Hi! Can you get Spartan renegade set as a drop or loot? I mean, not by farming oris but questing (and not by hellix credits)?
ОтветитьBtw there is something weird about me in ac odyssey when I play on easy it’s hard and when I play on hard it’s easy
ОтветитьYo in Megaris I found a cave with an ancient statue and I interacted with it and it gave me an ability pointand to the left the is a really rare weapon
ОтветитьI got the conquest spear after doing only the Athenian quest once. Never used it, because I like other perks better and didnt do conquests often.
Ответитьje hoort gelijk nederlands haha
ОтветитьI did the Phidias quest and never got the dagger
ОтветитьYou talk so much
ОтветитьI keep forgetting these are of level 50 play🤣
ОтветитьSir I complete the Phidias all quests and enter the secret room and open the chest but I not get the atlantean blade why
ОтветитьPole march polemarch
ОтветитьI think I have the best weapon, I basically took them from mercenaries, one with permanent fire and one with permanent poison and I engraved them together. So now my normal attacks do poison and fire
ОтветитьOk repeat after me.....”Pole-mark”
Not “poley marky” or “poley march ”.
“Pole” — “Mark”
You’re welcome
greece has to sharks no lions no lynx and no ilnesses
ОтветитьI need one that’s low level
Ответитьtelugu movies
ОтветитьBlade of chaos
ОтветитьI did this mission but it gave me a epic mace instead of that sword and don't know how to get it?? Joraptor van you help me with an alternative or anyone else
Ответитьi went full warrior build all the way, it was the shit :) mid/late game youre a complete monster.
ОтветитьI just brought assassins creed and it was worth every last penny. I loved it
Ответитьalways talking shut the fck mouth up
ОтветитьI didn’t find the dagger there I found it in a hidden chest in Atlantis where you meet your real father
ОтветитьIs it worth buying a legendary sword for 71.000 drachmae that has this perk: 250% all damage but you cant use abilities.
ОтветитьWho disliked this and y
ОтветитьI found the atlanetan blade and i don't have. Ac Odyssey
ОтветитьI for some reason only collect purple gear and below for the engravements.
ОтветитьIt’d be cool if you updated this list. Best weapons and armor now that the games fully developed.
ОтветитьNewcomer jsut started odyssey what is better epic or legendary gesr
ОтветитьThis is great thanks! Also your accent is excellent, where are you from?
Ответитьu talk to much
Ответитьodyssey greed collect is lie propaganda to force kids to kill nations.
What is nation?
Humans born without nationality, born without fascism, nationalization in childhood make them.
False value, false enemy, false nation definition make false enemy, destroy value of life.
Nationalist kleptocracy created fa.
Wikipedia false nation definition changed always.
They kill for nation, they not know what nation is.
Game economy based on killing and looting nations.
Godless religious golden toilets monuments in cost of value of life.
Game self, expensive in money and time.
Booze for kids. Nationalist kleptocracy value system for kids.
Chromosome racists remembering.
Infinite program errors.
This game is a fucking MASTERPIECE
ОтветитьJason's hammer is god like
ОтветитьThe Atlantis blade is not there a purple weapon was
ОтветитьJust played this game for the first time. Its like if Red Dead Redemption and Dynasty Warriors had a baby.
ОтветитьI’m trying to find the breastplate this dude has I remember having a cold one with a horn on my shoulder now I don’t remember what it’s called or how to get it
ОтветитьI recently started playing this. Does gear scale, similar to Borderlands?
ОтветитьAny certain order to play with all the dlc’s? Can’t find a good answer. Thanks if anyone can help!
ОтветитьYou can also just get all the polemarchs seals at once
ОтветитьName of the armour on the thumbnail?
Ответитьi found the fanged bow
ОтветитьThe first weapon he mentioned,when i did all the quests i got a reflecs bow
ОтветитьIt’s pronounced pole mark