The BEST Beginner DJ Gear in 2025 - This is all you NEED!!

The BEST Beginner DJ Gear in 2025 - This is all you NEED!!

Becky Saif

1 год назад

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@tonywang159 - 16.07.2024 04:14

Hello the Backy and thanks for this ❤ xx

@omelchenkovideo - 20.07.2024 11:15

Hi Becky! Thank you!

@SK-cb2gv - 22.07.2024 16:06

What mic to get with this setup ? That’s one thing that was missing here

@patrickshawmurphy - 25.07.2024 04:57

Good stuff!

@aldocipriotti6752 - 11.08.2024 14:38

Great and simple review yet informative. THANK you for the controller and speaker and cable connection part. I have been scratching my head on what speaker would be most easily compatible and all the different inputs and outputs especially since the Flx4 just has 2 rca jacks only and the many speakers I have been looking at have a wide arrange of different inputs. Didn’t wanna have to deal with all kinds of wiring trickery. This speakers seem straight forward. Do you have a recommendation on speakers that might have a bit more ooomph? Does Rokit have a step up with the same connections ?

@jasonlegister2277 - 11.08.2024 15:56


@matayocolonel - 13.08.2024 03:02

nice video, i loved the simplicity and humor, how i wish you mentioned a little about price! awesome

@joseolivares6200 - 13.08.2024 21:06

Hello my name is jose and im looking into the ddj-800 pioneer and i was told its out dated so what do you recommend the ddj-800 or ddj-flx6-gt or the flx4

@tresjardines - 14.08.2024 06:46

wdy think about the KRK Rokit 5 G4 pro?

@llewellyn56 - 24.08.2024 01:31

Such a beautiful woman. Thank you so much. Love your channel. Happy mixing.

@simoneinnocenzi9914 - 26.08.2024 23:29

thank you, you have been so helpful !! I will soon get a similar if not identical set up.

@satan8175 - 31.08.2024 11:06

u fine as hell

@prestondr1 - 01.09.2024 05:03

Hi! My name is Preston. Thanks for the info! You are super cute!! Had me giggling like school girl 😂

@lostintomusic - 02.09.2024 19:32

Hello 👋

@valentiknows - 05.09.2024 00:30

Just saying hello, as you asked :) Btw, nice video. Useful.

@simonerossi6154 - 06.09.2024 17:11

Hi Becky, I think you did a good job with the video and that can be useful for lots of people who need to have an idea of what kind of equipment they need to start djaying without wasting money with nothing too cheap or too expensive. Only thing I'd like to add, the FLX4 would work even with Djay app by Algoriddim, and thanks to Bluetooth connection it can be used with an iPad alternatively to a laptop. One more reason to consider this controller as one of the best choice in this price range. Hope this can help other users. Keep doing good contents like this. I've appreciated the way you describe things always with a smile on your face 😊

@sana-cm7oc - 13.09.2024 08:11

There's something crawling out of your nose.

@Kaptkrispy - 21.09.2024 11:21

I’ve been DJ’ing since 1989. 2 years ago I decided to retire from doing it and sold all my equipment. Recently my job laid me off and I spent 6 weeks applying for jobs. Only 1 interview and it sucked! Fast forward to earlier this week. I had a truck I have not driven in a while (1yr), I sold it and decided I’d use the funds and buy some new JBL Powered 700 Series 15’s, 12’s and the 18” EV Low frequency subs. They sound terrific if you wanted to know.

I am looking for a new board, never used this one and I’m going to buy it, along with the speakers and headphones. Thank you for the video and for sharing your advice. You may have taught this old dog a new trick and I’m going back to the table!

Tah Tahhhh!

@kazicotv6815 - 27.09.2024 01:59

T series is hifi not studio monitor… i work in this industry for 2 decades and i personally use genelec ones and hedds type 30

I tried many many monitors and t series and hs yamaha are hoax studio monitor with good marketing and many dumb fans … but they say nt1a is a great mic too so ..

Adam a series is great and studio monitors! T series is hifi not more

@dan180379 - 29.09.2024 11:20

My son and I just watched this as we are thinking of learning to DJ together and need to know what is best to start off with! This video was really helpful. Thanks.

@RuthRandoms - 01.10.2024 15:16

Really bubbly, friendly and professionally done video, well explained and useful! Just got the FLX4 after a year of wanting it and just figuring it all out really! Thanks for the video, really liked it.

@Cr0fteeGaming - 06.10.2024 16:10

Hey thanks for the vid! I learned to mix on 1210's and later had some CDJ 1000Mk3's. Been out the game for a while but as part of my midlife crisis, I've decided this is probably less risky than a motorbike! Just wondering what you think of the FLX10? I'm hoping for a controller that would allow fairly painless transition to CDJ's / club gear when/if that happens?

@danmckee2649 - 10.10.2024 06:00

That was one of the most comprehensive videos ive seen yet. I was looking at more expensive controllers like the DDJ-800 so i could get the full professional feel so if i get to play at clubs i can translate that almost effortlessly but with the flx4 there with that smart mix feature it makes me want that one now.

One question though is i take my music seriously and moneys not really an issue with it. Would getting the 800 be better because i wouldn't need to upgrade later on? Ive looked at other brands like Hercules and denon as well but would rather stick with pioneer. Thats what they use at my local venues and they do open decks for a few hours almost every show they do except for the large ones. We had Peekaboo there last weekend.

@twotwofresh - 18.10.2024 02:55

Great video Becky learn a lot as a beginner thank you (V), can you please do a video about the diferrent software Serrato and Record Box please?

@GOLDONYAUGUSTIN - 19.10.2024 08:29

Hey can I use Apple Music and DJAY APP FOR THAT CONTROLLER

@BeatsLbC - 23.10.2024 03:25

good stuff !

@Sven2Beat - 27.10.2024 01:36

What stand are you using??

@ControversialKOLS - 05.11.2024 22:46

Hi Saif, just starting out, great video thank you, UK Geordie

@juancalle818 - 07.11.2024 19:39

Hello Becky! Greetings from Colombia! I am in the process of buying the equipment you suggested. What computer do you recommend for beginners? Where can I get the DJ softwares? Thank you.

@DjDaniB-i9h - 10.11.2024 23:51

hello , do you have a spare controller please . I am 14 years so I can not afford a controller

@Franckanera - 11.11.2024 07:55

That was a very helpful video, I'm about to buy a controller for my GF for her birthday because she's been wanting to try djing, and this was great, this is the controller i was aiming for, this or the 10s, I am now going to see the difference between this and the 10 and make my choice, but happy to see that this is all that is needed to begin with, probably will be my choice, and i have been wanting those speakers for myself, so I might buy it for her and borrow them sometimes ;)

@OahallmanHallman-zf3nw - 19.11.2024 21:56


@MArca-hj3xv - 21.11.2024 14:28

What about recording vocals?

@xoawolf - 29.11.2024 15:12

Thanks for the info yo!

@michaelward927 - 30.11.2024 09:10

Can anyone recommend some decent budget speakers?

@adamamato991 - 30.11.2024 22:19

I currently have the ddj 200 and play through a macbook air, am i right in thinking i would need an external amp to be able to connect them speakers via rca? Thanks

@kpkp1077 - 01.12.2024 02:38

Hi im new to the channel n actually i went ahead n got eveything u have but now im stuck i bought the same controller but went ahead n bought the krk classic 5 gen idk how to higher the volume, i feel like the volume on the controller is not getting the full affect im looking for please help

@pauljohns8215 - 04.12.2024 07:20

Hello, hello hello hello hello

@DJEzraLive - 27.12.2024 20:51

Thanks for making yet another great video, I bought the FLX 4 a few days ago since my old SB3 is starting to act up, and I really liked your review of it! Cheers!

@tomjackson6490 - 29.12.2024 17:30

Hi Becky, would you be able to please share your controller stand with us? Looks perfect! Thanks

@TheDartingCallum960 - 01.01.2025 19:17

The fact u can use your phone or tablet on the flx4 makes it even better

@bakoguy5330 - 05.01.2025 20:38

The best beginner set up is a pair of Technics, a basic mixer and some vinyl, once you get that down, then you move into digital knowing you can kill it no matter what.

@ROBERTCEBALLO-f6k - 07.01.2025 03:16

which is better software between serato and rekordbox? in your option?

@edumaker5314 - 18.01.2025 16:15

I saved this video an year ago cuz I was really really interested in start to learn and play. But, in my country, sadly, just the cables is affordable. :(
- FLX4: 3 months of salary
- Rokit: 3 1/2 months of salary
- Hd25: 1 1/2 month of salary
I'm not counting a notebook cuz, FLX4 can run into a tablet that I already have. And I'm not discounting from those salaries, food and bills that I need to pay.
So, I'd like to ask you, if possible, answer it. What you suggest that I could do to start DJing?

Ps.: Amazing video! Congrats! 🤩🤩

@scottnorth747 - 19.01.2025 02:55

Can you use a chromebook

@THEALLINMAGAZINE - 22.01.2025 01:50

Do these speakers work for a beginner about to play parties and in the local pub?

@nickwycoff6709 - 22.01.2025 22:47

i like that you talk really slow. cause am lagging as a person right now

@brianallen4253 - 10.02.2025 01:49

Well I got the info I was looking for and needed, but damn you're gorgeous!!!
Had to watch multiple times because I forgot what I was doing 😢

@bigrexj4078 - 20.02.2025 04:31

Awesome video. I just ordered my DDJ FLX4 today, and your video gave me great frame of reference. Thank you!
