Work-Life Balance: Yale Professor on the Science Behind Work-Life Happiness | Indeed #Shorts

Work-Life Balance: Yale Professor on the Science Behind Work-Life Happiness | Indeed #Shorts


1 год назад

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@lou704 - 30.04.2023 20:43

Invest a little in hydration.

@aidanmclaughlin2507 - 30.04.2023 23:41

So vital to understand

@Nohumanis-ILLEGAL - 13.04.2024 16:53

My job has employees work as hard as possible 60’hour weeks and then lays everyone off for a month and expects us to come back. Sadly we do. Wish companies could stop seasonal labor as it makes no work life balance possible except
In the lay off period

@frostedhulahoopanda5995 - 28.09.2024 07:53

I like what she has to say in this video but I find the background music distracting. It’s quite loud and chaotic.
