HALF MEASURE? 14” M3 MacBook Pro vs 15” M2 MacBook Air

HALF MEASURE? 14” M3 MacBook Pro vs 15” M2 MacBook Air

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@EC-cm8sf - 20.12.2023 00:54

M2 with 16gb ram and 512 storage is roughly the same price as m3 pro 8gb ram. So thats a better comparison

@vasiliychernomorov1115 - 20.12.2023 00:59

If they would create something as slim as old Intel MacBooks as pro model that would be a steal. Took mine 24/1tb 15 inch air over more powerful chunky pro, 14 is too small for any professional graphic work and 16 is behemoth. Happy with my air with every touch. Hdr screen and 120hz are marketing bulshit have no use in a real life. Whatching Hdr movies on 14 inch screen is kinda nonsense, buy a cheap 40inch TV with lot of movies on change for the price of pro and be happy)

@Jimmyfly215 - 20.12.2023 05:44

great video. watching still from my M1 Pro MacBook Pro. Apple outdid themselves years ago thankfully.

@ProfessorTechNerd - 20.12.2023 06:20

I wish the 16 inch pro wasn’t so heavy.

@hreetampaul9350 - 20.12.2023 08:33

I already took 1600 usd one in india..... couldnt get the m3 pro as it was not available...
16gb air was even costlier here

@BananaAllergy - 20.12.2023 09:45

I wish Apple would put the headphone jack on the left side of MacBook Air.

@sglatitude - 20.12.2023 16:27

Brand new MBP with M3 Pro 12 core CPU and 18 core GPU, 36GB RAM and 1 TB SSD cost $200 more than refurbished MBP with M2 Max with 12 core CPU and 30 core GPU, 32 GB RAM and 1 TB SSD. Which one should one choose between the two? 🤔🤭

@bobbys5343 - 20.12.2023 17:49

Which would you choose..

Macbook pro 14 m3 512gb $1,429 OR macbook air 15 m2 512gb $1,250

@ajfromca - 20.12.2023 18:06

How Apple could have done it better. They should have let the MBA15 replace the MBP13, and not introduce a non-Pro MacBook “Pro” 14.

@daoanson - 20.12.2023 22:53

For somebody that games occasionally (seasonally every Christmas or summer break), does it on 3-4 hour time blocks on a given day, runs pre-2019 games on it, and does basic 3D design work on Blender, can the M2 MBA handle that kind of workload or would that occasional gaming and 3D rendering use case be worth getting the 14-inch MBP?

Edit: also for more background on my expected daily use, I’m likely using a laptop for doing medical research, editing manuscripts requiring a large screen real estate, opening 8-10 PowerPoints at a time, and using my web browser regularly (10-20 tabs at a time, more or less), and I would likely be carrying it around the hospital or clinic so portability is something I value. I leaned towards the 15-inch M2 MBA because of my daily use, but the 14-inch M3 MBP is tempting for my occasional gaming use case and I also like the longer battery life on the M3 MBP (and the HDMI port is tempting for connecting to displays without depending on a HDMI dongle).

@sam-515 - 21.12.2023 06:12

Excellent comparison. Again 👍🏻

@spartan_0198 - 21.12.2023 22:08

I hesitate to buy Mac book air M2 16go 256SSD, what do you think ?

@yskim63 - 22.12.2023 07:21

Thank you for this video! I hope there won’t be any problems with coding on the m2 MacBook Air.

@JASPREET1606-u9h - 22.12.2023 12:17

What kind of wallpaper did u use in this macbook😊

@willibaldm - 24.12.2023 18:10

I am looking so long now and cannot easy decide if i should buy a 14“ Macbook pro or an macbook air m2. It would be my first macbook ever and for my use cases i would use it for entertainment, office work, browsing, writing und a lil bit of gaming. Its quite hard to decide….the air m2 is cheap but the m3 pro have a better screen 120hz and more ports. Are there any suggestions about it to find my choice?

@ropafadzo55 - 25.12.2023 01:01

Matthew 24:30 KJV
And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

@moncho33 - 26.12.2023 16:16

I was in a similar "dilema" a few months ago. For context, I had a 2014 MacBook Pro with a 512 SSD and 16gb RAM, after 7 years, in 2021, I decided to get a MacBook Air M1 with a 512 SSD and 8gb RAM. That M1 Air was (and is) a great computer, but I always missed the 15 inch screen. In August of this year I decided to replace the M1 Air (sold it to a friend's daughter who needed a computer for college) with a refurbished 14 inch M1 Pro MacBook Pro. I ended up returning it because I had gotten used to the slimmer form factor of the Air. Ordered a 15in M2 Air with a 1tb SSD and 16gb RAM, and yes, this makes the price similar to the MacBook Pro, but I simply prefer the slimmer form factor. For my occasional photo/video editing needs and everyday tasks, this15 inch M2 Air is just what I need. And with the upgraded SSD and RAM, I foresee this M2 Air being my main computer for the next 6-7 years.

@wazitSomethingISaid - 01.01.2024 18:21

just returned my 16 inch m3 pro base model for the 14 inch m3 base model.

@Xyzs11 - 03.01.2024 19:35

Hi! Do you think that the m3 MacBook pro base model would be great for a graphic design student? I was thinking about getting the m2 MacBook air 16gb RAM with 256gb, but if I spend a little bit more I’m getting a better and a bigger screen( and better performance?)I would be using mostly photoshop for digital illustrations, and lightroom for some photo editing. I’m also on a budget so I don’t think I can upgrade the RAM on the pro. How much would it last for in your opinion, because I’m looking for a laptop which can be used for at least 3-5 years.

@rileyhance318 - 08.01.2024 15:54

For the love of god dont buy that base 14 inch. You would be better off with a certified refurbished m2 pro from apples website for 1599 while they are still available or brand new on best buy for same price. Double ram, gpu performance, fans, ext displays, more multicore performance. Only downsides being about 10% slower in single core tasks but I think its pros outweigh the cons

@rocky7302 - 08.01.2024 23:36

Very nice wallpaper, anyone have a link to where it’s available?

@TheVickieyshady - 17.01.2024 04:35

Im sorry but the MacBook Pro M3 doesn’t make sense it doesn’t deserve to be called pro I buy it and I ended up returning it right now Best Buy have a good deals and it was hard to pass on the MBA 15 basic model for 999 😊

@ldistefano88 - 24.01.2024 02:21

Great video, looking forward to more content

@vladislavkovalkov - 24.01.2024 20:10

Thanks for this video! That 15 inch screen is very appealing, although the 14 is more powerful and the screen is better.

@kurt120032002 - 25.01.2024 18:53

Well after the atrocious 12.9" M2 iPad that is nearly useless, but also useful if you want to prove that 90% of Apple software engineers should be fired, the only job for an apple device is to be a hypervisor, and while the mentally deficient apple software engineers are decades away from grasping the notion of VM, you can have a a l2 hypervisor with VMs running windows and linux pretty decent for general use. Sure ideally I could use my tablet as external display and just get a smaller laptop, but again at Apple incompetence runs supreme at software department so nobody is shocked their professional level devices has no compatibility between them… I mean these "engineers" believe the best mouse pointer is a circle so we talk about that level of intelligence.

@veryspecial01 - 26.01.2024 12:01

Rishi Sunak is my favorite tech reviewer!

@hardkornofficial - 31.01.2024 02:08

MacBook Pro 16 inch is the best of the best.

@nishantgautam1948 - 31.01.2024 18:43

Which one should I go for as a photographer? Use - photoshop, lightroom, and capture one ???? Please recommend
( Need to save up money )

@SolarMillUSA - 31.01.2024 21:28

One of the best comparison videos I have seen so far.

@wazitSomethingISaid - 02.02.2024 01:51

i just want an Air with an XDR display

@johnwilson7680 - 05.02.2024 23:13

Great comparison, thank you! Liked and subscribed.

@tccycling - 07.02.2024 04:33

All I hear is: go spend your $2k on a windows laptop with better performance than either of these.

@PackFan2323 - 11.02.2024 16:05

I always enjoy your videos, as your content and smooth transitions make it so easy to view. Your comparisons and contrasts are spot on!.

@eltechnica - 16.02.2024 09:38

Havent been to this channel in a while, still loved all your videos on cameras! This one was EXACTLY what I was looking for!

@ninjashhh8344 - 19.02.2024 21:49

I love your breakdowns man. Just found you yesterday and have binge watched at least 30 of your videos! Thanks!

@Josephsoto221 - 24.02.2024 23:51

I won a 15 inch MacBook air m2 (16GB/1TB) I use it for music production and video editing and it is more than enough capable for everything I throw at it, idk personally its the perfect laptop, super light and portable, don't know if Id want the additional weight and size of the MacBook Pro

@arjunchandel3155 - 27.02.2024 20:42

Plz guide .. if it throttles with OBS LIVE STREAM .. I am planning for LIVE STREAM - ONLINE CLASSES with ipad as sidecar use and also i can screen share also with OBS

@mattsanchez4893 - 02.03.2024 04:46

Inexcusable that $1600 laptop comes with only 8gb of Ram and 512 Gg of strorage no matter how good it may be and you cannot upgrade either of them yourself but have to pay Apple a fortune to do so instead.

@bluebaaron748 - 30.04.2024 14:42

I just bought the m3 pro mbp for 1799 at Best Buy 16/512.. Coming from a 2012 15" MBP. I miss the larger screen already... should I have gotten the 16"? Seems crazy to spend that much more on a 16in screen. Thoughts? get used? return for a refurbished M2 MBP 16? MBA 15?

@MDHenry4 - 07.07.2024 15:52


@Jeff-mw8em - 13.07.2024 13:58

macbook air m3 can output 2 monitor and 120hz

@wifdogg - 25.09.2024 01:31

A little after this video was made, the m3 pro mbp aswell as the m3 mba both can now support 2 external displays for anyone watching in 2024

@ArthArmani - 02.11.2024 20:39

I want MacBook Air design with MacBook Pro screen

@SmartPhotoVault - 03.11.2024 14:54

Interesting that the bezel is smaller on the 14" So not much in acual screen resolution. You'd notice the screen more upgraing to 16"

@Gloin34 - 28.12.2024 11:59

Which keboard is more comfortable for coding, 14” or 15”, any experience?

@faa923 - 29.01.2025 00:42

How do you know which screen is bigger? Do you have to multiply the screen size by the hard disk size?
