Rey Dau Reveals The Clear Truth of Wilds

Rey Dau Reveals The Clear Truth of Wilds


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@Lock2142 - 07.11.2024 06:58

Successfully parrying ray daus wing slide was such a fantastic moment for me, to have that on record was big too. I wasn't too big of a greatsword fan until that demo, the feeling of countering ray dau with it and rushing in... Perfection

@SapphireXIV - 07.11.2024 07:04

One small thing is that rey dau can be stunned by at least hunting horrns offset melody as if have done it during his flying slash attack but it had to be so very precise, much more then the other monsters from what I tried

Edit: Nvm I'm dumb just saw the pinned comment LOL

@Plainejan - 07.11.2024 07:15

give these monster the power of AI......

@leinadgnawa - 07.11.2024 10:19

i cant focus the first few minutes of this video because of the “seamless” subscribe CTA! it is so dang funny that i want to incorporate the same humor/style into everything i do noww

@investor.z - 07.11.2024 12:13

Sorry. Is your main point that you feel its easier to hit weak points?…thats your grear revlation?

@Dumb-Comment - 07.11.2024 13:22

I have fought the forbidden polydau, nothing scares me anymore

@xissoxdb - 07.11.2024 13:23

My biggest struggle against him was not dealing him damage but the abysmally bad performance on ps5. That was a real challenge on its own

@romualdgarcia7236 - 07.11.2024 19:48

Ok so I wasn't crazy when I saw him teleport on top of me during his wing attack

@blobvisfan666 - 07.11.2024 19:53

I know it's not the main focus (hehe) of the video, but I think focus mode could impact certain weapons in a somewhat negative way. Sure, it's barely a thing for ranged weapons and the faster hitting melee ones won't have to care so much if not all of their attacks land where they want, but there's obviously one weapon that benefits hugely from it: greatsword. It is very fun and satisfying to use, but at the same time it kind of strips away the need for proper positioning, which is the main factor you have to play around with when using this weapon. As long as you remember to hold LT and move your camera a bit to the left or right, you'll be almost guaranteed to land a good TCS (if the monster isn't off the perc and zips around everywhere, that is). On the other hand, it's kind of the only addition to the weapon (in terms of truly unique changes it doesn't even have any), and it's not like they statistically buffed it a ton. Most of all, it is really fun to play with. So all in all, while it's probably not going to be a problem at all, I'm still interested to see how it'll influence the game as a whole.

@metalgamer8179 - 07.11.2024 20:02

I really hope most monsters are like Rey Dau, slower than Iceborne but hits super hard

@SirAinlistor - 07.11.2024 20:44

Wilds is the first time I play a game in the MH, I immediately fall in love and become a Gunlance main, i was skeptical about the shield at first, because I heard that in previous entries, Perfect Guard will still allow some dmg through, however, when I found out Perfect Guard in Wilds completely block the dmg, I was over confident af.
When fighting Rey Dau, I continously Perfect Guard its quick lighting shot, when it charges up the big one, I foolishly thought I could just block it. I was proven wrong, although a large amount of dmg was block, about a normal potion worth of my health was gone, combine that with the fact that the big lighting shot make the targeted area deal burn dmg and it's fair to say that I was humbled real quick.

@siborgyoshi8510 - 07.11.2024 22:28

As a lance main im very excited

@ThGrWrggi - 08.11.2024 03:04

I fought em for what feels like a 1000 times & I still didn't know that, truly amazing 🤩! Your videos are alwayz so thorough & the edits + funny edits are peak ⚔️!

@rainsoakedpuppy - 08.11.2024 04:35

Expanding on the idea...
Swapping out weapons on the fly sure is a nice feature... but I think there's a pretty strong chance that there are going to be monsters who are difficult or impossible to defeat without switching weapons to take advantage of special vulnerabilities. Maybe they shift elemental affinity, or protect themselves to nullify or resist slash or blunt damage.

@silverbro13 - 08.11.2024 05:05

Mind you, this is also a low rank fight

@Felipe-oe5su - 08.11.2024 06:28

Positioning was the best part about mh combat and now it’s dead :(

@maplesyrupmush9320 - 08.11.2024 10:12

no way you made an almost 10 min video just to say that rey dau is a monster in the game. Real content drought hours holy shit

@duobizarrobizarro - 08.11.2024 11:18

There are things I didn't like about Wilds (like the health bar "predicting" that you'll be hit if you stay there waaaay before the monster even starts the animation, I hope that's an option I can just turn off)
But there's stuff like the monsters strongest ability or attack being a double edged sword; I can already see how they could add a "focus opportunity" whenever you bait a Diablos into a wall, or another by dodging a vertical slash from Glavenus's tail; letting you get a knock off and some nice damage if you position yourself correctly in that short window.

@abaque24 - 08.11.2024 18:34

Focus system is just a complicated ‘arts’ system—- with an adapted ‘hyper’ system (hit specific parts to build up the arts gauge). I’m not sure about it, but in the beta it felt very intrusive to me.

@sarbe6625 - 08.11.2024 19:35

It's almost like the monhun devs know what they're doing and are actually quite experienced at making monster hunter games.

@R0undbrush - 08.11.2024 20:40

He was cool. He doesn't really put up a fight though. I think Anja, and to some degree tobi, feel a lot more exciting and engaging to fight. It left me with the impression that they have really turned down the difficulty in Wilds. Nothing felt like it really wanted to hurt the hunter. The pack novelty is interesting though.

@aorac - 08.11.2024 21:37

So, what your saying is. The same trend as for ever monster in every gknowza good example, fatalis in world

@ziptzop - 08.11.2024 22:37

Can confirm that you can use offset attacks against Rey Dau, I have multiple clips doing it with the hammer if you want to take a look (feel free to ping me!). It seems to work like KOs and other statuses where you will knock down the monster on your first offset, and then on the next you will still mitigate damage and perform your attack but it will not knock them, taking a few more offsets (or a timer build-up?) to knock them with it again.

@hykena1314 - 08.11.2024 23:29

OMG A Switch Axe USER i thought i was the only one

@miguelcabreracastro6968 - 08.11.2024 23:39

I hope this precision thing makes hitboxes more logical... couldnt even fight balahara, framerate too low, beta things, ill wait for the actual game.

@ryker2313 - 09.11.2024 00:41

I offset him several times. That wing drag is very susceptible to it

@DeoxTew - 09.11.2024 02:03

It's not just Rey Rey's Railgun cooldown, all of the other monsters give signs and show weaknesses.

- Balahara gets into fights with Doshaguma too much, so when they use most spit moves, a wound will appear between two of their 3 lips.
- Chatacabra has an attack cooldown that leaves his tongue out long enough to glow red, which lets you take advantage of it.
- Doshaguma has a weakness on his belly when stands bipedal in some of his moves, plus his final gambit rage mode opens all previously made wounds.

I really love what Capcom has done with this game and its monsters.

@ErdingerLi - 09.11.2024 10:57

Iirc I think I managed to clash with it twice throughout the demos and beta, once with SnS and once with Lance.
The head stab attack is the one that can be clashed with

@quelldieu7263 - 09.11.2024 11:23

its too easy and they calling it an apex is laughable

@VeggiePun - 09.11.2024 18:21

Great sword and charge axe feel so good with those perfect blocks. A clash that sets you up for your big swing was such a good idea

@ryandobbs9270 - 09.11.2024 20:50

I've not been this excited about a game coming out in many years.

@vincentdeluca4485 - 09.11.2024 23:37

You can def offset Rey Dau, def seen it happen on hunts lol. His regular slam and wing drag at the very least are def counterable

@-Requi3m- - 10.11.2024 15:20

I hit an offset against rey with switch axe while he was doing his straight line wing drag. I think only certain attacks will knock the off balance and probably has a cooldown too

@statesminds - 11.11.2024 02:16

Its kinda cool but right now i dont like being forced to use focus mode and it makes controls weird imo. Ill get used to eventually i guess but eh

@benturtl9076 - 11.11.2024 03:39

Nah Doshaguma will be Wilds Anjanath

@gozoxeno757 - 11.11.2024 03:55

You can offset attack on ray when he drags his wing in the ground and when ge attacks with his tail

@sumboyuknow9764 - 11.11.2024 11:36

Can't wait to queue on LR Rey Dau and obliterate it within 30 seconds with an MR White Fatalis weapon

@mr.harrow3405 - 11.11.2024 17:11

fighting rey dau felt a lot like a namielle to me, and it's my favorite monster, so rey dau felt amazing to face

@humblehomunculus2722 - 11.11.2024 21:35

You can offset rey dau. Did it with greatsword and there are videos of people doing it with greatsword.

Maybe its weapon specific?

@nicolaspeigne1429 - 12.11.2024 02:03

I just hope they make this game's hitboxes very tight

@Heavy_Blues - 12.11.2024 02:07

I'm halfway hoping the new mechanics will just be an avenue for advanced players to get faster hunts and more skill expression. I loved Clutch Claw to death but even I agree they kind of shoehorned its necessity in a lot of fights.

@alessandroferrucci6087 - 12.11.2024 04:06

you're talking too fast, I had to set playback speed to 0.9 to make it sound natural

@damirgilmutdinov4028 - 14.11.2024 01:59

irronic how this game needs frame gen to run at 60 which is notorious for loss of precision

@helgenlane - 15.11.2024 16:01

This guy made me experience one of the coolest feelings I had in MH. With a charge blade, it carted me when it first did the annihilating flying lightning beam, but next time I managed to stand up and guard point just in time, so as the smoke and dust settled, there I was, still standing in the middle of the blast while I barely took any damage. Extremely cool.

@ninaschmidt3619 - 21.11.2024 23:11

I know no some good games Vividlope ratatan here comes Nico the Great, God Grove thank goodness you’re here arranger go mega ball Bakeru euphoria the saga 2 The new super monkey ball

@franky1882 - 29.11.2024 00:31

Thats why I can't stand the clowns asking for weapon nerfs after playing a beta, not having a clue in the world about how the full game is going to play out. Instead of crying like little kids to nerf a weapon that you don't even play, you should probably start getting more vocal about the sorry state of switch axe (imo anyway), clunkiness of Lance compared to previous installments, terrible accessibility for IG (not its only problem but IMO the biggest one that needs to be adressed before release, hopefully).

Bow(rank1) beats out CB(r2) by almost 30 seconds, without good access to Stamina abilities which it heavily rallies on ...AND WITH NO ELEMENTAL WEAPON BTW. xddd Bow will be GIGA broken and I cant wait to start maining it while most of y'all will be busy whinning and trashing on the LS, a weapon 99% of u complainers dont even play. CB sitting at r2 beating out LS by another 30 seconds, good for ChadB enjoyers. Gun lance losing out to LS by 1 second. GL users eating good, good for you guys. GS, Hammer, IG and HH having very similar times, all 4 anywhere between 15-30 seconds behind GL/LS, I didnt play GS/hammer/HH but i didnt hear about many complaints so maybe those weapons are fine ? IG needs to adressed asap IMO tho as I voiced earlier. Dual Blades is in a similar situation as Bow, locked behind .. shit gear, again no access to stamina gear/Elemental gear. Except DB isnt giga broken unlike Bow so I expect DB to be in a very solid spot with GS/IG/Hammer/HH. Bowguns will probably be broken again like in Rise and Worlds so probably best not to touch them for now, they just dont have any good skills/Ammo in the Beta. Lance was never about big DPS and not having skills like offensive guard doesnt help but most complaints I heard are that the gameplay doesnt feel as fluid anymore and thats pretty bad imo.

Idek what I'm trying to say, ig u can consider this a rant of people focusing on a weapon they dont play because they don't like how it outperforms their weapon of choice (which if u read everything i wrote, you'd know its not the best weapon either but okay) instead of focusing on all of the legitimate problems the game might have on release and being vocal to fix those problems. But hey I love this community, instead of focusing to elevate the other weapons who need to be improved to the level of other weapontypes who've gotten mostly great reception, we will focus on dragging down the most popular weapon (as if popularity is somehow an objective measurment of how viable your weapon is) to our level so they cant enjoy their game as much. Cant wait to see a repeat of Rise. (like, genuinely. please pretend Bow/bowguns dont exist guys)

@ShatteredGlass916 - 30.11.2024 03:58

Gotta love how it's 'ears' looks like a rail gun at times

@mhswoocer - 06.11.2024 19:31

Update! You actually CAN parry Rey Dau! It's weapon dependent and maybe it'll change in the final version, but it looks like for great sword just one fully charged parry can do it, while with other weapons like switch axe, you have to hit multiple parries in a row! This still stands to separate Rey from the rest of the Windward plains monsters as he requires either a charged parry or multiple in a row, but I just wanted to correct that!
Update 2! This is a smaller one but Power Clashes are actually based on an invisible meter that builds as you guard, not purely on perfectly timed guards.
Feel free to add any more corrections/details in the replies if you want! The beta wasn't around for long so I'm sure there's a LOT that I missed! (thanks for watching!!!)
