Soul Reaver 4k Intro ( Remastered with Machine Learning AI)

Soul Reaver 4k Intro ( Remastered with Machine Learning AI)


6 лет назад

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@adyaxe123 - 02.01.2021 02:02

This is the greatest ps1 intro to a game that exists...

@badrpr69 - 06.01.2021 06:32

What ever happen to the voice actor for raziel ?this guy should have a much bigger presence in voice acting , such an awesome voice to listen to as well as kain

@vladimirhajs4106 - 08.01.2021 16:19

Imagine you are at E3, square enix logo apears on the screen and the first thing you hear is "kain is deified".

@Markus2140 - 11.01.2021 08:41

remake please, remake this wonderful game!

@Faze9784 - 14.01.2021 01:23


@wittytech7288 - 15.01.2021 02:09

You are worthy

@VaultVenturer - 23.01.2021 19:55

Ok Eidos Montreal. Time for a Remaster.

@FNAFplush2044 - 23.01.2021 23:28

I would love for them to do a remake of this game it doesn't even have to be a new version just completely make this game on PlayStation 5 or Xbox series X

@imdrzoidberg - 01.02.2021 15:24

The series deserves a next gen remaster

@coreliandude76 - 07.02.2021 20:09

"Kain is deified. The clans tell tales of him, few know the truth. He was mortal once, as were we all. However, his contempt for humanity drove him to create me and my brethren.
I am Raziel, first born of his lieutenants. I stood with Kain and my brethren at the dawn of the empire. I have served him a millennium.
Over time we became less human and more . . . divine. Kain would enter the state of change and emerge with a new gift.
Some years after the master, our evolution would follow, until I had the honour of surpassing my lord. For my transgression, I earned a new kind of reward. Agony.
There was only one possible outcome, my eternal damnation. I, Raziel, was to suffer the fate of traitors and weaklings: to burn forever in the bowels of the lake of the dead."
Kain:"Cast him in!" Raziel:"Tumbling, burning with white hot fire, I plunged into the depths of the abyss. Unspeakable pain, relentless agony, time ceased to exist.
Only this torture and a deepening hatred of the hypocrisy that damned me to this hell. An eternity passed and my torment receded, bringing me back from the precipice of madness.
The descent had destroyed me, and yet, I lived."

@Rudog47 - 08.02.2021 15:10

"An eternity passed and my torment receded." You can feel and hear the pity and acceptance in his voice

@Smutnomir - 10.02.2021 02:37

13 people who disliked: CAST THEM IN!

@andylatino - 10.02.2021 06:05

Hermoso. Los latinos sabemos que tuvimos esta intro en inglés y amamos este juego.

@shutendoji470 - 13.02.2021 17:54

WTF even the voices sound clearer and better?! NICE!

@laithrazzaq1 - 20.02.2021 00:40

He became less human and more divine

@pherasabraxas - 21.02.2021 08:50

Raziel...wearing a facemask before it was mandatory and looking damn cool. February 2020

@devilbringer233 - 22.02.2021 01:30

michael bell did such a good job on the soul reaver series

@Anonymuce - 27.02.2021 03:59

I would love to see the world through his eyes leading up to this point. From mortal to, more divine as he put it. At the end of this sequel(s) would be this opening scene. Doors open, his brethren and Kain sitting there as he is in this scene. Camera zooms up close to Razeal's face, cuts to black screen and end credits. We all know what is to come.

@SliverousSteve345 - 27.02.2021 12:57

These games were a huge part of my childhood

@DidoInFlames - 28.02.2021 00:48

Best intro ever made

@gavinherwood1073 - 01.03.2021 16:36

Man they don't make games like this anymore. We had inferior games consoles but we had superior games by way of pure passion and story telling.

@astraeus5991 - 02.03.2021 02:48

Chills everytime

@animaldrew2279 - 27.03.2021 07:33

Never even noticed the giant smoke stack in the distance of the abyss until I watched a video about Turel and his clan.

@cman011 - 13.04.2021 21:45

this is the equivalent of getting fired by your boss because you're more qualified than him.

@splabbity - 16.04.2021 01:59


@BobHarlie - 22.04.2021 11:34

If this game had dark souls combat. It would be hands down the best games to ever be made.
LoK defiance is my favourite

@Vash_Carrison - 23.04.2021 06:28

I never noticed that his wing bones were torn out. Ouch.

@TeutonGuy - 23.04.2021 18:39

I miss these games so much

@PaKePo - 28.04.2021 23:16

Man... this looks great.
Thank you, OP.

@mmoney9362 - 05.05.2021 22:19

Damn! I miss this game. One of the reasons why I still play rpgs with a daughter in law school and another in high school...and they’re gamers too!

@konradfraczek6482 - 03.06.2021 02:50

MASTERPIECE. I was 15 when I played it first time. Golden years. And after 20 years it still kicks my ass and not only from sentiment. Amazing achievement given what has been done ever since. I need to buy this again and play again on PC. Never played 2nd.

@Perkele_Itse - 11.06.2021 12:33

God I hope they remake these games at some point.

@protolegacy9184 - 11.07.2021 04:05

Goddamn it. That is awesome every time I see it. Now it looks and runs and its best. Thank you.

@nxamaya - 11.07.2021 20:23

No matter how many years pass, this always gives me goosebumps, what a great game.

@devoltaparaopassado7425 - 29.07.2021 10:15

Coming Remake.

@Hellblazer311 - 01.09.2021 23:13

I love how in-game graphics today are better than cut scene graphics back then. Not that graphics matter that much but just saying.

@thedarkblitz - 03.09.2021 19:14

THIS AGED SO WELL, a real example of a really well done game. THE EPITOME OF VIDEOGAME ENGINEERING from a truly GOLDEN AGE.

@madcat789 - 21.09.2021 04:05

I just realized that the Lake of the Dead had melted the skin and fat off his muscles, as well as his clothes and armor. He's technically naked the whole game, but his dick was melted off.
Truly a fate worst than death; immortality without a dick.

@candycommander - 23.09.2021 23:28

RIP Tony Jay.

@PandaApocalypta - 30.09.2021 21:44

This intro still gives me chills. I love it! Also this remastering is pretty impressive!

@1MCElias - 24.11.2021 19:33


@smarterthenyou001 - 06.01.2022 18:25

I cant put it into simple terms how this games series makes me feel.....

@danielcharnock8975 - 08.01.2022 04:36

Best. Intro. Ever!!!!

@sever3312 - 11.01.2022 01:35

the masterpiece that showed me games can be much more, this is art, legendary

@Ba1k3n - 20.01.2022 04:37

'The decent had destroyed me and yet...I lived...' Though I don't play it as often as I used to, this game still resounds with me. I didn't get started with Kain, Raziel was my intro into the series and while I love how Kain sounds there is just...something about Raziel and then Tony Jay right at the end as the Elder God.

Edit due to a missing word

@pringles_mcgee - 09.10.2022 12:00

Raziel. You are worthy.

@paulzembal5859 - 13.10.2022 08:11

I "Jesus Christ" was to suffer the fate of traitors,and burn in the bowels of hell, an eternity past,and my torment receded, bringing me back from the presibes of madness, the decent had destroyed me but yet I lived.......

@TheWrongBrother - 24.10.2022 12:20

"Interview with a Vampire"

@Tukitoiakituki - 10.02.2024 18:21

Back when games were made with passion.

@corpuscallosum1357 - 12.02.2024 05:38

Release this game again ffs. There is lore and power here. Fuck. This game is so epic it is strange no one is pushing for its re release. And by God, this is the greatest intro of all time. I know it word for word.
