Minecraft Bedrock Edition: AUTOMATIC FROGLIGHT FARM! - Easy 1.20 Tutorial

Minecraft Bedrock Edition: AUTOMATIC FROGLIGHT FARM! - Easy 1.20 Tutorial


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@setech - 24.01.2023 22:27

Nice straightforward design. None of the bastions I found and explored had a spawner so I needed a basalt delta farm. I was a little hesitant about trying this out in my Bedrock survival world since I was concerned the powdered snow would be rough on the frogs but they seem pretty content.

A couple changes I made, both pertaining to the golem. First, I find it much easier to place the fence posts and then spawning the golem just above the center and letting it drop down onto the slab. And second, because ghasts seem to be an ever present threat I built a glass dome over the golem. It might not be 100% foolproof if a ghast flies low and close enough but so far so good. All that's left to do now is level out the terrain a bit more and add a secure AFK location.

@VanceJ2006 - 20.01.2025 22:18

Would this work in the walls of the Nether Wastes biome?

@danielmorgan1126 - 23.11.2024 08:53

900th like here. And, well, yesterday i gotten my three frog variants to a safe spot in a basalt delta to manually get some froglights, cause i realize how beautiful and rare those blocks are in the game. And this farm seems perfectly fitting. :')

@borispavlovic4665 - 11.09.2024 22:58

Will the frogs despawn?

@HarleyDraws - 01.09.2024 21:28

Will this work in 1.21?

@seppeverhulst-23 - 01.08.2024 23:00

You should replace the hoppers with minecarthoppers and rails it saves iron

@AppleDevourer - 29.06.2024 20:22

81 hoppers, time to get farming

@off.arretezvousx - 28.05.2024 08:21

Still works in 1.20. However, one small step for people who built the farm in a basalt delta that happens to be near a soul sand valley: spawn proof the soul sand valley. You don’t want a skeleton to come kill the golem since that will break the farm.

@lanniapple8571 - 13.05.2024 23:28

will ghasts not kill the gollum?

@sora6303 - 06.05.2024 03:52

I built this on our realm and the other night and it works amazing. I have two of each frog type and I also expanded it by about 2 blocks so it’s wider. The iron golem I decided to leave floating with no cactus since the magma cubes just drop anyway, and replacing the hoppers with some rails with a hopper minecart is easier than the MANY hoppers. Thank you sm for this tutorial

@GastricSalmon - 02.04.2024 14:23

just a quick little stack and a half of hoppers oml so expensive

@toriko9878 - 30.03.2024 13:55

How to protect golem from skeleton 😢 i lost my golem 2

@ashithkv4101 - 21.03.2024 06:55

Can I also get magma creams in this farm?

@suffex00 - 12.03.2024 07:35

works with Java also, just needed to move afk spot higher (almost 90blocks). Slower than roof but good option!

@Drakogen - 07.03.2024 03:43

Made it, works great. The iron golem was getting hit a few times, but some more fences and blocks fixed that for the most part. Slabbing around the farm if it is near other biomes also might help.

@Zer010X - 01.03.2024 06:01

Built it and it works well however I noticed my frogs are dying a lot

@Brooke208 - 21.01.2024 02:24

Thank you! This farm is so simple to build and works great. I did 5 block wide platforms all around the hole and then put walls and a roof so it’s safe.

@chloeshaw3033 - 16.11.2023 01:35

Could not get the fence round the golem he kept falling off died twice from my trying the tie it to the fence and hitting the cactus 😂just my luck

@chrisleblanc9183 - 27.10.2023 04:00

I will mention though I have to keep healing my golem... he's getting rightly messed up often

@chrisleblanc9183 - 27.10.2023 03:59

Such a cool farm and the rates are honestly more then I'll ever need... been siting here for like 25 mins and already have 20 stacks 😂 just built it in the basalt delta not even in a bastion

@Funkie_Monkey - 15.10.2023 18:39

Just wondering will a looting 3 sword work on this farm? 🤔

@unknown_abys - 20.09.2023 17:27

Does it work at 1.20

@lindakatsuyama8206 - 20.08.2023 09:13

Love this as I spawned in a basalt delta. I had to go down 8 blocks because my frogs occasionally jumped out and ended up in lava. Great for a single player. I have more frog lights than I will ever use. It's a good thing I have good iron and pumpkin farms because it took me a long time to get the golem to stay on the slab. lol

@me-xx7cl - 18.08.2023 09:58

Will the frogs be able to jump out of the hole?

@shanereilly1480 - 16.08.2023 00:23

Ghast will hit you up there unless you build an AFK booth.

@NMZ3118 - 10.08.2023 18:43

Thank you for this build I was just about to head to my nearest bastion that was like 600 blocks away from my nether portal

@Tater694 - 27.07.2023 02:29

Is there a better way than using a ton of hoppers

@nopeandnope449 - 26.07.2023 07:50

I just built this it works so good thank you so much!

@kruphixgaming - 25.07.2023 12:44

Idk if you’ll see this but the farm works great other than I have some frogs that keep disappearing or dieing any ideas?

@12324b - 21.07.2023 22:08

I’m having problems with piglins going inside is it fine if they jump in?

@nenenzo - 14.07.2023 03:18

Works on the 1.20?

@Jul3swashere - 15.06.2023 01:49

After changing my simulation distance I got a chest of frog lights in about an hour. Amazing farm, still works in 1.20.

@patrickm1 - 01.06.2023 02:10

To anyone having problems with the iron golem getting damaged/killed, it's because the big magma cubes can hit him through the gaps in the fences.
The fix is very easy. Just make the cactus 6 blocks tall instead of 4 blocks. They can still see the golem, and now he's out of their attack range.
I get about 4 and a half stacks of lights for every 15 minutes of AFK time so this farm works really well, especially considering how easy it is to make.
Instead of making 81 hoppers I made a minecart collection system and an item sorter. If you go this route, then you need to dig the hole one more layer for the minecart and build a floor at the 7th level where the hoppers would have gone. You also don't need carpets, but it might be helpful to place them at the spots where you place the powdered snow to make it easier to place/replace.
One last thing, if you're having problems with powdered snow melting, it's either because the farm is too close to lava and it's setting the carpets on fire, or it's because endermen fall in lava and teleport into the kill chamber while on fire, melting the snow. Just make sure to block out any nearby lava, and don't use a fire aspect sword on endermen while close to the farm.

@patrickm1 - 30.05.2023 12:52

Can I make a minecart collection system instead of making 81 hoppers?

@charles-ng6jj - 29.05.2023 03:05

Very good farm, only one thing; the slimes can damage the golem, so I had to add one more layer of fences around him, and then they couldn't hit him

@voo__doo1508 - 08.05.2023 02:37

Do I have to name the frogs or no?

@FunVibzes - 21.04.2023 15:54

Could this be done in the nether waste biome as well?

@Zitro_685 - 01.04.2023 14:43

I got 4 stacks of froglights from 10 minutes of afking in this farm

@tomas3300 - 30.03.2023 17:26

Oh that was so easy go build! And it is surprisingly effective. Thanks man!

@LordZeusCR - 06.03.2023 05:42

“You can AFK 20 blocks up”

Ghasts: 😏

@pixelsaidon5032 - 27.02.2023 14:58

This is great because I sort of destroyed the magma spawner in every single treasure bastion I've come across 😅.

@matthewhestdalen8215 - 15.02.2023 18:39

Do i have to use cactus or can i sub it out with somthing else

@harald5700 - 07.02.2023 18:42

I have a problem the magma cubes keep hitting my iron golem can I fix this issue

@bellapolizzi - 25.01.2023 05:58

I am having an issue. The snow, carpets, and frogs keep disappearing but I cannot see anyone else with the issue here. Can you help?

@timebro9004 - 10.01.2023 17:33

Finally, I found a guide where a bastion with treasure is not required. That's really effective

@spinthepickle1244 - 05.01.2023 13:33

This is useful since the only bastion I've found so far (and not for lack of trying!) doesn't have a spawner. However, I've got a couple of really convenient basalt deltas I could use for this. Thanks!

@BigSchu22 - 13.12.2022 08:12

What about Ghasts?

@Yauboyy - 24.11.2022 00:53

This should work if you have a spawner right? Except don't need iron golem?

@chainsawinsect - 15.11.2022 08:59

Great farm, thanks for posting! I built this last night and let it run today and now have plenty of Froglights!

A few tips for other Bedrock players:

(1) the golem may die eventually (not sure how, maybe Ghast attacks?), so I recommend keeping backup iron and carved pumpkins nearby in case you need to rebuild him. I ran the farm for around 5 hours and he only died once, so you should generally be OK.

(2) you don't have to go the 20 blocks up to afk for the farm to work. I did create a little rest station in the sky above the farm, but later I was doing some work in my main nether base area nearby and when I checked the Froglight situation again the farm had generated lots of new ones at about the same rate as it had when I was in the sky. I was at about ground level of the farm about 12 blocks away from it. I think as long as you are in the general vicinity the farm will function effectively.

@Cobalt20 - 12.10.2022 07:02

