It wasn’t just the kings of Portugal, their army had every church leader from ALL Europe and their armed. It was a crusade. Europe wanted to break Morocco and take over our land. But we r a bloody fighters. We crashed them like we crashed the Ottoans before them, since no one dared coming near Morocco till the French war that we initiated to support our colonised neighbours, we were not as strong then hence we ended up with French protectorate still our government kept Moroccan. No foreigners ever ruled Morocco, only Moroccan kings and we very proud of keeping our culture and who we r for centuries
Ответитьالمغاربة عائدون مهما طال الزمن
Ответитьدلك زمان لم نكون في وجود حت جاء عتمانين وبدء صنع 🇩🇿😏
ОтветитьIslam islam.
ОтветитьEpic battle❌
Epic song✅
History repeated itself 2 years ago in the world cup, Morocco beats Portugal and Spain, and loses to France 😂😭
ОтветитьSebastian I of Portugal lost the Battle of Alcácer Quibir in 1578 due to several key factors:
1. **Underestimated Forces**: Sebastian overestimated his own military capabilities and underestimated the strength of the Moroccan forces led by Sultan Abd el-Malik.
2. **Lack of Proper Preparation**: Sebastian's army was not adequately prepared for the harsh conditions of combat in North Africa. Many soldiers were inexperienced, and the logistics of supplying the army were poorly managed.
3. **Terrain and Environment**: The battle took place in a challenging terrain that favored the Moroccan forces. The Portuguese were not familiar with the area, which contributed to their tactical disadvantage.
4. **Moroccan Tactics**: The Moroccan forces utilized effective guerrilla tactics and were better adapted to the local environment. They also had superior numbers.
5. **Leadership Issues**: Sebastian’s youthful and impulsive leadership style may have led to poor strategic decisions during the battle.
6. **Aftermath and Consequences**: The defeat resulted in the death of Sebastian and a significant decline in Portuguese power, leading to a dynastic crisis and eventual union with Spain.
This battle is often seen as a turning point in Portuguese history, marking the end of an era of independence and the beginning of a period of decline.
One things for sure; that's not how our ancestors, the Moroccan used to dress.
This ain't accurate at all.
Big misconceptions in this footage.
ОтветитьF based Portugal 🇵🇹 ♥️ .
ОтветитьMoroccan don't wear clothes like Saudi arabia . What the fuck us this
ОтветитьSaudi arabia vs crusaders lol
ОтветитьWhat a great Victory and thanks to Allah and also to ottoman allies for sending reinforcements to Moroccan army
I wished morocco and ottoman empire were allies but morocco committed mistakes to be close to europeans
Morocco could have been friend allied annexed with ottoman empire without losing his independence sovereignty by becoming friend of Ottoman Empire like aglhabide emirat of Tunis which was sovereign and even independent despite being annexed to abbasid caliphate
Allah Hu Akbarr
ОтветитьOttomans helped the moroccans that now insult them. Wow.
ОтветитьLove to Portugal from Greece,we know at the end the faith of Morocco...
Ответитьinshalla the moroccan win from the portugese
ОтветитьThe best battle morocco had, the battles of the three kings
ОтветитьI hear hindi songs or indian songs here😂😂😂 how come morrocon can speak hindustan words during the war🤔🤔and why are the morrocon wearing long skirt during a war 😮 and how come morrocons can only speak spanish not portuguese .sure they had the effect of the Portuguese war🤔 yet till today the morrocans can speak Spanish...pretty strange.
ОтветитьPortugal you top in war and till today you are top in football, God bless you ❤❤❤❤
Ответитьرحمهم الله وبيض الله وجيههم وجزاهم عنا كل خير
Ответить🇲🇦🦁 Hello
ОтветитьPortuguese suffered a huge military defeat in mullariyawa , ceylon . Then this 😮
ОтветитьClip taken from:
Non , ou va gloria de mandar (1990)
Siege of Vienna- Documentary (2011)
Muhteşem Yüzyıl (2011)
Muhteşem Yüzyıl : Kosem (2015)
1612 (2007)
Alatriste (2006)
Mamluks (1968)
Henry IV (2012)
Kingdom of Heaven (2005),etc.
120 k vs 15 k lol
Ответитьالحلف الثلاثي اسبانيا البرتغال المغرب
Ответитьالمغرب دوما ينتصر على اسبانيا والبرتغال 😊😂😂
ОтветитьIf only the pbuh's would fight like men today
ОтветитьIs it Crusade war?
ОтветитьAs Moroccan I respect all kings in the battle
May they rest in peace | Muley Abdelmalik , Ahmed Al-Mansur and Don Sebastian
من الكويت تحية للابطال المغاربة عرب وامازيغ كم روو من دماء من اجل لا إلة الا الله محمد رسول الله والله لن استغرب ان كان اغلب اهل الجنة من المغرب
Ответитьعلم البرتغال يحتوي على خمس دروع تدل على افتخارهم بقتل خمس ملوك مسلمين في سقوط الاندلس و يحتوي ايضا على سبعة قلاع دالة على افتخارهم باخد سبعة قلاع من المسلمين أثناء سقوط الاندلس
Ответитьعندما تم دعس الصليبين بنجاح كان الأمر أشبه بالنزهة إلى القوات المغربية العثمانية
ОтветитьLove Morocco from Turkiye 🇹🇷❤🇲🇦
ОтветитьWell done morroco..... Who ends the cruel Portuguese kingship
ОтветитьFact : The Moroccans were help by the Ottoman contingent reinformencent under beylerbeylik of Algiers Rabadan Ahmed Mustafa Pasha composed by 10.000 ( 4.000 janissaries , 2.000 spahi cavalery , 2.000 Algerian Mamluks & 1.000 Egyptians Mamluks ) , which turned the tide in the battle .
ОтветитьTwo years after the battle, în 1580, the Kingdom of Portugal was absorbed by Kingdom of Spain under Habsburg rule until retained it's independence in 1640 , with the help of France, Sweden , England and Dutch and recognized in 1668 by the treaty of Lisbon
ОтветитьGlória eterna a Portugal nós nunca seremos esquecidos 🇵🇹
ОтветитьAllahu akbar muslims
Ответитьهذه المعركة وقعت في عهد سلالة سعديين ومن اشهر معاركها انتصار في وادي اللبن ضد العثمانيين وانتصار على البرتغال في معركة وادي المخازن كما شهدتم في هذا المقطع ولاكن لم تدوم هذه سلالة مدة طويلة بعد ان سقطت على يد سلالة العلوية الحالية...
ОтветитьWhere is the footage from
ОтветитьA piece of anti europian, anti Cristiano and anti white propaganda. The winners were black lesbian feminists.
ОтветитьThis is what happens when Europeans fight an opponent also armed with guns,artillery.Unlike those naked and crudely armed tribes in Americas.
Ответитьlove Morocco as A Muslim
ОтветитьMorocco has no friends around to help it in the war. It was a set of battles against the alliances of Spain, Portugal and France, but they were braver than the Japanese in World War II. They are not really afraid. These are very interesting. In the distant past, they stopped the advance of the Vikings and the Ottoman Empire. Yes, they are brave and strong in wars. Greetings to them.👏👏
Ответитьوإن ينصركم الله فلا غالب لكم 🇲🇦
ОтветитьGreat morocco
ОтветитьAllah Al Watan Al Malik 🇲🇦👑💪🏻🇲🇦💪🏻🇲🇦