so it would get warm...  I went back two days later, and it worked, and has been working ever since.  I just leave the amp on all the time now...

@TushalBhadang - 29.10.2014 09:34

I believe it is the HDMI board. The dealer has yet to return the Amp to me but did mention it was a NZ$200 part so I'm assuming it's the HDMI board. Irony is i purchased the Onkyo for $399! Lol! reminds me to call and nag the dealer to return it - but don't want to rub him the wrong way as it's being done under warranty.

@TushalBhadang - 05.11.2014 04:15

Hi, i just picked up my amp from the dealer, they have replaced the HDMI board. New dolby dts chip. Amp works fine now - but its only been 1 day since. Lets see how the repair lasts.

@calvinchoe100 - 13.11.2014 15:53

Have you ever had problems with the subwoofer pre out on the amplifier? On my tx nr09 amp, it sends out distorted unclean signal to my subwoofer and makes my subwoofer sound like shit. I tried my subwoofer on another system and it sounds fine on that system but on my amp it sounds like shit. Have you had this problem?

@TushalBhadang - 17.05.2015 12:29

Update: May 2015, the amp works perfectly.

No issues at all. Successful repair in my opinion.

MASTERUDY Castillo not everyone who is an audiophile can afford $3000 + of equipment. As I see it, different strokes for different folks, the sound from the 509 is far from mediocre and if a reputed magazine like What HiFi can rate it highly, you've gotta have some faith in it but then again...who knows.

Personally, I haven't been let down by my distributor here and Onkyo has stood by their product by fixing the fault at no cost to me - not sure there are many manufacturers out there who would even touch an out of warranty product without a service fee of some sort.

@fagindrummer - 31.07.2015 17:09

.Go to Onkyos homepage they have acknowledged a problem (Loss of Audio/Network Connection Customer Care Program).Check Valid Model and
Serial No.

@mandb8955 - 04.09.2018 10:29

Same here, now i do the Trade-in option in Onkyo Germany. i will get a coupon to buy a new from the Onkyo homepage. Thats sad... no sound.... Acusticmas 15

@mastervideo.9586 - 03.01.2019 05:56

los onkyo dan mucho problemas para activar las boina ese micro es el problema con el tiempo se dana

@SPARTANO78 - 26.04.2019 19:15

How to reset (HARD RESET) sovereign kenwood amplifier VR-5700, PLEASE

@martinmcfeely8635 - 12.05.2020 06:59

How hell do u fix it & stop from cutn off on?👌

@aw3s0m3-i - 07.06.2020 14:55

That's so depressing that it doesn't work =(

@armandoherrera4366 - 03.02.2021 02:42

Hi everyone, I have the same problem I thought I should activate the channels with the remote control. how did you solve the problem?

@justme... - 25.09.2021 22:58

Your receiver don't have enough space on top of it for cooling down

@sting64az - 07.11.2021 09:16

I have the TX-8250 and it was acting up a few times. I just unplugged for a few hours and plug it back in and hit power and all works again?. Must have a Gremlin in it?.

@ForgetMeNatz - 01.12.2021 10:20

Dude first of all make sure your receiver is getting some adequate ventilation.

@islrabie9899 - 11.07.2022 23:18

I have problem on onkyo the sound out but small i want to know the problem thanks
