Top 8 Legacy Board Games | Collection Starter

Top 8 Legacy Board Games | Collection Starter

No Rolls Barred

4 года назад

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@KingDooburu - 30.05.2021 05:00

I don't know why, but I just don't like pandemic, the theme just doesn't appeal to me. Also, Gloomhaven is terrible. Don't get me wrong, I love the concept, but the feeling that any cool thing you accomplish drains sand out of your clock and when you run out of sand all you have is a half hour of clean up. The ratio of game and admin is just wrong.

@Kunibert1 - 30.05.2021 13:10

I played Pandemic Legacy Season 1 and 2, Betrayal and Scythe and all players liked Betrayal the best out of the last 3 (the first was with a different group). We played PL Season 1 in one week during a trip to the mountains which is imo the best way to play (like binging a tv series).
The problem with Scythe was, that the best player got the most perks, giving him an even bigger superiority and then he just won every game.

@mih2 - 01.06.2021 10:06

Clank Legacy is so much fun. It is beautifully designed.

@NecromancerFluffy - 04.06.2021 00:24

This list was correct.

@Justdave1472 - 07.06.2021 04:09

I've wanted to play a lot of the games on this list. I have only played Betrayal Legacy. And you're right, the experience is just as much about the people you play with as it is about the game itself.

@ccggenius - 07.06.2021 05:52

FWIW, most of that price tag is because of playtesting. At least, that's what I've inferred from the price tag of "We Didn't Playtest This At All: Legacies".

@pavma7 - 08.06.2021 00:59

So a legacy game is pretty much a campaign.

@conedx - 10.06.2021 04:54

gloomhaven is an absolute overwhelming colossus of a game. it's ridiculous. the gameplay is frickin' amazing. i love it so much. the set up/tear down? not so much. i've got everything sorted in a way it only takes 10ish minutes to set up but still. ugh. i'm happy i bought it. it's a game i'll be playing for the next decade but jesus. it's just SO MUCH. the biggest selling point for me was i can play it solo. i don't have anyone to regularly play games with (maybe once or twice a month i have someone) so being able to play a giant legacy game alone was huge for me. some day i'll actually unlock a new character, cause i haven't even got that far yet.

@conedx - 10.06.2021 04:55

i wanna throw out a suggestion. make a solo play video! a ranking video, a "hey i like these games" video, or anything really. solo play is how i spend 90% of my board game time.

@bon1326 - 22.06.2021 19:16

I have played and completed so many of these on this list. For me, legacy games are the absolute best. My quick rundown and order of that I played:

Machi Koro Legacy: Just wasn't for us. To be fair we played this after playing some of the other legacy games so it was just too simple and boring for what we wanted.

Pandemic Legacy:Fun but relentless, constantly got our asses kicked. Second ever Legacy played and first ever co-op style game.

Risk Legacy: The game that sucked me in. While fun it really showed off everyome's gaming skill level and style in ways that was unexpected. I won 10 of 15 games and each win was less fun as my friends were just getting lost and left behind.

Charterstone: Absolute blast, fun, whimsical. East enough for everyone to grasp and jump right into. Best of all the 2nd side to replay it over, absolute genius.

My City: This was the best game to have for the pandemic for my wife and I to play. It was everything we could have hoped for and that we could play through a second time was a nice bonus. Quick setup and pkay to where we could sneak a game in after kids go to bed before we do and wind down. Could not ask for more.

Betrayal Legacy: There aren't words to describe how enjoyable this is. Now that pandemic is winding down and my friends and I have vaccines, we immediately jumped back into this and picked up where we left off. This is everything you want in a game and as Adam said the people make it so much better.

That's where I sit with legacy games. I have Pandemic season 2, Seafall and King's Dilemma waiting in the wings and cannot wait to see what mysteries and treasures await in them.

@Viking_Luchador - 25.06.2021 08:02

what if you're fascinated by these games but have never played them before, and want to learn to play them but you're autistic so it's difficult interacting with new people (or the people at the nearest game store aren't receptive to newcomers)?

@AwesomePianoMan1021 - 04.07.2021 03:24

Thank you No Rolls Barred! We bought our first Legacy game which was Pandemic Legacy Season 1, and it is so surprising and fun!

@piercefabruada3851 - 15.07.2021 16:05

If you love myths and legends, this game is for you! Lagim is a one-of-a-kind card game of strategy and chance. Check "LAGIM" Facebook page and website for more info.

@christelledebeer6428 - 20.07.2021 22:10

You are hilarious 😂

@freo2000 - 20.07.2021 22:30

I've played Betrayal Legacy 2 times through and it was amazing both times. Even after knowing all the secrets, I found cards that I was never able to see the first time, and I STILL haven't seen about half of the cards that go into the game. I wanna play it again!!

@moncmaru - 21.08.2021 08:52

XU quiero comprarle uno mi hermanito XU pero no s como si nos alcanzara cada rato para comprar uno si rompe algo ... solución, descarto las cartas y los strikesr , los pego en cartulina para que no e pierdan ,como si a uno le sobrara plata XU ...

@OpticLOLJKS16 - 24.08.2021 12:07

So in Pandemic Season 0 how many central american death squads do you arm?

@auratheva - 05.09.2021 22:22

I'd love to see monthly series on Legacy games. It'd require a lot less strain on Tom than a No Rolls Barred TTRPG actual play (which, let's be honest, would HAVE to be GM'd by Tom) while still providing one big story with the Crew!

@Amdor - 07.12.2021 16:32

My group is in middle (literally) of Betrayal Legacy and so far we are realllly enjoying it. So much so I got myself two more legacy games for the future usage (Charterstone and Seafall) - we shall see :)

@TheGUNdalf - 02.01.2022 22:35

I hate gloomhaven -.-
I think I‘m the only person on earth who does

@Alucard-A-La-Carte - 22.01.2022 04:25

Had a regular, standing "Risk: Legacy" game for awhile years ago, and I cannot tell you the mad fervor that suddenly sprung up when, just sort of checking out the box's construction, I discovered a little envelope that simply read: "NEVER OPEN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE."

We were already 7 games in and none of us had found it. It sat in all our consciousnesses for weeks afterward, we'd randomly bring up in quiet moments, 'What do you think is in the envelope?' and during games we debated whether to open it, when to open it, what could POSSIBLY be contained within. And we were not disappointed.

@starshocker - 22.01.2022 09:28

Never played any Legacy game so far.
Thanks for this list. I added some to mine.
I might try Pandemic and Betrayal. And maybe also Machi Koro.

@blakey9869 - 29.01.2022 02:46

I play gloomhaven weekly, I love it so much, and absolutely adore my play group, we have so much fun!

@GeniusLad32 - 14.02.2022 01:54

These all sound far too stressful for me. I think My City is more my speed lol

@Prophet01 - 09.03.2022 07:30

Betrayal Legacy is my favorite board game experience yet, and my friends banged this out it in like 2 days with like ~22-24 total hours between the 2 days. It was a f*****’ riot. Love that game with my whole heart

@EdsonR13 - 14.03.2022 12:00

Any chance you guys might play a legacy game on the channel?

@spol - 07.04.2022 23:29

I don’t care what anyone says. Got stuck the landing. You just don’t get it.

@WynneL - 08.04.2022 06:30

Just started the Betrayal Legacy. It's so amazing. An already awesome game becomes epic awesome instead.

@LambertBehnke - 17.05.2022 13:09

Great video, thank you for making it.
I love legacy games. We have finished Gloomhaven (and Forgotten Circles & Jaws of the Lion). In a different group we completed Pandemic Season 1 and got halfway through Aeon's End Legacy, but the Pandemic killed that play through, and I doubt any of us are keen enough to pick this up again. Instead, we are looking at Betrayal Legacy, both after this and the 5 Games 4 Doomsday review of it. Kings Dilemma is on my wish list for the next big purchase once I have played through some games on my shelf of shame.

Anyway. Thank you again, great video.

@AlbrechtAaron - 17.06.2022 14:52

Or I can just buy the regular game and then I can play as much times as I want

@johansvanborg5870 - 28.07.2022 07:29

As therapy during the pandemic I played Pandemic legacy 1 and 2. Solo but playing 3 characters. With some luck on my side (like ending a game the turn before losing) I've got top score on part 2.

@nickdejager8873 - 15.08.2022 23:59

Betrayal Legacy is just amazing. And the best part is that, once it is done, you have your own unique but entirely playable/replayable version of Betrayal. Depending on the path you took, some items/rooms/omens will not be in your version. And some of the ones that are in there will be different; without spoiling too much, you will end up with your own unique network of secret passages as just one example.

@brycetorian - 15.09.2022 21:35

Betrayal legacy has some balance problems though. There are some scenarios that really could have used better play testing. However, it was still an enjoyable experience. I just hope they make an updated version with better balanced scenarios.

@mayco9999 - 09.11.2022 02:28

Free key game: Facility 47 (only 1 redeem in legacy game plataform)

@CuteZoeyMonster - 28.04.2023 21:41

I have a campaign of charter stone With one of my friends going and it's really fun sadly. I moved to a different state so we haven't been able to finish it yet but hopefully we're. About to halfway through with it. I'm not super far away. It's like only two hours so eventually we might be able to do it.

@earthling-ad - 26.05.2023 04:29

Still not sure why people hate on the contingency planner so much in pandemic. I've never been able to win without him. Multiple quiet nights? Yes please!

@hydra66 - 09.06.2023 10:52

Mechs and Minions

@djpocok8530 - 18.07.2023 16:41

I miss the Aeons end legacy from this list...

@andrewwolfgang7461 - 21.07.2023 17:51

Would love to see the gang play kings dilemma

@RedDragonM1 - 23.08.2023 02:13

Good luck finding "Betrayal Legacy". I've been looking for it for THREE years! And nothing! not a sign.

@loke6664 - 01.09.2023 19:09

I bought Gloomhaven 8 months ago but we have yet to start playing it, it is a bit massive and I have an issue of getting the same people to have time at playing at the same time (and when we do, we usually play a TTRPG instead) and it is pretty time consuming as well. Oh, well. Hopefully we get time this winter.

@christaggart5687 - 29.11.2023 07:05

Clank legacy?

@mixmastermikepwt - 03.02.2025 18:41

Risk Legacy is one of my favorite board games ever!

@ericmiller6349 - 20.02.2025 00:28

Gloomhaven had me hooked, and it took about 2.5 years to complete (hard to get four adults together often enough).
After this list, betrayal is one I suppose I have to get into- once I finish any one of the several campaigns of Frosthaven I have currently in progress
