Irina Prokhorova. “Tamizdat, Samizdat and the Traditional Literary Canon” (Keynote Lecture II)

Irina Prokhorova. “Tamizdat, Samizdat and the Traditional Literary Canon” (Keynote Lecture II)

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International Conference and Book Exhibition December 10-11, 2018

Hunter College of the City University of New York Elizabeth

Hemmerdinger Hall, Room 706 (HE)

Organized by Yasha Klots (Hunter College) and Polina Barskova (Hampshire College)

Co-sponsored by the Harriman Institute of Columbia University, with the participation of the Department of Russian and Slavic Studies at NYU.

IRINA PROKHOROVA (New Literary Observer, Editor-in-Chief, Moscow)

“Tamizdat, Samizdat and the Traditional Literary Canon: Revising the History of 20th-Century Russian Literature”

Despite the tremendous accumulation of new knowledge in the recent decades about the non-conformist, underground culture, we still follow the traditional lines concerning the trends, genres, personalities and general development of Russian literature of the past century. Are we ready to write the "other" literary history, drastically reevaluating the dramatic interrelations of official censured texts with the emigre and tamizdat/samizdat literature? Is it possible to present an alternative literary canon based on different criteria? Can we altogether apply the word 'tradition' in the sense of uninterrupted cultural succession in relation to the Soviet period?

Irina Prokhorova is a cultural historian, literary critic, editor and publisher, as well as a social and political activist. In 1992 she founded the New Literary Observer publishing house, which at present comprises three scholarly periodicals and 100 books per year on literary criticism, philosophy, history, cultural & interdisciplinary studies, contemporary prose and poetry. She is a host of three live radio and TV programs on cutting-edge social and political issues. Irina Prokhorova is also the co-founder of the Mikhail Prokhorov Charitable Fund, which supports and promotes new Russian culture worldwide. She is the recipient of The Liberty Prize for contributions to Russian-American culture (2003), the Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (France, 2005), Andrei Bely Literary Prize (2006), the Legion of Honor Award (France, 2012).
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