Love this
ОтветитьOne of my favorite things I ever worked on with Donald
ОтветитьOblique references to AIDS in the beginning and the end.
ОтветитьThanks to you Don for giving us great music and growing old with us. You and Walter have alot to be proud of. Gonna miss him up there with you.
ОтветитьWho's the actress?
ОтветитьI love this song 💕 Thanks for bringing me so much pleasure Donald Fagen
ОтветитьDoes anybody suffer from a rare but very pleasant experience when listening to SD or DF which I call “ Dan Therapy “ Wherever I am or whoever I’m with night or day their music lifts me to a different plain. I can’t stand still or not sing the lyrics. It just makes me feel great. No more psychoanalysts required just
their music.
Wish I was there....back in the 80' was easier...😘😘😘
ОтветитьTHose were the days when music had melody lyrics you heard, and able to dance to. I loved tthe 80s , you dressed up for the evening and danced the night away.
ОтветитьThis song always takes me back to April 1988, when “Bright Lights Big City” was released. Nice job by the video directors, portraying 2 examples of 80s vapidity.
ОтветитьI thank my dad for introducing me to this kind of music :)
Ответитьlove this Video, and the Music...... Ahhh..
ОтветитьSome of the saddest lyrics ever
ОтветитьThe song and video both capture the late 1980s -- gaudy, jaded, celebrating itself but afraid of commitment.
Ответитьgreat song
ОтветитьThis kid's got some Talent, give him time and I'm sure he'll get better
ОтветитьРусские отзовитесь
ОтветитьJeff Porcaro's Groove Damn RIght?
ОтветитьThose trucks in the it really Monday....Time to find some trouble again.....!!!
ОтветитьThis song and this video are so very evocative of the late '80s for me.
ОтветитьAn amazing song by Donald Fafen. Seriously underaged. A masterpiece for its and all time. Insightful… “we just suit up for a game…this kids got the eye, call it pirate radar... So timeless! I’d like to actually have a list of all of the lyrics of this. The ones on the Internet are incorrect.
ОтветитьLeroy Clouden, Drums
ОтветитьCredits to Rob Mounsey, for the arrangement and the aesthetics. I was born in the 90s, I am sure modern music will turn to this as a reference for a musical movement.
ОтветитьI first heard in the movie it was in and knew immediately it was DF
ОтветитьI woke with this song in my head out of nowhere. My brain is a jukebox of music but I don’t always get to chose the song. In this case my brain made an excellent choice
ОтветитьThe man is a musical genius. It is as simple as that
ОтветитьI need dan therapy for the severe pain my ass depression that I'm going through, someone please write me a dan therapy playlist, I'd appreciate it!
ОтветитьI’ve been a fan of steely Dan and Donald Fagen for 30 years since I saw and taped the movie Heavy Metal on Cinemax and bought the albums
ОтветитьSometimes I lose sight of myself, then I listen to Donald Fagen and I’m like, oh yeah, this is who I am
ОтветитьI remember when this song came out there was a lot of buzz because Steely Dan have been on hiatus for years.
ОтветитьGood Jazz
Ответитьharmonica is very toots theilman ,, lyrics so evocative so good so she zeros in on you,, which means look maybe touch.. cant get this song out of my head , perfection as always ,, and to think when they started out all those years ago donald fagen was a lyrisist and never intended to be a frontman vocalist ,imagine if we never heard him as a singer what a tragety that would have been
ОтветитьLove this song...
Reminds me of the time I spend living in NYC, love it . Truly an adventure every
Donald Fagen
Century's End 1988
ОтветитьMyself+ many others wish you better health Donald.
This song really captures the feeling of life in the 80s.
ОтветитьThe Nightfly is one of my favorites and never heard this one before. What a pleasant surprise
ОтветитьLove he video
Highly underrated song. One of my favorites if his. Perfect for the movie “Bright lights, Bog City.”. The song only appears once in the closing credits. It would have been better included i. the club scenes. One issue is so many people get the lyrics wrong. For example, it’s “ scratch the cab , we can catch a local” but look at some lyrics searches! Does anyone have a live version? I’ve never heard it live and I’ve seen him in concert years ago. He never sang it.
Thank you for posting
I love the power with which the organ comes in - deng! Great song !
ОтветитьThe harmonic player is off the hook
Century's End
Donald Fagen
ОтветитьGreat song for the end of
Bright Lights, Big City.
This is the shortened version fyi. It should be over 5 min long like it is on Fagens channel.
ОтветитьOne of the greatest compositions ever. And the movie was also the worst when it came to casting the actors.