V-Tune Lifestealer Walking Dead - Dota 2 Pro Gameplay [Watch & Learn]

V-Tune Lifestealer Walking Dead - Dota 2 Pro Gameplay [Watch & Learn]

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Dendi Pudge Legendary Hero ► https://bit.ly/46TGZFS
135 Kills Tinker 99 999 Gold - 3 Hours Epic Battle ► https://bit.ly/49kk5J7

Subscribe and LEARN to play like PRO ► http://bit.ly/Subscribe_for__more

Top MMR Plays / Dota 2 Pro Gameplay is Educational Channel about e-sport Dota 2 competitive scene. Watch replays of professional players, highest MMR battles and LEARN from you favourite Pro players!


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V-Tune Lifestealer Walking Dead - Dota 2 Pro Gameplay [Watch & Learn]

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