List of Mods :
1) Lights And Shadows
- Add lighting and shadows to the game
2) Fancy Lightning
- The light and shadow are more beautiful.
3) Better Blending
- Blocks stick together better
4) Biome Titles
- Show Biomes
5) Heart Crystal & Life fruit Glow
- Hearts glow
6) Improved Movement Visuals
- Walking and running are better, head turns following the mouse cursor
7) Loot Beams
- Items that glow when on the ground
8) Low Health Effects
- A slash appears on the screen when the blood level is low
9) Better Tooltips
- Luminous item name
10) Lures Display Bait
- Show your bait when fishing
11) True Tooltips
- A frame appears when mouse cursor pointing at an item
12) zzp198's WeaponOut
- Show items when holding items
13) Realistic Sky
- The sky looks more beautiful
14) Boss Intros
- There is a boss intro when the boss appears
15) Boss Bag Glows in Inventory
- Boss Bags and Glowing Stars in the Inventory
16) Rain Overhaul
- Rain is more realistic
17) Improved Shoot Animation
- Weapon shooting looks better
18) Overhaul Gun Animation
- Weapon (Guns only) firing is more realistic