FIRST EVER Doppelgänger DNA test - Twin Strangers

FIRST EVER Doppelgänger DNA test - Twin Strangers


55 лет назад

10,605,216 Просмотров

For the first time ever we've decided to conduct a DNA test on a Twin Strangers Pair! Niamh Geaney and her third doppelganger Irene Adams were both tested to find out if they're:
- Sisters
- Half-sisters
- Related in anyway up to 20,000 years ago.

The results are in and we present them to you now!


#Twin_Stangers #doppelgänger #twins #transformation #lookalike #find_my_twin #face_to_face #amazing_video #people_are_amazing #Niamh_Geaney #Sisters #Half-sisters #DNA
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