Thanks I’d like to see how solo play and responsibilities flavored for Spidey. Advice on handling getting Aunt May her prescription while fighting a new Green Goblin high above the streets of New York!
ОтветитьSo far I think scaling 1 to 6 was a mistake. Good idea, undersold. It should go to 10 or 12 to really show the scaling of how low the lows are and how high the highs are.
ОтветитьI don am really considering picking up one to day, but at first glance it comes off as a bit too rules heavy for the kind of superheroes games I like(Masks, Marvel Heroic, Truth & Justice, Atomic Robo, etc.). I often find that having rigid powers lists and a focus on action economy, numbers and measurements makes for a far less smooth superhero story, ending up feeling more like a board game, like combat in D&D pretty much does.
ОтветитьI just bought the core rulebook and the Kang adventure at Ollie's Bargain Barn for $12.99 and $9.99 respectively. This thing's been on the shelves for less than a year and they're sitting on the shelf right next to a grab bag of late 80's Valiant Comics.
ОтветитьBut at Rank 2, you can't do shit.
Ответитьjust got the core book, and enjoyed your video as a quick intro explanation! Although there is definitely a bit of a rules dump in places that was dizzying (LOL), but not your fault with that. 100% agree that a GM screen is needed. Also, CHEAT SHEETS for Players to reference because holy cow, people can do a lot in a turn with the variety of Actions and Reactions alone! Thanks for the video!
ОтветитьFor those who never heard and for those who wanna share it.
HERE IS THE MILLION-DOLLAR QUESTION: Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart, and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell. But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine. This means that God can legally dismiss their case: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift. Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you...
What's the best super hero rpg out now? This one seems just ok
ОтветитьSuch a great review/overview. Thank you!
ОтветитьHi. As usual I just ordered the core book as a result of watching your review. I’ll try it out as a special game night with my D&D crew. I am a sucker for super heroes and have played the old marvel superheroes rpg from back in 80s. I will keep you posted in the discord once we get a few games in.
ОтветитьI wish I had ppl to play this with
ОтветитьThanks for the concise intro I only had to watch 30 seconds to confirm what I already suspected about yet another FLOP marvel RPG. Thanks much for saving my time and my money.
ОтветитьI ran a few games as in-betweeners to change the mood from our 5e campaign. It's a whole other creature. You're not out to gain loot, power or leveling up. It's all about the story and the action. Yes, with all the different powers it can be daunting. It is best played with a group of role-players, not power-gamers. Especially in your fist games, if the players are ok with the narrator winging it instead of looking up the specifics of a certain powers and, the narrator can trust the players with their interpretation of their character's abilities... It's a fun game. If you want to go with the character creation and leveling up route, the Cataclysm of Kang campaign is a good start seeing as each scenario ramps up the stakes as you go... you just need to have a session zero to figure out a reason why the characters are getting more and more powerful.
ОтветитьI'm still sorta new to new rpgs, and I was curious if I were to get a physical copy. Would I get a code to get the online version, or would I also need to buy the online version
ОтветитьMutants and Masterminds v2 is still my favorite hero rpg and I played most of them. My players really couldn't handle the math, though, so I had to use Hero Lab for easy character building. I picked this up and hope to try it out before the end of the year.
Ответитьive always wanted to play an RPG, but i've never had any friends that actually play it.
Ответитьno exp or leveling is a huge mis-step
ОтветитьI've been itching for a super hero game, will either pick up this or Longshot City.
Ответитьalso the X MEN expansion book coming in August with 256 pages . they also said a Spider Man Spiderverse expansion book is coming but didn't give a date for it's release i dont remember if said how many pages or not can't wait for them and what ever else is coming out .there are also some home brewed characters on fans sites still find out about all of them . the one problem i see with the game is how fast the products for it are coming out the game came out last August the game dice didn't come out tell October the KANG book in November the X MEN was pushed back to August but i think maybe it will have the new changing X MEN story line that are coming in July . then a couple months they told us the deadpool adventure is coming in July now too . i dont have a printer i know i am waiting to a Judge's Screen to be sold and some other stuff they also said maps are coming too can't wait to see what else is coming . you can also play the game on Demiplane and has the some of the books and what is coming , on the character sheet there is a spot for the player to write down the page the power is on and what it does what is neat . also if you want you can lower the characters ranks yourself if you want to run the 4 original at level 1 rank you can just take away some stuff from the profile and make they line up with a level rank 1 character or you could make a level rank 2 character rank 6 but a rank that high would need a good reason to booster that character that high , in the X MEN expansion is going to have a way to level up your characters rank from 1 to 6 if you want , sorry for rambling on
ОтветитьThis looks fun. I wish there was more time in life, it's hard enough to get a full table for my D&D group that's been together for 5 years now, we only get once a month, and half those times, someone ends up with a conflict. We like telling long story campaigns, so it's hard to try other systems.
ОтветитьDo you know Mutants and Masterminds? I love It!
ОтветитьI'm in the middle of a fantasy campaign at the moment, but am looking forward to trying this as a one shot as a break from the main game. I don't think it's really build for long term games, I guess you could manage it with a bit of fiddling. But the genre lends itself well to shorter campaigns / one-shots.
ОтветитьAre there any supplements for solo play for this system?
ОтветитьSo far I really like this game. Haven’t gotten to actually play but the rules seem solid and character creation is a lot of fun…