“Jeskai Striker” Full Deck Reveal & Upgrade | Tarkir: Dragonstorm | The Command Zone 663 | MTG Magic

“Jeskai Striker” Full Deck Reveal & Upgrade | Tarkir: Dragonstorm | The Command Zone 663 | MTG Magic

The Command Zone

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@commandcast - 20.03.2025 00:34

What do you think about this deck? Are you excited about it? What new cards slot in perfectly to your existing commander decks?

@NightNoxASMR - 20.03.2025 10:02

Brandon Sanderson mentioned?? Cosmere UB when?

@Nox113Gamez - 20.03.2025 10:01

jimmy and josh singing the ballpark song was super fun as a baseball fan!

@TheDylls - 20.03.2025 09:46

This is the absolute perfect deck to play one of my pet cards: Mana Tithe

"No one expects the Mana Tithe"

@TheDylls - 20.03.2025 09:45

I always forget what's on the Commander banlist, but I for sure thought that Git Probe was banned lol

@MalteLewandowski - 20.03.2025 09:28

Shiny Impetus and goad in general is very underrated. Also if you cast this as your second spell, you should get another copy as auras always target, right?

@inferywow - 20.03.2025 08:51

too many monastery monks! you better buy lot of dices

@TrevorClifford-Film - 20.03.2025 08:12


@PatrickFoster-wn1lw - 20.03.2025 07:59

Sorry guys, but I think Velomachus Lorehold is pretty much perfeect for this deck.

@JimNightblade1 - 20.03.2025 07:31

Not adding Sorcerer Class seems like a miss since the deck cares about slinging spells and going wide with tokens.

@salamada007 - 20.03.2025 07:00

That was a sweet song audition.

@natehiggins6441 - 20.03.2025 06:59

Interested to see what cards from this I may want to squeeze into my Kykar deck!

@JoeyMannino - 20.03.2025 06:49

Journey Before Destination ⚔

@jonathandelrosario5843 - 20.03.2025 06:31

im new to commander, is this a good precon to buy to get started?

@Rooibos_Marvelous - 20.03.2025 06:19

I feel {Narset, Enlightened Exile} feels like a much better commander...

@Rooibos_Marvelous - 20.03.2025 06:17

This was the deck I was more exited for!!!

Sadly I ended up dissapointed... why does the deck feels so Lame? Unoriginal? Clunky?

@KYeung-be4lw - 20.03.2025 06:12

Do Voracious Bibliophile and Hinata together do what I think they do??!

@michaelatkinson122 - 20.03.2025 06:05

That film roller coaster animation reminds me so much of going to the movies as a kid! I remember a clip like that in the pre-feature stuff :D

@SwagMaster824 - 20.03.2025 05:36

I'm not a huge fan of spell slinger decks but some of the new cards could see some play in some of my other decks. Good video!

@redvizion - 20.03.2025 05:28

I'm so excited to get my hands on this deck. Thanks for the tips. 😎🔥 🐉🌪

@PreconQuest - 20.03.2025 05:22

Don’t know if I loved it or hated 😢

@beebrainzz - 20.03.2025 05:04

Monk Class seems like a great addition to the deck if you decide on not adding a bunch of cantrips.

@trillwelfaremom - 20.03.2025 04:54

that is an awesome braindead shirt

@TomosonGreg - 20.03.2025 04:49

Tempest technique is broken. Can you imagine countering a series of spells with fluster storm at 7 copies and then casting tempest technique for like 14? That would be like + 144 for four mana

@loneXolf - 20.03.2025 04:47

transcendent dragon looks sick

@TaerTech - 20.03.2025 04:31

Josh with the Stormlight shoutout! Hell Yeah. This deck looks interesting too. Journey before Destination Radiants.

@caseywellington4761 - 20.03.2025 04:12

Thanks for showing is the animation for the Command again! It's so beautiful!

@TheShuffleAlliance - 20.03.2025 03:40

I was excited for this deck, but it shares a lot of cards from the Quick Draw deck. Feels like a retread.

@TroyKahalehoe-x1x - 20.03.2025 03:37

Berserker's Onslaught

@TroyKahalehoe-x1x - 20.03.2025 03:37

Shang -chi , legend of the 10 Rings

@Vamoss39 - 20.03.2025 03:36

Honestly? The list is disappointing. It looks like the Quick Draw Precon, but they added a drop of White.

I'm baffled by the lack of flavorful reprints. OG Elsha, OG Narset, Aftermath Narset, Dragonlord Ojutai, Jeskai Ascendancy, Jeskai Charm, and so on.

Instead of doing what Tarkir Jeskai wants to do, which is make Prowess Tokens & Cast Spells, with some control shenanigans, this is just Izzet Spellslinger. The white is there just for color identity.

I hope the other Precons are more flavorful, but based off of this, I doubt it.

@smackyfrog6046 - 20.03.2025 03:28

Jeska's Will and Will of the Jeskai will forever tongue-twist and confuse me.

@Swim2theMO0N - 20.03.2025 03:17

I just bought Kaalia of the Vast single. I have a bunch of dragons and angels to put in it. I plan on buying the red/black/white commander deck and dismantle it to build the Kaalia deck with mostly dragons and angels

@grampaw5605 - 20.03.2025 03:12

One word. Disappointing.

@kplk-h2s - 20.03.2025 03:11

The crowd goes mild. Hopefully the other decks are better or I can see a lot of cancelled pre orders.

@failfurby - 20.03.2025 02:59

Video starts out with incorrect info about the Commander. If the second spell targets a permanent or player it gets copied, period. The only "may" part is choosing a new target for the copy. The only way to draw a card is if the second spell doesn't target a permanent or player. And, drawing a card also just happens, it's also not a "may" clause.

@AmieReva - 20.03.2025 02:59

I am SO excited for this new set! I preordered the Temur Roar precon and Abzan armor precon

@dls1309 - 20.03.2025 02:47

I had this preordered, but I canceled it after seeing this. I don't think it's bad in a vacuum, but I also own the Stella Lee deck from OTJ which is maybe 50% the same as this. I've not counted, but it's certainly enough repeats to make it not worth it. I think it's a shame that they made such a similar precon so soon after.

Edit: just checked, almost exactly a year. That's way too soon for so many repeats, in my opinion.

@nathanorwick3671 - 20.03.2025 02:42

Voracious Bibliophile is such a cool card, especially as someone who has been piloting a Hinata deck since it came out in 2021. It is so much better as a draw than emeritus in that deck, it is definitely going to become a kill-on-sight card.

@arkossunset6947 - 20.03.2025 02:37

I feel sick lol this is disgusting and if I liked playing spell slinger decks I would play it

@link2784 - 20.03.2025 02:37

Loved the brandon Sanderson reference, kaladin is so awesome!

@RaptieFeathers - 20.03.2025 02:35

I'm putting in Pull from Eternity, Mystic Retrieval, and Runic Repetition. So much fun. :D

@dcw8284 - 20.03.2025 02:28

I think I'd build this in a non jeskai way switching more than 10 cards and go aura heavy but that's a me thing.

@lukelewandowski3894 - 20.03.2025 02:26

Yeah, even as someone who auditioned, both of these picks were fantastic… writing and executing a full rap is incredible

@regalgiant1597 - 20.03.2025 02:20

Erg the adverts every single vid are such a drag.

@GuidodeVries-j8i - 20.03.2025 02:16

Even though its got an extra color the list seems very similar to Stella Lee (and the recommended upgrades)

@brandtthebrent7227 - 20.03.2025 02:15

Neat precon, but I really really dislike that it's basically another storm precon, which makes at least four in recent years (OTJ UR, Strixhaven UR, Ikoria GUR). Storm is not a play pattern that I think should be encouraged at the beginner level due to not only the time equity problem, but also the complexity of piloting it and the mental strain of making many decisions and tracking those decisions throughout the popoff turn.

I'll also confess a personal bias against storm and how it plays, as someone that's both played as and against it, as my personal experience is that the majority of storm players are people who in fact want a captive audience as they press all the buttons in the elevator, and yet they are also the people that're the first to pull out their phone when someone else plays their second card in a turn.

@josephgodfrey6668 - 20.03.2025 02:13

Hey guys, I’m going to be honest.

I think this deck is trash.

Now before you label me a troll, I need to make myself clear.

I LOVE Asia and have lived there before. I LOVE monks. I love martial arts. I LOVE magic the gathering. No one wanted this deck to be awesome more than me.

But what I’m seeing is basically a lazy Stella Lee commander reprint with weaker commanders, very few monk cards for a supposed Jeskai deck.

They did not do a good job designing this precon at all.
