A man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack is a type of cybersecurity attack where an attacker secretly intercepts and alters communications between two parties who believe they are directly communicating with each other. The attacker positions themselves between the two parties, impersonating each one to gather sensitive information or manipulate the communication.
Here's a simplified example of how a man-in-the-middle attack works:
Alice wants to communicate with Bob, so she sends a message to him.
The attacker secretly intercepts the message without Alice or Bob knowing.
The attacker then relays the intercepted message to Bob, pretending to be Alice.
Bob, believing the message is from Alice, responds back to the attacker.
The attacker again intercepts the response, altering or collecting information as needed, and relays it back to Alice, pretending to be Bob.
Both Alice and Bob are unaware that their communication has been compromised, and the attacker can continue monitoring or manipulating the conversation.
This attack can be used to steal sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial data, as well as manipulate the communication to deceive or exploit the parties involved. To protect against MITM attacks, it is essential to use secure communication channels, such as encryption and digital certificates, and be cautious when connecting to public or unsecured networks.
#Man_in-the-middle_attack #MITM