This Moment Changes Everything | RWBY AMV

This Moment Changes Everything | RWBY AMV


5 лет назад

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@ThusKindlySheScatters - 08.02.2020 05:59

I can't believe I've never seen your work, this took my breath away! Time to go watch every single one of your other RWBY videos -- I'm enamored with your editing style! Congrats on 100 subs :D

@mizumafusotrue - 09.02.2020 02:02

This AMV is excellent and spectacular, I love it!❤

@PrimordialPaper - 09.02.2020 08:50

I’m so impressed with this. The masking is perfectly done, the strobing fits so well, and those shake transitions look great. Within the first 30 seconds, I already knew you’d earned my subscription, and the rest of the video just proved you deserve it.

@rubyisms - 09.02.2020 10:24

i say it every time and every time it’s true; your editing is GOD like. how the heck do you not have more subs?

@symphoniazelda - 11.02.2020 19:08

gosh darn that really hit me with all those emotions of the finale once more. And that editing? Phenomenal.

@tromboneking87 - 27.02.2020 06:46

Holy crap, that was awesome! Definitely gets a sub from me!

@selectivelysocial7117 - 02.11.2020 18:33

This is phenomenal. The timing, the editing, everything. Thank you for making this.

@ASingleMind - 08.02.2020 05:50

Cross post from my instagram, but with some fixes and (some) voice overs! Honestly, longer videos are totally wasted on that platform. You guys are more appreciative! ;)

I'm almost at 100 subscribers! I'd like to upload a special for the milestone. I'm going to start working on it in the background.
