20 Legendary Games We’ll NEVER Stop Replaying

20 Legendary Games We’ll NEVER Stop Replaying

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@ShadowCthulhu - 09.03.2025 21:11

I have to disagree on Resident Evil 2 Re-Imagined, I think I have only played it 2-3 times. I go back to the Original game as outside of graphics it is the better game. They removed more than they added, plus all the little things that showed up in the Route B scenario showing that the other character had been there made the expereience more memorable.

I did play Days Gone briefly as I am not a huge fan of Sandbox games, might give it another go.

Assassins's Creed 4 and Rogue are the onlyu 2 of ther series that I did enjoy.

Witcher is a great game worth replaying, too bad they screwed up the NG+ mode making it a 1 time only.

Still love the Classic God of War games more than the Norse, my favorite of the original 6 is still Ghost of Sparta.

@Kinos141 - 10.03.2025 01:50

You talked about RE2 and showed RE4 gameplay.

@GamesTrailer-pr9hq - 11.03.2025 16:40

Really like your video gona look more of your video continue struggle and you have a future by the way nice choice of games

@umCris - 11.03.2025 20:01

I found your video because of my FYP and got interested by the title. But the editing, the way you speak, everything feels very immersive and kept me hooked until the end. Great job with the video!

@iCezzz4edit - 12.03.2025 01:57

buy a microphone, stop using generic shit ass ai voices for your videos

@bigego503 - 12.03.2025 03:27

-Good list. I would add a couple games. Borderlands 2 for the lunacy, Cyberpunk for the dystopian world and, if you lean towards strategy at all, Xcom2. Good vid

@TheDon_Vito - 12.03.2025 04:36

bro snuck in outlaw on the thumbnail

@NextGameRank - 10.03.2025 02:01

Sorry, I used the wrong footage of Resident Evil. My bad, guys!
