2X VOID GOD TIER PULLS | Raid: Shadow Legends |

2X VOID GOD TIER PULLS | Raid: Shadow Legends |

Grim Reaper

55 лет назад

2,267 Просмотров

ALL LEGOS WE PULLS OVER THE WEEKEND IN STREAM. big thank you for letting me open there shards!!!
please remember like, comment and hit that sub button and notification button for went another video go live.

info on account takeovers in my discord
part of our community https://discord.gg/4xuUxcjCbS
Follow me on Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/GrimReaper_GR
Pop in and say hello on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/grimreapertvraid
all twitch subs also get free coaching session & champion regear monthly (yes prime accounts count)

Giant Moon by Vendredi https://soundcloud.com/vendrediduo
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/3dK32pe
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/FMVeDzX-row

https://tinyurl.com/hellhades is my go-to source for all things RAID. He has guides for all levels of the game, amazing gearing Optimizer tool, and so much more. It's always up to date with what's happening. Bookmark this link now! Hell Hades is the reason I got deeper into this game and love it as much as I do. Consider the membership options for an even great experience with the Optimizer and more!

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