My boyfriend once told me women giving birth feel 5% of the pain a man feels when he has a cold
ОтветитьThese trends might need to calm down a little. In my high school years I still went to my band marching performance while just recovering from the flu the day before, with having perthes disease pain in my right hip (Most commonly found in men), while on my birthday. All at the same time. I’m not liking this trend of men are weak during ill times. Congratulations misandrists you proved yourself powerful for once👏.
ОтветитьWell, most women are in pain or discomfort for a quarter of each month. We're used to it. Not to mention being pregnant, childbirth, breastfeeding, menopause and various women-specific illnesses.
Ответитьmy mom vs my dad
ОтветитьBe taking care of the whole house and family too 🙌🏽
ОтветитьWomen football (uk) (soccer in us) players will literally spit put teeth and play on. TEETH!
Men are SO dramatic though. They will fall over and start BAWLING 😂
they are quite literally last minute decisions 💁♀️🫶🏻
ОтветитьMen are the same after surgeries, my grandpa won’t sit his ass down and rest.
ОтветитьLast year I was sick rlly bad and still went to school played in a soccer game and ran in a track meet
ОтветитьI'm both lmao
Just like "I waaaanna diiiiie" as I continue to completely reorganize my room.
I literally had a male coworker who called out because he had a headache. A headache.
ОтветитьMy bipolar ass bieng both
ОтветитьThrowback to when I ran a cross country race w bronchitis and almost passed out mid race but still somehow finished in 23 minutes 😘☺️😛
ОтветитьGuys I don’t think it’s because of periods, I’m a trans guy and I can not handle being sick even though I have a huge pain tolerance all the rest of the time 😭
ОтветитьIt's the "I have to get this shit done now because otherwise it won't happen for another four days"
ОтветитьMe rn with the worst cough ive had in like 15 years moving all of my things up 3 flughts of stairs from the basement to the attic by myself 😂
ОтветитьAs a girl who is sick right now, I fit more to the boys😭
ОтветитьSo true in so productive and wanna do so much stuff when in sick and when im not in tired a f and not wanting to do anything.
ОтветитьLol I’m sick right now and I’m a girl but I feel like the men lol
Ответитьliterally me 😭😭
ОтветитьTHATS ME RN FRRRRR (im sick)
ОтветитьI knew a girl, whose mom did 3 iron mans PREGNANT. And not just a little pregnant, VERY PREGNANT. I strive to be like that one day
ОтветитьIt’s the only time I get to actually do wtf I wanna do😭
Ответитьwhen i'm sick i feel like clean in my entire room until it looks like it did when i first moved in
ОтветитьAs a girl, I'm actually frickin lazy when I'm sick 😭😭🥲🥲
ОтветитьIt’s all fun and games till the toe curling eyelash bending ear crunching making Mj go eh eh headache struts though the door
ОтветитьOkay ngl as soon as i got out of the hospital and was stable, i adopted a cat. 4 years later and that lil stinker loves me and i love him😊
Ответитьi went extreme sledding yesterday with a cough that was so bad i could barely talk😭
ОтветитьI have the flu,fever and pinkeye all at the same time💀
ОтветитьIt’s fr bc of the period ads of them skydiving with that pad in.
ОтветитьShut up not true get your facts right👎
ОтветитьScott, you never fail to make me laugh.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
ОтветитьAnd then u boy’s say that ur stronger in reality u boy’s are just Chickens 🐓
ОтветитьI feel like it’s mainly moms because my mom has a chronic illness that makes her entire body hurt, chronic back pain, and a disease where she has basically no immune system in which she gets sick a lot and she works her normal job plus 1-2 side gibs every once and a while volunteers all the time at our church, helps all her friend with what ever they need and raised 6 kids. Meanwhile as soon as my head start hurting or my throat hurts bitch I’m out.
Ответитьwatching this when i had/have a 103°F fever and maybe should be at a hospital 😭😭😭
ОтветитьFrrrrrr though some boys are cry babies
Ответитьi know this is old..BUT GIRL-.. TUBERCULOSIS?????
ОтветитьMe when I'm on my period and have life threatening cramps and blood running down my legs:
ОтветитьThe fact that I saw this while I am sick and being a girl I am on my couch crying because my legs are sore, my nose is runny, and I'm cold 😭😭
ОтветитьMe (a girl) vs my brother
ОтветитьFor some reason, as a girl, I am 100% the second one
ОтветитьI- WHY IS THIS SO TRUE 😂 I once forced myself to go to school because it was my bff’s birthday
ОтветитьStop this is so real ❤
ОтветитьScientifically girls have a better immune system to help with diseases but men can build muscle easier
ОтветитьHelp his men sick voice isnt gay 😂😂
ОтветитьWHO told 😂
ОтветитьI'm being spied on
ОтветитьI’m both
The med kicks in and I’m flying
It wears off and I’m crying