Destiny 2 - SHE’S BACK! New Taken King, Throne Reveal and Her Crazy Plan

Destiny 2 - SHE’S BACK! New Taken King, Throne Reveal and Her Crazy Plan


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@jonathanmumbi8618 - 12.03.2025 20:06

Why does feel like Eris is the one rizzing Drifter in that scene.😂😂😂

@Vextral4653 - 12.03.2025 20:49

I hope we get Oryx’s sword as a weapon. I want an exotic and legendary version mainly because exotic swords kinda suck and i would literally never take a legendary version of it off

@JamesDaTWoN - 12.03.2025 20:50

😂 Eris is sounding like evil manifesting under the desire to do good, deliberately or not there's definitely some grey lines between good and evil appearing.

@humanbeing1313 - 12.03.2025 20:56

Oryx is taking him being killed and de throned very well LOL

@boricuatc4982 - 12.03.2025 20:57

We are doing too much for us to end up not being able to wield taken powers and not have a taken subclass, definitely getting blue balled if we don’t get something out of MASTERING Taken

@adamherrick6077 - 12.03.2025 21:06

Calling it- we’re using the ascendant plane as FTL travel.

@phasedout598 - 12.03.2025 21:07

heresy has been a fucking banger man

@Michael-9104 - 12.03.2025 21:19

eris back from dead?

@GamingStar1995 - 12.03.2025 21:46

Season of "Do anything for Bae"
I love it.

@garrettviewegh9028 - 12.03.2025 22:00

Savathun: “I will escape it all”.
Eris: “Not unless I remind you what fear feels like. And trap you. Unlike me, you will not escape this Hell”.

@garrettviewegh9028 - 12.03.2025 22:01

Savathun: Tries to steal and trap the Traveker
Eris: “Impressive”. Steals her brother and traps her and Xivu in a place worse than Hell

@VeeeeeryDisturbing - 12.03.2025 22:01

Call me crazy but I feel like all of this is heading towards a taken subclass

@garrettviewegh9028 - 12.03.2025 22:07

I feel, that Eris is right. The curtain is beginning to be pulled back, revealing the Winnower. Who may or may not be out enemy, or a passive god just watching out suffering for entertainment. Either way, he’s too great of a threat to ignore. If he truly exists. We may need to confront him. The only way to do that, is using Willbreaker and the Echo. There are greater threats than the Hive gods out there. If the Hive gods take the Echo, we’ll have a contingency for that. Eris, Mara, Drifter, we, and they, always do. But yes, as time goes on, we may have to destroy any and all Echos. Keep in mind, these relics choose who wields them. That’s not good for us. Their power could also be too dangerous for us to wield. One day, we may need to destroy them all.

@garrettviewegh9028 - 12.03.2025 22:11

Drifter when he gets a message from Sloan that his goth gf is still alive: “HANG ON MOONLIGHT! I’M A COMIN’”!

@biggreadus1313 - 12.03.2025 22:25

Let me just say that I love the drifter, and the know I’m of the many few but I also love gambit! This story is fantastic so far!

@acgearsandarms1343 - 12.03.2025 22:26

How powerful is Willbreaker if it’s missing the core piece? We essentially did a rush job to reforge it, using Crota’s blade hilt. We’re not reforging it from scratch.

@Amtruth-9 - 12.03.2025 22:35

They are so low on ideas that they bring back Oryx lmao

@doubt3430 - 12.03.2025 23:12

i really hope we dont get cucked out of ownership of willbreaker and being the taken king
but knowing bungie we definitely will

@whitechick_7750 - 12.03.2025 23:17

Personally i would side with the echo the first chance i get.

@biggomez0976 - 12.03.2025 23:18

Episode 2 is getting interesting

@ExcelHedge - 12.03.2025 23:31

If we need chunks of Oryx's sword wouldn't that mean we need Raze Lighter, Dark Drinker, and Bolt Caster at some point???

@purewhiteloverbizarrejelly - 13.03.2025 00:13

I wonder if all Taken hear the voice of Oryx in their head as we do. Maybe also tempting them with power

@purewhiteloverbizarrejelly - 13.03.2025 00:23

❌Drifter is unfamiliar with Hive Magic
✅Drifter is illiterate

@Grand_Master_Skywalker - 13.03.2025 00:53

They still never fixed the muted lines

@architectmind3662 - 13.03.2025 01:15

Hey Drifter...
I see your hunger...
Its voracious...

Would you take up the sword???

@MrMusicfan28 - 13.03.2025 03:01

Sloan needs to sit down somewhere. I want to be taken SO BAD 😭😭

@dazaitken1990 - 13.03.2025 03:50

All this is playing out and I'm sat here wondering when we're next gonna head from the conductor. It's pretty obvious that this echo isn't gonna be that much of a future threat, unless savathun or xivu gets it. The echo which eramis has I doubt we'll see a villanous story from her so that just leaves the conductor which she is still at large with the echo. Hopefully we'll hear more from that story soon 🤞

@Changingtesting - 13.03.2025 04:28

They really did not have to cook so hard with that cutscene. I expect a lot out of act 3. Especially since I don’t even play the game anymore

@devoid_of_will - 13.03.2025 06:12

All I'll say is, don' think for a second that Savathun didn't foresee this, or that this isn't all just part of her long con.

@SovereignSmurf - 13.03.2025 06:13

I like the implication that taunting you with the voice of your dead comrade is totally something Toland would do.

He does a little trollin

@blazingocean4206 - 13.03.2025 07:54

Isn’t it obvious there is no dialogue? Is your main character talking. 😂

@DioStandProud - 13.03.2025 08:42

The new Oryx VA wipes with the old one. Its not even funny how cringe the old Oryx voice is to listen to now.

@xxtinyxx0913 - 13.03.2025 09:17

Took over a decade to get peak hive storytelling 😂 man this could've all been done with TTK

@jesusarusrex - 13.03.2025 09:51

I got dialog when returning the shard from killing the knight underneath the court of oryx. The two that you showed in this video I did not get.

@misfitmush - 13.03.2025 10:33

Drifter bout to die. Trust, brotha.

@Marshall-xl1nq - 13.03.2025 11:10

Will breaker is a semitone portal

@Marshall-xl1nq - 13.03.2025 11:11

That voice dude he's awesome

@JeffryGonzalezHt - 13.03.2025 15:58

One of my favorite cut scenes ever. And now my standard greeting for visitors to my home is "Welcome to the vast cathedral of my soul".

@BowPlayKay - 13.03.2025 16:30

Story is fire, would be cool if that KINETIC SUBCLASS they teased a while ago ended up being a TAKEN SUBCLASS. Would be a waste if this episode is heavily focused on us mastering TAKEN POWERS and becoming the new TAKEN KING and we literally do nothing with it going forward. It would be a big waste of a great opportunity to surprise or introduce us to permanent TAKEN powers.

@hazardous8301 - 13.03.2025 19:41

I’m not gonna lie, I’m getting kinda tired of us constantly treating Savathun like she’s still a villain actively working against us. Trust her or not, she’s been nothing but an ally to us for quite some time now, she’s hold a great deal of rest for us based on how she’s talked to her ghost about us, and currently all she’s trying to do is free her siblings from the bad deal she convinced them to make millions of years ago, which, is literally trying to convince them to abandon their constant pursuit of mindless bloodshed in favor of their own personal choices, to be free.

But instead of helping Savathun with this, we’re talking about imprisoning her and her siblings in a place worse then hell……….

@jokeyxero - 13.03.2025 20:23

Eris is getting progressively more arrogant. She could eventually become an enemy

@ANTIICHRXZT - 14.03.2025 02:35

I'm with eris on this one. i don't think we should get rid of the echo every evho up till now has evaded us this is a chance we can possibly not only use the echo but get answers abt the deep and the winnower plus that I'm very suspicious of sloane since she's still hearing voice still call for her in the deep and calling for her to "take up the knife"

@Bluesol302 - 14.03.2025 07:25

God, Oryx's voice is just so God damn cool

@Grayves_X - 14.03.2025 16:04

Ahsa just dead naming Oryx

@EclipseGrimoire0 - 14.03.2025 16:12

I wonder if this means we'll fight Kelgorath later this Act or possibly in Act 3 for his piece of Willbreaker. Time for us to put him down again

@nigigtaylor6472 - 14.03.2025 22:19

Does that technically mean if we do accept being oryx’s heir and become the new taken king/queen (depending on peoples guardian genders)does that mean high war will become our throne world or do we technically already have one

@lolcerditorock - 16.03.2025 09:39

Bungie has the chance to do the most epic thing ever at the end of this season and knowing they won't pisses me off

@SmilingEspressoMachine-sh3bj - 17.03.2025 07:21

He sounds like Harbringer from Mass Effect 3.

@eotwkdp - 17.03.2025 17:31

In play monster hunter Wilde but I find your voice enjoyable
