Path of Exile, Beginners Guide To Fossil Crafting

Path of Exile, Beginners Guide To Fossil Crafting


3 года назад

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@hogmuncher - 23.01.2022 17:04

Yo we early early today

@hogmuncher - 23.01.2022 17:15

Okay so I knew all of this already but I guess that's to be expected since this is meant for crafting beginners and not advanced best in slot crafts still good video thanks :)

@Crestfallen2358 - 23.01.2022 17:57

This was a very good video!
For the Fossil blocking part:
Did you use the "Compute best selection" function on craftofexile, or did you just knew what the best fossils to use are by experience?

@ariasmath6 - 23.01.2022 18:33

You forgot something :
Step 1 : farm for hours

@fakeigniz13 - 23.01.2022 18:58

I was just looking at fossils today. Wanted a Defence and Life mods roll and was wondering how to go about it. Also want that exact combo on a wand. Nice guide

@poncio2632 - 23.01.2022 19:34

My crafting consists in: Steel ring -> essence of contempt, sell for 1 ex

@Dr3adful - 23.01.2022 19:37

My solution is to make tenkiei craft it for me.

@ash91_ - 24.01.2022 19:10

Appreciate this content. Thank you!

@mateuszbortkiewicz5362 - 30.01.2022 08:07

I DID made exalts with my first craft. I used chaos orb out of curiosity on high level influenced amulet and accidently made one i sold for 22 ex

@grandmasterbruce - 20.06.2022 10:01

Thanks, first video I've watched on fossils so far, helped a lot

@WinoaKaronhiatens - 13.09.2022 16:05

Can I get faceted fossils from changing my fossils into other fossils using harvest crafting?

@realdestr0yer - 14.11.2022 00:13

Duuude, I am so glad I found your channel. I have been trying to get a handle on how crafting works, but it is so ridiculously convoluted. This helps immensely.

@NvRb4NeWnAr - 17.12.2022 18:49

Amazing content dude. I'm going to try crafting my +3 Chaos staff this league using techniques learned here!
