How to transfer files from iPhone to PC over WiFi (with AudioShare)

How to transfer files from iPhone to PC over WiFi (with AudioShare)

Pete Johns - Studio Live Today

6 лет назад

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@DeafmanDuhCyborg - 27.01.2024 13:40

😸 thanks its purrrfect.

@kittensinkmusic - 29.12.2022 05:59

i'm not getting the local address showing up under the IP address when i turn on Wifi Drive. (i'm using mac) any idea why not? i've just spent hours trying to figure it out. what am i missing?

@DaktiMusic - 02.10.2022 08:45

WiFi is the only right method to transfer large files e.g. 256 GB prores video from the newest iPhone 14 Pro in which the Lightning connector works with the USB2.0 speed (22 years old standard from 2000) and the maximum transfer speed over "Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter" to SSD is in practice up to 34MB/s (272 Mbit/s)

In 2022 Apple still prefer to focus on earning from its Lightning standard, despite the fact that the phones have 1TB of memory, and transfer a 256 GB file takes 128 minutes (2 hours and 8 minutes)

@dankpizzle77 - 24.06.2021 09:14

How can I convert my files from iCloud.wav to Wav??? Most of my files are in iCloud but when I go to use it shows iCloud.wav

Please assist n Thanks

@Steve.Dennis - 06.06.2021 12:31

Not convinced. Can just connect directly to Mac from iPad via “Connect to server”. No web pages, no extra download required, just a directory of all my files. So why not just use the Files app in iOS? I think AudioShare is only really good for sharing files between DAWs running on the same device, and should be largely superseded.

@mikesmith4749 - 29.11.2020 02:49

Bro - After getting the audioshare app, using it for recording some DJ mixes, and then trying to figure out how to transfer the file from my iphone to my mac.....and searching 10000000000000 videos, FINALLY, I find this video. Unreal how flipping difficult Apple makes it to do something so easy as transferring back and forth. Since they changed from iTunes to "music" you cant access your phone's info anymore. Or at least I couldnt figure it out. Thank you sir.

@shanemouton7606 - 13.11.2020 21:07

another great video! thank you!

@danielesainidesign - 16.10.2020 04:02

Hi, does still works with new ios os? Thx

@daddodudeson - 11.04.2020 15:18

Good Job! You have provided good explanations in a timely manner with your videos. This was beneficial. I have bee reluctant to use iTunes and/or iCloud for fear of paying rent to Apple to access my own pics/files etc. (once my file size grows...). I find that Apple loves to take your files but is very reluctant to give them back... Great Videos!

@hkkendall7150 - 08.12.2019 16:45

Always ON SPOT!

@vivace2309 - 03.03.2019 07:01

Had this app for a few years now and it hasn’t failed me yet! Great app,; great video. 😊👌🏻

@toddlask - 15.02.2019 02:22

cool, ive been wondering about audioshare!

@LoveRise - 15.02.2019 01:57

Yes! I am so glad I held off on buying the sandisk usb...this seems like much more bang for the buck. Pete can audioshare be used to transfer to and from android? I am so grateful for the love you give to the world through your music and your educational videos and I am sending you inspiration and joy upon this Valentine’s Day!💞

@NeoLoveCookie - 14.02.2019 18:26

Sendanywhere app is more fast convince.

@imoses - 14.02.2019 18:18

Brilliant! I will definitely use this!

@mikefloyd8207 - 14.02.2019 16:53

What about security/corruption issues when transferring files from Windows PC to iOS devices?

@Valsi876 - 14.02.2019 16:36

I noticed that you already had your wave files in the list. For me personally, I would have found it helpful, on how you got that list on there in the first place.

@dkbryant67 - 14.02.2019 15:25

That definitely looks a lot easier than some of the other methods you have shown us. Thanks a lot Pete
