The Return of Worldbreaker Hulk (World War Hulks Vol 2: Rage)

The Return of Worldbreaker Hulk (World War Hulks Vol 2: Rage)

Comics Explained

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@Lord-Darkness - 17.05.2018 01:22

I came here for hulk but The first 6min Are about captain amurica and civil war bruh keep it to hulk now i know its a tie up but still for a New Guy its to mutch random info just stick to hulk My dude hehe 😂 😂 😂

@savokgrim4131 - 01.06.2018 11:45

Amadeus was slowly becoming one of my favorite characters, and I thought Pak was going somewhere with him. However, he then had to go and turn him into the Hulk. I too want diversity in comics, but this felt more like Pak living his childhood dream of being the Hulk, vicariously through Cho.

As the years have gone by, the Hulk has been somewhat ruined for me. He was supposed to be unique, however thanks to a lack of creativity in the writers room, we were given Hulk-like characters everywhere. Banner was a walking tragedy. He was interesting because of his sorrow, his loneliness, and of course, his rage. The destructive nature of our rage/anger personified in a monster that further explores the complexity of ethics in science and its creation of another monster (nuclear weapons). Our frustration in trying to reach greatness, but instead finding failure. Our desire to create something good, but instead give birth to potential evil. I thought it was deep. They seem to have stopped trying though. Now it's all, "I have a brain fart, so kill off old hero and have someone else take up the mantle." For... diversity?

I find what Marvel is doing lazy. Blue Marvel was awesome. He was a good example of how to create diversity. However, other than his intro, what have they done with him? Marvel wants diversity, but they don't shine a light on the diverse characters they do have, let alone the ones they are creating. Amadeus Cho had, no, has potential to be a hero in his own right. They couldn't think of a way to do it, so let's put him front and center as a replacement for an established hero.

Amadeus shouldn't be the Hulk, or be relegated to being the Hulk's sidekick. He should be his own hero. One that works within a team with Banner, as an equal... from time to time. Give him his own title, maybe another power, or make him a cyborg. Or leave him as is; a genius. Have him topple governments on his own. Make him a Dennis the menace meets John Connor, IDK. But don't slap his name on another character's comic and pretend that it is for the sake of diversity, when in reality you are just cons trying to get into the pockets of a particular demographic. I see you Marvel!

Apologies for the rant. It frustrates me to see wasted potential. You could have been great Amadeus. You could have bee great.

@coryflys - 04.06.2018 00:41

Cho was the iron spider in a cartoon. Ultimate Spider man it was

@green.gummies1583 - 19.06.2018 18:24

see i like the way you explain it but comicstorian is a million times better

@Kpisrpm1 - 06.07.2018 04:40

Rob core

@themahakaal6682 - 24.07.2018 17:02

thunderbolt ross is the real monster,psychologically and morally......he is not a patriot .

@commotus8319 - 10.09.2018 14:02

That awful nervous laugh of yours is my only criticism, video is well made and detailed i enjoyed it but damn dude that laugh.

@supershenron9162 - 03.10.2018 21:33

General thunderbolt trump let's make combovers great again

@michaelortega0929 - 04.10.2018 10:11

World breaker hulk vs rune king thor??

@stacytaylor7090 - 11.10.2018 11:02

I am a Hulk fanatic thank you for doing so many videos about him.

@Renamandul - 12.10.2018 22:20

MAGA Rob? Really? LOL

@rev.jonathanwint6038 - 26.10.2018 23:03

Love Red She HULK!

@markymark5198 - 19.11.2018 01:38

Can someone tell me what that satellite that took out world war hulk was actually designed to take down? Like was it made to take out galactus or thanos? Cause i know they dont have a huge red laser just sitting in the sky just for the hulk.

@williamlyon5553 - 24.11.2018 01:56

What about the love for the sexy voice?

@joshuasepeda3289 - 12.12.2018 19:12

Remember this, diversity for the sake of diversity is always bad. Diversity only works if the diverse characters actually have something new to bring to the story besides race of gender or sexual preferences.

@ProtectionOfficerThomasLawson - 16.12.2018 07:36

I love World Breaker Hulk, but this is World War Hulk here. Both not to be fucked with, and what kills me is that they will never put things up against World Breaker or World Hulk.

@RestorationgroupOrgRIFT - 10.01.2019 16:39

Pak's a good writer, but a bit of a racist.

It never occurred to me to think of Banner as a white dude.

@Netroking - 04.04.2019 00:49

Making America great again? Trump in Marvel comics?

@DjW1986 - 04.04.2019 16:36

i wonder, if this device absorbs & endow gamma radiation, could it not just store the radiation for proper disposal? Like, did it really have to go into a vessel imediately at that very moment? Banner volunteers himself knowing the power & destruction of the WB Hulk. Seems kinda mischievous, based off writing, but still very entertaining. lol

@juancarlosmartinez4477 - 15.04.2019 23:59

Where's the next video

@Majinhendrix - 24.05.2019 10:32

Making America Great Again.

General Thunderbolt Ross is Donald Trump conformed.

@DarkNorthEmperor - 02.06.2019 18:14

I really hate the Amadeus Cho Hulk!

@Ipmon73 - 07.06.2019 20:51

Ty Rob!

@BirdOfHermes83 - 13.06.2019 02:10

M.O.D.O.K.s name is hilarious! Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing! Who came up with that?! Lol

@Idkwtmmythandle2024 - 24.06.2019 19:43

A ton of shade thrown at Hank pym Haha not a fan of his just thought it was super funny

@Odinson69 - 20.07.2019 04:30

Trump 2020!

@erikcantu696 - 31.07.2019 08:59

Thanks again for a great breakdown,

@memesouls8653 - 12.08.2019 22:27

I freaking love Ed McGuinness’s art work, seriously underrated. He captures the sheer power and strength of each character in everyone of his drawings.

@joewhitt2073 - 14.09.2019 21:29

He’s ugly.

@Wi-Fi-El - 24.09.2019 15:08

I wanna see world breaker kluh, that would be scary

@lightingwolf1 - 08.04.2020 15:26

Amadeus cho sucks compared to scarr and banner. Plain as day. I say he looks like a dbag in his hulk form, wifey says he looks like a “Korean pop star” idk the validity of that statement but there you have it. Showed her scarr and showed her your vids on his back story, she loves scarr over Cho. Any char created for the sole purpose of diversity, inevitably, is less than the char they are meant to replace.

@sunnynikky8901 - 28.04.2020 02:41

Rob you know any good website for hulk comics

@10WTF011 - 15.09.2020 02:22

Banner: Gentlemen....

Me: Gets Goosebumps.

Banner: ...Run.


@theidk1776 - 18.11.2020 12:05

Come on rob I hate you. You always have to stop at the best part, and makes me want to watch the other half.

@hollandtom1150 - 01.12.2020 06:00

I hate hulk

@samguapo4573 - 23.12.2020 06:20

Diversity will work as long as it isn't CONTRIVED. Even if you had white privilege, it would also never work if it was contrived. Just like TWILIGHT.

@johnadams2643 - 05.01.2021 15:09


@sethl3966 - 26.04.2021 21:12

You should do war & Pax

@simphiwe4930 - 03.05.2022 18:20

Aaah that art is soooo damn good!!❤🔥

@zeecoleman6503 - 31.07.2022 06:13

Damn Thunderbolt Ross was MAGA ?! 😂😂

@talon532 - 02.08.2022 04:30

Why did he keep saying General Thunderbolt Ross? That's actually kinda irritating asf to hear multiple times.

@maddash4073 - 18.08.2022 04:38

Still watch again 2022

@brettsowards3665 - 20.09.2022 17:44

I'm re watching this whole hulk series for about the 3rd time now

@randlerichardson5826 - 08.05.2024 04:36

Rob hey 👋

@randlerichardson5826 - 08.05.2024 04:51

Oh yeah

@TheAmenez - 25.06.2024 11:34

dang to think we've been in MAGA Hell for almost a decade.
