Squarespace How to Change Font Size on One Page [Code Provided]

Squarespace How to Change Font Size on One Page [Code Provided]

David Alex

2 года назад

13,782 Просмотров

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@stephanpugh907 - 25.05.2022 16:04

Hi. thanks for the video. do you know how to change the font size in the gallery pages to accompany text. its very small! and no option to make larger. thanks very much :)

@noemivillarino9168 - 29.06.2022 18:11

Hello!! Do you know how I can justify my text blocks on mobile? Because now looks ugly :D

@IanMiddletonPhotographyTravel - 12.07.2022 18:13

Superb, thank you.

@jasoncoblemoc3659 - 20.07.2022 02:27

This was incredibly helpful. Thank you!

@mysleniedozwolone2361 - 11.08.2022 09:34

I love this channel, that was superb, thank you! do you know if it's possible to change the font on one page? I've picked a font I really like, but then I have one page in Polish (and the whole web in English) and that font just simply doesn't look good with all those ę and ą ;) would really appreciate any tips!

@aprilslemensky6422 - 07.10.2022 17:55

How can I do it without the plug in? I’m trying to get this done on my iPad

@ObscureOdysseys - 10.05.2023 01:14

I wish this was working. It's incredible how hard they make it to change the font size.

@bijannoroozi - 30.07.2023 15:39

How about changing the text size only on the mobile overlay menu?

@dumpsterfire4749 - 06.09.2023 01:53

thank you!

@phoebepope3185 - 09.11.2023 23:11

Thank you David, this helped a lot! For some reason when I head out of the custom css code (after saving), into another page and return back to the page I had previously been working on, the font goes back to default of squarespace. Only then when I open the code again, it returns to the new font I want. Do you know if there is another step I need to take to help override this? The font changes only momentarily when the custom css code is open next to the page I'm working on. I'm not a coding pro though so it could be something I missed

@xili9360 - 22.12.2023 21:01

very helpful thank you!

@lizbradbury2486 - 17.05.2024 23:02

There must be an easier way to do this....

@king_cappuccino - 01.08.2024 11:28

Thank you so much, I've been look for this and all I was getting was sitewide stuff. I'm like how are people not touching on such an important thing, so honestly, thank you.

@MrBurns. - 13.09.2024 01:09

What is a simpler way for someone who is not that tech savvy and doesn’t know how to go in and change code?

@gaiastaraceartist - 24.02.2025 02:05

Thank you! I didn't get the monospace...I'm trying to change the height but I can't :) do you have the CSS for this?thank you! your videos are SUPER!

@stephaniegour4897 - 15.03.2025 20:53

I dont usually comment, but as someone who is totally new to css, you made this very simple to understand. Thank you!!
